RBC Reporting: how business in Krasnogorsk led to mass murder

What problems forced a big businessman to shoot up the leadership of Moscow Oblast "capital". 
Origin source
Krasnogorsk - nearest Moscow suburbs, its competitor "elite" with neighboring Odintsovo district. It employs Government of Moscow Region, weaving land costs from 300 thousand rubles, a square meter of housing -.. Not less than 80 thousand on October 19 before a successful local businessman Amiran Giorgadze shot four people, including the deputy head of the district and the head of the local power grids.. Five days later Giorgadze found dead in the vicinity of Krasnogorsk. RBC understood that led to this high-profile crimes.

Slaughterhouse - from 13 to 14

When the district administration building Krasnogorsk killed two people, Artem Nagorny, the assistant head of the district Boris Rasskazova I was on lunch break. "I left work an hour a day in the two went back to himself in the third floor up is no longer able - the offices and corridors of the police went, stairwells blocked", - says Nagorny. He learned that a few days ago the first deputy mayor Yuri Karaulov and CEO "Krasnogorskoe enterprise of electric networks" (KPES) Georgievich were killeds Kotlyarenko. Assassin - an influential local businessman Amiran Giorgadze.

At two o'clock in the afternoon the police withdrew all administration employees into the street, five-storey building in light brick cordoned off. Later excited people have said that at the gas station found abandoned Range Rover Giorgadze: in the trunk of a car found several reels of tape and a bunch of handcuffs. The entrepreneur is not found.

Late in the afternoon of the same day in the cottage "Crystal Istra" that Timoshkino village 27 km from Krasnogorsk, the corpse was discovered the third - the guard of the newspaper "Moskovsky Komsomolets" (MK) Konstantin Smyslov. MK then quoted the words of the witnesses of crime: Giorgadze sat, clutching his hand to his chest, on the roadside near a house belonging to the head of administration of Krasnogorsk Boris Rasskazov - that day in his "Crystal Spark" was not. Smyslov, passing on the road on a scooter, slowed down, thinking that Giorgadze bad. In response to the proposal to help businessman shot in Smyslov several times. The next day, in the house in the village of Giorgadze Pozdnyakovo found the fourth corpse & mdash; his long-time partner in the construction business Tristan Zakaidze.

Larisa Postnikov, Secretary of Administration Krasnogorsk, 19 October was on duty at the reception, from which two doors lead into the offices and Rasskazova Karaulova. Queue in Karaulova office has always been great: the official in charge of the infrastructure of all Krasnogorsk district, the crowd came to him asylum. According to the materials of interrogation Postnikov told RBC that a source familiar with the course of the investigation, that day has come to the reception Giorgadze closer to the hour of the day and sat in the common queue a few minutes. When did dinner, the visitors left the reception, but Giorgadze periodically to Karaulov comes at an inopportune time, remained seated in his chair. Postnikov went to the dining room. Returning, Larissa heard from behind the door are heard loud cries. Twenty minutes later, the door opened - turned out in the office except Karaulova and Giorgadze was also Kotlyarenko. He was summoned to a meeting specifically: Head KPES sick at home, but in the morning he called Giorgadze and asked to drive up to the administration, he told RBC close friend of Georgian businessman. According to the assertioneniyu Postnikov Giorgadze insisted on meeting with Rasskazov, but it was not at work.

Then the businessman asked the secretary to call his driver Shota Elizbarashvili - he waited for the chief to the floor [now Elizbarashvili is in jail on charges of complicity in the murder]. The driver handed Giorgadze bag medium size - to open it, Giorgadze gave the driver a cell phone, which he kept in his left hand: "Take off! Let everyone see how I deal with debtors "(the scene described in the investigation and told RBC a source in law enforcement - he claims the smartphone, which was carried out recording, Giorgadze destroyed!).

According to investigators, in a bag, which the driver handed Giorgadze, were a carbine "Saiga" and a TT pistol. The door closed, Elizbarashvili from reception came, Postnikov was sitting at the table. She does not remember when she heard several loud pops, after which the door opened again, Giorgadze was standing with his back to the door, his left hand holding a phone, fixing what is happening in the video, while the right - gun. According to the memoirs of leanIkov, guns look exactly "like a movie show." Postnikov, which, according to colleagues, is "in a deep state of shock," refused to talk with RBC correspondent. According to her friend, who spoke with RBC, "I ran out of the office Giorgadze, Larissa holding at gunpoint."

