Roman Abramovich will pay for his villa in France

The court sentenced the Russian oligarch to pay tax arrears of 1.2 million euros.
The Court of Cassation of France obliged Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich to pay 1.2 million euros in taxes for the villa Château de la Croë in Cap d'Antibes in southern France. This is reported by Bloomberg. Abramovich’s spokesman John Mann declined to comment on Vedomosti.

Abramovich bought this villa in 2004. According to The Daily Telegraph, the property value was $ 30 million. In February of the same year, the businessman received permission to renovate, which lasted four years.

According to Bloomberg, the French tax service considered that in 2006 and 2007. businessman when paying property tax underestimated real estate, which is why he paid less than he should have. The tax authorities themselves estimated the cost of a square meter of Château de la Croë to be 41,000 euros ($ 47,000). In the calculations, they proceeded from the prices of similar buildings located on the Cote d'Azur. Including, according to the agency, the cost of the Villa Fiorentina (Villa Fiorentina), where members of the Kennedy family, actresses Elizabeth Taylor and Greta Garbo were, was taken into account. In 2004, this villa was sold for 73 million euros.

Abramovich tried to challenge the demand of French tax authorities for several years, Bloomberg writes. In his complaints, he insisted that they significantly overestimate the villa, since the objects used in the comparison are located in areas with much more expensive real estate. Abramovich also pointed out that the French do not take into account the money spent on repairs. According to Bloomberg, we are talking about the amount of 150 million euros, 30 million euros of which were spent in 2005. The tax authorities, in turn, argued that in their calculations they already laid a corresponding deduction - 30% in 2006 and 20% in 2007. .

Arguments Abramovich in 2017 rejected the Court of Appeal of Paris. He referred to an architectural report published in 2005, in which the Château de la Croë was named "the most beautiful place on the Cote d'Azur between Saint-Raphael and Italy." The authors of the report indicated that an equally luxurious and elegant mansion in the vicinity could not be found. Abramovich appealed the decision of the Court of Appeal. In the cassation instance he stated that the documents with tax requirements were not delivered to him personally. But the Court of Cassation dismissed the complaint.

The Russian Forbes estimates Abramovich’s fortune at $ 10.8 billion (No. 11 in the ranking of the richest Russian businessmen).

Château de la Croë was designed by French architect Armand-Albert Rato and built in 1927. The building has 12 bedrooms. Its area is more than 2400 square meters. m, the area of ​​the site - more than 75,000 square meters. The villa was the residence of Edward VIII, renounced the British throne in 1937. The Belgian King Leopold III, the last Queen of Italy Maria Jose of Belgium and the King of Egypt Farouk I. stayed in it. In the 1970s. Château de la Croë was severely hit by a fire and was abandoned for a long time until it was acquired by Abramovich.