Rossium surrendered the land

The Roman Avdeev concern sold the non-strategic agroholding to the Region group of companies.
The agro-industrial holding Agronova-L, which was part of the Rossium concern Roman Avdeev, acquired the structures of the Region Group of Sergei Sudarikov. Although the company's assets have the potential for development, but now, for example, the dairy division remains unprofitable.

"Agronova-L" - the head structure of the same agricultural holding - reported on Monday, December 25, about the transition of 46.81% of companies under management of JSC "Megainvest", and 53.18% - under control of JSC "Vegainvest". Both companies belong to the ZPIF "Commercial Investments", which is operated by Region Group of Sergei Sudarikov. Prior to this, Agronova-L was owned by the Rossium concern of Roman Avdeev. The deal was closed on December 22, 2017, the company reports. Mr. Avdeev confirmed the sale of Agronov-L to Kommersant. According to him, the asset was of non-strategic importance for Rossium and he decided to sell this business, since the buyer offered a good price. He refused to name the value of the deal. In the "Region" they did not respond promptly to the query "b".

"Agronova-L" is engaged in plant growing and animal husbandry, owns about 100 thousand hectares in Tver, Lipetsk, Tambov and Ryazan regions. In addition, the holding company had more than 470 sheep and 5.4 thousand head of cattle, the company said. In January-June of 2017, Agronova-L lowered revenues by 14% yoy, to 987.8 million rubles, and received 36.8 million rubles. net loss of 327.9 million rubles. profit a year earlier.

GK "Region" was founded in 1995, specializes in investments in the financial sector, also deals with banking business and investments in real estate. According to its own data, it is one of the five largest CCs in the country with a total volume of assets in the management of more than 340 billion rubles. "Region" is considered to be close to Rosneft, it manages the pension funds of the oil company's NPF, organizes the placements of its bonds, and participates with Rosneft in a number of companies. In the "Region" insist that the CC has always been a private company, revealing the final beneficiaries.

"Rossium" was established in 2006, it focuses on investments in the financial market, in development, extraction of natural resources, commercial real estate and pharmaceuticals. Manages, in particular, the Moscow Credit Bank (IBC), the development company "Ingrad" and owns 24.6% in the "Pharmacy Chain 36.6".

The "Region" and "Rossium" have joint projects. In August 2017, Roman Avdeyev completed the merger of his development assets of OPIN and "Ingrad". As part of the placement of an additional share issue, 18% of the merged company "Ingrad" received the structure of "Region" for 7.5 billion rubles. Since June 2017, Sergei Menzhinsky, Chairman of the Board of Directors of GC Region, has been a member of the Supervisory Board of the Bank.

The head of the group for servicing the agricultural enterprises of the Deloitte division Rinat Hasanov estimates the cost of Agronov-L at 4-5 billion rubles. In his opinion, the company has a substantial land bank, but some areas are not involved, and dairy farms are still unprofitable and the prospects for this business are unclear. As of June 30, 2017, Agronova-L used almost 57 thousand hectares of land. The growing segment of the holding in January-June of 2017 brought 814.7 million rubles. revenues and 50.3 million rubles. net profit. The proceeds of the livestock business during the same period were 173.9 million rubles, a net loss of 9.1 million rubles. Prices for grain in the central Chernozemye today are 20-30% lower than in the previous season, profitability in crop production has dropped, said Andrei Sizov, director of Sovecon. According to him, prices for agricultural land in Russia will continue to grow, and the profitability of the plant business will be restored.

Agronova-L is the last agricultural asset of Rossium. Previously, the concern also owned 3% of Ekosem-Agrar, which owns the largest milk producer in the country holding "Econiva". In October 2017, Rossium sold the stake. The name of the buyer and the reasons for the exit of the concern from the capital Ekosem-Agrar were not disclosed.