As a result, Elizbarashvili reached with the head to the village of "Crystal Spark". According to investigators, he had seen Giorgadze Smyslov shot, then went to his home, and the next day on the advice of relatives surrendered to police, he told RBC Elizbarashvili lawyer Vladimir Saruhanov. The guilt of the defendant of complicity in the murder Saruhanov denies, calling his client a "hostage situation".

The hat and the protection of

Giorgadze, a tall burly man of 55 years, was a well known businessman in Krasnogorsk: according to SPARK, it owns large stakes in at least 24 companies, the range of activities that extends from the restaurant and the wine and vodka to the construction business. One of the first businessman companies - JSC "Ponto" - since the late 1990s, held the postvkami alcohol, and in 2001 came in the files of the arbitral tribunal as a supplier of alcohol without excise stamps and VAT.

In the early 2000s Giorgadze switched to the construction: before the end of 2014 the main building asset businessman managed CJSC "GC" Myakininskaya Riverlands "he has in 2011 was its CEO and 100% of the capital was recorded at the asset manager Giorgadze Alexander Avramenko . According to the source of RBC in one of the largest construction companies owned by businessman land in the Krasnogorsk district is estimated at $ 50 million. Is part of the "Myakininskaya Porechye" LLC "Fact", LLC "farmer" and OOO "Green Town" built in Krasnogorsk and the surrounding area about dozen objects: among them the apartment complexes in the districts of Nakhabino, Opaliha and New Opaliha, luxury home plan "Green Town" on Novorizhskoe highway, as well as an equestrian club in the village of Ivanovo and Krasnogorsk ski resort.

The site "Myakininskaya Porechye" indicated that the company, including to build housing for the Russian Defense Ministry. The lands ministry Giorgadzebuilt estate "Capital": the five prefabricated houses and one monolith-brick included in the federal target program for the development of housing.

Giorgadze have been extensive links and a wide circle of acquaintances - his partner in Krasnogorsk ski complex was twenty-six Ilya Gambashidze, in the past - the assistant of ex-Prefect of the Northern District of Moscow Mitvol and political strategist "United Russia". Now Gambashidze engaged in carrying out socio-political research in the municipalities - including commissioned by the mayor of Moscow. Gambashidze denies joint business with Giorgadze, but communicate on this subject with the correspondent of RBC did not want to. Two sources in Krasnogorsk administration told RBC that Giorgadze was familiar with Martin Shakkum - born in Krasnogorsk, the first deputy chairman of the Duma committee on land relations and construction. "I've never seen Giorgadze's eyes. I know do not know him, just heard, because he is a man well known, "- reacted strongly Shakkum questions RBC correspondent.

"Amiran - Good, good.The well-known philanthropist, he had letters from the patriarch, he gave money to the temple of Christ the Savior. Sport loved helping volleyball club "Sharp", - says the director of the local restaurant "Salkhino" Gela Svanidze. The owner of the restaurant itself was Giorgadze - with Svanidze he met twenty years ago in Moscow. "We wanted to open a restaurant for residents Krasnogorsk, to us all the local MPs and politicians came," - said Svanidze. The owner of this year was at the restaurant a few times. "Amiran important person occupied, with him in the city a lot of projects have been," - explains Svanidze. Gela Giorgadze seen a week before the massacre - came to visit him in the cottage settlement "Third Hunting." "There were no signs" - lamenting Svanidze.

Warm words describe Giorgadze and his longtime business partner, Alexander Avramenko: reluctantly talking about the business of an old friend, it does not skimp on compliments, calling it "an intelligent, funny, visionary, energetic, hard work." Retired military Avramenko Giorgadze worked with more than twenty litersm.

"Amiran throughout the city with the barrel went as a crutch. Prosecutor of the cheeks whipped, "son" called "- Giorgadze characteristic of a law enforcement officer suburbs contrasts with stories of friends. "Frostbite, rude people. The perfect man of the nineties "- describes a businessman head of one of the construction companies working in the Krasnogorsk district.

