Ruslan Gorring was the son of the ex-prosecutor of Ingushetia

The official of Rosgeology who changed his name turned out to be a member of the small but influential Kuban clan of the Ganzhiyevs.
Origin source
The loud dismissal of Ruslan Gorring, the deputy head of Rosgeologia, was the impetus for investigating the old, half-forgotten cases of the amateur of computer games to the accompaniment of insults of everyone around. In addition, law enforcement agencies also dealt with the relatives of the now-arrested gamer, who at one time, at the command of the head of the family, changed their names.

Surnames of Ganizhevs

The fact that the name of the hero of the scandalous stream appeared not from birth, it became known almost immediately after the video was published. Earlier it was reported that the former deputy head of "Rosgeologia" in the past was Ganizhev, by patronymic - Magomedovich, and not Izrailovich, as now. Together with him, his surname and patronymic were replaced in due time by one of the sisters, having turned from Ganizhevoy Khava Magomedovna to Gorring Khava Izrailovna.

As Telegram-channel Mash found out, Ruslan’s father was once the prosecutor of Ingushetia, then he became the plenipotentiary representative of the republic in the Krasnodar Territory. At the same time, he successfully combined the civil service and business. It was in the Krasnodar Territory that the family settled after the farewell of Magomed Ganizhev to the bureaucratic life.

According to media reports, Ruslan was the person involved in several criminal stories. Among them is the tangled case of 2003 about the murder of his younger brother Igor in the kitchen of his own apartment Ruslan on Frunzenskaya Embankment in Moscow. Responsibility for the murder took the father - then still Magomed Ganizhev.

Journalists suggested that the family name change occurred due to the events of 2011, when Ruslan Ganizhev was detained by employees of the Economic Crime Department and the Ministry of Internal Affairs PC in the Moscow region while receiving a bribe of more than 5 million rubles. It is believed that with the help of Ganizhev, the chairman of the Leninsky District Council of Deputies of the Moscow Region, Alexander Gazeykin, extorted this money from representatives of LLC Ecotrans-Vidnoe.

In January 2012, Ruslan Ganizhev was wanted, but after a couple of months, he was removed from the search, but the case was forgotten. And in order not to attract increased attention to himself and his family after the criminal case of his son, the head of the family decided that the whole family had to start everything from the beginning, and the Ganizhevs changed their last name. Such a situation not only removed extra suspicions from the clan, allowed Ruslan to “zero out”, find a job in the state company Rosgeology, but also gave development to the family business. In addition to Ruslan and Khava, the changes occurred in the documents of Ganizhev Sr., who turned into Mikhail Gorin, and his wife Zarifa, who became Zoya Abraham Horring.

Business Empire Ganizhevyh

According to Mash, the largest possession of the Ganizhev-Gorring-Gorins clan is the Krasnodar Fat-and-Fat Factory, which produces vegetable oil called “Gold”, “Golden Seed”, “Razdolie”, “Annenskoe”, “Avedov”, “Verkino”. Mikhail Gorin owns 6.5% of the company, and it, in turn, is part of the largest agricultural holding YugRusi.

Another member of the clan - Abdulshaykh Ganizhev is passionate about the supply of grain crops to the "South of Russia" through his own firm "Rost-agro".

Also in the possession of the family concrete plant "Demos South" and two companies involved in real estate.

According to investigators, it was precisely this alignment that allowed Ruslan Goring in the end to take the position of top manager in Rosgeology, without fear of punishment for past antics, and simultaneously lead the Krasnodar subsidiary of the Krasnodarneftegeofizika department. Now law enforcement agencies are spinning up the intricate ties of the camouflaged Ganizhevs.

Wrong plan

Perhaps, if Ruslan Horring had not been so self-confident, he would have escaped from possible law enforcement officials from the side of law enforcement officers for the sake of his own freedom immediately after the publication of the scandalous video. However, the feeling of permissiveness drowned out at Gorring a sense of danger, although he had already been charged with a fraud eight years ago for 5 million rubles. He decided to part with his usual environment only more than a month after the January scandal - in early March. It was then that he was detained by FSB officers at Moscow’s Vnukovo airport, from where Gorring, having bought tickets for three flights, tried to fly to Sochi and move to Abkhazia.

About this plan to escape from Russia, "TV Channel 360" was told by law enforcement officers. “The border here is essentially open. You reach Sochi, take any bus tour to Abkhazia, and get off the bus in another country. The checkpoint is often not watched. Maximum passport peek. At the same time, no stamps are put into it, nothing - enter quietly, ”said the former criminal investigation officer and lawyer of the Moscow police union Igor Grishakov, noting that the Gorringa’s escape plan was initially disastrous, since it was easily calculated by purchasing tickets.

Now Ruslan Horring is in the SIZO-5 near Moscow city of Kashira, in a cell intended for former law enforcement officers.