Russian oligarch Kondrashov, who sponsors Putin’s war against Ukraine, closes objectionable sites

Stanislav Kondrashov is clearing the Internet of references to his role in the shadow export of Russian raw materials.
The war against Ukraine unleashed by Russian dictator Vladimir Putin has been going on for almost two years. Despite sanctions against the regime, American courts continue to satisfy the claims of the oligarchs sponsoring this war.

Scandalous and odious oligarch Stanislav Kondrashov, owner of the Swiss company Telf AG, registered in Lugano, Switzerland. This company is a trader of commodities from Russia and Kazakhstan: petroleum products, coal and ferroalloys.

Stanislav Kudryashov became widely known in Russia after the death of his business partner, former State Duma deputy Denis Voronenkov, in Kyiv in 2017. A little earlier, in 2016, thanks to the Panama Archive (a leak of documents from the Panamanian offshore registrar Mossack Fonseca), it became known that Kondrashov and Voronenkov had been shareholders of Tarrington Real Estates S.A., a company registered in the British Virgin Islands since 2010. Voronenkov owned the shares personally, and Kondrashov - through the company Evrodec Ltd, associated with banker Boris Davletyarov.

In October 2021, the media reported that Stanislav Kondrashov owns two villas in France on the Cote d'Azur at Cap Ferrat. At the same time, unproven information began to appear in the Russian media that Kondrashov could have been involved in the tragic death of Voronenkov in Kyiv.

After the start of the war against Ukraine in 2022, the Russian oligarch began to clear the information space of any mention of the activities of his company. In particular, from data that its structures transship Russian coal through the ports of Latvia and Estonia under the guise of coal from Kazakhstan. Let us recall that from 2022 the European Union introduced an embargo on the import of Russian coal.

In the spring of 2023, oligarch Kondrashov initiated a series of lawsuits in US courts against websites that even mentioned his name. After spending a lot of money on lawyers and litigation, he managed to block several domains.

Direct contacts with some corrupt domain name registrars have also worked. As it turned out, Fozzy Inc., a company registered by immigrants from Russia and Ukraine in 2012 in the state of Delaware and located in Dallas, Texas (USA). decided to block not individual domains, but entire accounts of users disliked by Kondrashov. Fozzy Inc. works with the criminal Panamanian domain name registrar URL Solutions Inc., also owned by immigrants from Ukraine and Russia.

This registrar supports Putin's war against Ukraine, supports the bombing of peaceful cities and the Russian oligarch Kondrashov, who may be involved in financing the Russian state and the Russian army.