A native of the village of Oued-saz Zastafonskogo region of Georgia Giorgadze settled in Krasnogorsk quarter of a century ago, after military service in Nakhabino. In Krasnogorsk he met his wife Marina - they have two children, Nodar and Regina. Son of a businessman owns a wine shop "Usovskie cellars" in the heart of Krasnogorsk, on the street. Lenin, 13 (SPARC information). In the same house - pharmacy, recorded on Regina Giorgadze.

Giorgadze relatives refused to talk with RBC. "Amiran was a man of explosive, very short-tempered, we always noticed, - told RBC is one of the oldest Giorgadze friends. - He was tough with the kids, the wife of the city was, the eyes are not raisedand I".

In orientations, pasted after four murders in buses Krasnogorsk, businessman looks like a criminal character of the film of the 1990s: broad shoulders, dark jacket, under an unbuttoned shirt - gold chain with a finger-thick massive crucifix. "He was very fond of women, recently went through the city as the Italian mafia - a hat, surrounded by guards," - says a source in the city administration RBC Krasnogorsk. In the office of the Karaulov Giorgadze could come at any time - the relationship with the leadership he has been "warm and friendly," says the source of RBC.

Power and business

Giorgadze errand district leadership and informally collaborated with him: led to major developers and sell them to the ground, convinced interlocutor RBC in the regional construction sector. "Giorgadze Rasskazov interacted with on a construction site he bought on the cheap" selhozku "[agricultural land] and resold it," - he says RBC is one of the developers working in Krasnogorsk. According to RBC interlocutor areas consistent with Kavillages and approved Rasskazov.

Five years ago, "Myakininskaya Riverlands" sell building land in Pavshino company "Krost" [which is part of the Civil Code "Myakininskaya Riverlands" LLC "Real Story" was made by the developer "Krost" in the construction of a residential complex of ART; 10 hectares of land in the floodplain Pavshinskoy were registered on the "Real Story". As of August 28, 2008 Amiran Giorgadze owned 67% "Real Story"].

RBC source in the company "Krost" confirmed the existence of a "contractual relationship between Giorgadze and the company." Owner "Krost" Alexei Dobashin did not respond to questions RBC. Later Dobashin told "Kommersant" that Giorgadze is not related to his business: "I crossed paths with him several times, and this man has never caused me any respect. He pretended that he was familiar with the likes of which I had only seen on TV. "

The owner worked a lot in Krasnogorsk company "Mosstroymehanizatsiya" Obid Yasinov told RBC that "saw Giorgadze exclusively on the joint meetings with the authoritiesMoscow region, "adding that it was not interested in heavy projects requiring the resettlement and relocation of tenants utilities. According Yasinova, Krasnogorsk arrows only wanted to "clean areas without encumbrances."

"Saiga" and electricity

Three days after the murder of Krasnogorsk is living a normal life. At 200 m from the administration building - office "Myakininskaya Porechye". At the entrance - a call that says "Green Town", the door is closed. "There is no one notch documentation we have," - casually answers the call the man's voice.

In the near to the office café "Niyama" two friends discuss the video, which is the day of the murder posted on the internet: it Karaulova corpses and Kotlyarenko lying in pools of blood, surrounded by breech furniture.

What connected Krasnogorsk officials with their killer?

"Krasnogorskoe enterprise of electric networks" (associated with this business and Zakaidze killed is unknown, his company "SK Stroyindu - As found RBC, three people met in the morning in the office Karaulova directly united by one companysodium "refused to talk with RBC).

Kotlyarenko was CEO and minority shareholder KPES (Service 5.04%), Karaulov for many years was a member of the board of directors of the company from the administration of Krasnogorsk municipal district (which controls 54.2%), and Giorgadze through the company "Sakura-K" owned 28.26% . According to one of the business partners businessman, Giorgadze has helped to buy the asset management area, since "there was a risk that the share buy KPES strangers."

KPES - Grid Company, which is responsible for the transmission of electricity in the Krasnogorsk district, distribution controls the other - "Krasnogorsk electric network" (IES). These assets are divided more than five years ago, but the shareholders of IES with the same proportions as in KPES, until 2013 were Krasnogorsk district administration, "Sakura-K" and Kotlyarenko Giorgadze, who was in the company as CEO.

