Rosneft will pay Gerhard Schroeder 600 thousand dollars

The post of chairman of the board of directors of the company the ex-chancellor of Germany took in October 2017 and then it was said that he would work for free.
The Board of Directors of Rosneft proposed to consider the issue of compensation and reimbursement of expenses to the members of the council. This is stated in the draft decisions of the company's general shareholders meeting following the results of 2017, which will be held on June 21.

Gerhard Schroeder (chairman of the council) is expected to pay $ 600 thousand.
Fayzalu Alsuwaidi (president for research and development Qatar Foundation) - $ 530 thousand.
Matthias Warnig (independent director) - $ 580 thousand.
Oleg Vyugin (independent director) - $ 565 thousand.
Aivan Glazenberg (head of Glencore) - $ 530 thousand.
Donald Humphreys (independent director) - $ 580 thousand.

Recall, Mr. Schroeder received a post in October last year, and in January 2018, the head of Rosneft Igor Sechin said that the top manager does not receive money at his own request: "Mr. Schroeder accepted the offer to work for Rosneft, remuneration for their work in the company's board of directors. "

However, in a conversation with "FM" Rosneft spokesman Mikhail Leontiev explained that Schroeder simply expressed his readiness to work for free: "We still insist that we will pay him a salary, because the amount of work, the powers and functions that We assign to him, taking into account his own qualifications, require remuneration. Companies in another case will be uncomfortable, but he expressed a willingness to work for free. I think we will agree, of course. "