At the end of 2013, Giorgadze has ceased to be a shareholder of KES 51.2% in the share capital was "Energocapital-Holding" ( "ENC-Holding"), and 48.2% remained with the administration. Sentries still was listed on the board, but KotlyarEHKO on the General Director's position was replaced by former hockey player Renat Gatin - one of the shareholders of the private network "ENC-Holding" with a share of 50%.

RBC failed to contact the Gatineau, to clarify the details of the transaction. His partner, CEO and co-owner of "ENC-Holding" Mikhail Baranov (its share in it - also 50%) told RBC that Giorgadze "seen on TV" and the share he did not buy; whose holding company has acquired stake in CEC, he refused to talk. According to SPARK and lists of affiliated persons of IES, Giorgadze, Kotlyarenko and several minority left the shareholders simultaneously with the arrival of "ENC-Holding". According to Baranov, IES - the main asset of the holding in the portfolio. Executive Director of the IES Alexander Popov told RBC that the reasons Giorgadze exit from the company's shareholders and the terms of the transaction do not know.

Familiar Giorgadze told RBC that he was not planning to give a share in IES. "The share taken by other people", - has confirmed to RBC Avramenko. According to the interlocutor of RBC in Krasnogorsk administration, after the appearance of "ENC-Holding" in the shareholders Giorgadze embroililsya with Karaulov and Kotlyarenko. Businessman thinking that it is still possible to return to their seats: periodically came to Karaulov and tried to negotiate, the official told RBC.

So the businessman left a package in only one energy company Krasnogorsk district - KPES network. Its revenue in 2014 - 526 million rubles, net profit -. 149 million rubles, but the accounts payable to suppliers and contractors has exceeded 440 million rubles.. KPES not have enough working capital - half of what is needed for stable operation, the company said in the statement. Balance of own funds is negative, and the prospect of restoration of solvency is low, there is there. RBC could not be reached with the KPES. According to RBC source is surrounded by a businessman, Giorgadze was sure KPES soon will consolidate with the larger network company because of debts, nervous and especially "Kotlyarenko summoned to a meeting." The representative of the Krasnogorsk district administration confirmed to RBC that the network company would be attached to the Moscow "daughter", "Rosset" MOESK. The representative of United Electric Grid floordenied: "not elaborated upon in respect of the consolidation of KPES question." "The issue of network asset consolidation widespread that something like that could be discussed at the workshops", - explained RBC source in one of the largest energy companies in the region.

The Dark Side of the Light

in recent years, IES and KPES experiencing significant financial difficulty, and shareholder return was modest - dividends paid irregularly, follows from the companies' annual reports. Nevertheless Giorgadze held on to these companies and may have killed them. Why?

A businessman had numerous construction assets, because he did not want to lose control over the power companies, says RBC two companion in Krasnogorsk administration. Electricity - the only thing that should be on a construction site in the first two years, a member of the regional construction sector explains. "Capacity is small, to get them in our area is very difficult: the developer, which has all the documents are ready, prefers to pay above to quickly get electricity," - added the source of RBC.

"COMP ANIES Giorgadze have access to electricity on a priority basis, buying it for their needs, and then resold those developers who are willing to pay, "- says the source of RBC in the construction market. According to him, in the Krasnogorsk district administration all matters relating to electrical networks and land use for many years was in charge of the guard. In 2011, an official twice became a defendant in criminal cases under article "abuse of power". According to investigators, he identified violations of land near Moscow several prosecutors for the construction of houses in the village "Silans" Krasnogorsk district. Both cases were subsequently closed.

Experienced functionary Karaulov held his post since the mid-1990s. "It was an official in the worst sense of the word, we drove around the circle many times, finding fault with every point. It was obvious that we need the money "- describes Karaulova developer of land for cottages in the Krasnogorsk district. According to the interlocutor of RBC, the scheme was as follows: the petitioners went to Rasskazov, he directed them to Karaulov - tenyears ago, the paperwork on the ground and connect to networks unofficially worth at least $ 100 thousand, the maximum - $ 1 million., official - ten times less.

"Electricity - active element of corruption schemes, it turned into a huge blood-sucking vampire" - ironically the managing partner Law Group "Yakovlev & Partners" Andrey Yakovlev, specializing in real estate transactions. "Connecting to power - is the scale, so there is corruption: the capacity is not enough, and for the extra money you choose, what they give to the developer," - says Yakovlev. "Krasnogorsk is developing faster than the power comes back. It is not surprising that for connection to the network in the area is a struggle "- agrees a former top manager of one of the largest energy companies.

business collapse

Initially Giorgadze successful in attracting developers to the area, offering easy access to electricity, RBC shares with an official of the district administration. But in recent years business Krasnogorsk arrow was much worse than before.

Tryingto rectify the situation, Giorgadze unsuccessfully tried to enter into a metallurgical business. "He can say, my partner failed: he had connections to Novorossiysk Metallurgical Plant, we have planned to organize the delivery of [reinforcement] abroad at a lower price," - says a member of the Public Chamber of Russia Georgy Fyodorov. Next word Fedorov explains, it did not go, and the project was shelved. Factory Director Jemal Akhvlediani has not responded to questions RBC.

Giorgadze even engaged inventions - from 2012 to 2014 it registered five patents on materials and devices used in the smelting of metals: four together with the Ural scientists Gerner Vladimir, Vladimir Obrezkova and Alexei Pletnev, and one - with the chief metallurgist Uralvagonzavod Khakimzhanov Baikov. According to the regional portal "Krasnogorsk Online», in 1980 Giorgadze graduated Nautical School in Georgia, technical education, he had not. Pletnev told RBC that Giorgadze, however, really involved in the development project. "We have the patents aspect of the building, and at Amiranenough skills in construction, and they are useful ", - he said. Pletnev Giorgadze met with more than five years ago and recalls Krasnogorsk businessman as a good man. "These officials take as much, and do not perform their promises," - sighs Pletnev.

Sell ​​your company businessman started a year ago. Losing market position in 2014. Giorgadze has sold 67% in the Krasnogorsk ski resort Ilya Gambashidze this summer businessman stake in LLC "Fact" (50%) bought out co-owner of a small bank near Moscow "InterCredit" Vladimir Klimovitskiy. The second half of November 2011 belonged to his partner "Interkreditu" Eugene Kidanovu, in the 2000s worked in the structures of "Uralhima". "I do not understand why Jack did business with this man" - lamented the familiar Kidanova in conversation with RBC, but he worked with Giorgadze long time - he and his son Nodar arrow owned by 40% since 2011 in the company "Zhilkomstroy Krasnogorsk". In December 2014 Klimovitskiy Kidanov bought and controlled by Giorgadze "Myakininskaya Riverlands" Mr.most of the group companies, according to SPARK, remained in Krasnogorsk businessman. However, this does not prevent Kidanovu sell apartments in buildings Giorgadze through the site "Zhilkomstroy Krasnogorsk". RBC was unable to contact Kidanovym and Klimovitskiy refused to talk.

"Amiran sold" Myakininskaya Riverlands "and" fact "his longtime partner and Kidanovu Klimovitskiy because they do not have enough working capital, it was hard to pull a few projects we service the loans, it was hard", - he told RBC Avramenko. According to reports, in 2014, one of the companies Giorgadze, LLC "Green Town" has received a loan of 1.2 billion rubles. Avramenko refused to answer the question, the money was taken in which the bank said, adding that "the body and interest on the loan serviced neatly."

Prior to Giorgadze among the owners of the "facts" businessman once again pointed out that work with him do not want remember two officials of the district administration. According to RBC interlocutors on "facts" Bruschatnom facilities in the village for a long time do not connect the electricity, it appeared only after the departure of Giorgadzee.

Share a businessman in KPES this time decided not problems with the connection, because of the territory Bruschatnogo village located closest network Other Krasnogorsk Grid Company - "K-Raesk" for them, according to the law, and should be accession.

The only witness

Giorgadze corpse found on Friday - the day after the funeral and Karaulova Kotlyarenko. Businessman with a mangled jaw and a TT pistol in his right hand lying on the couch in the holiday home of cottage settlement "Crystal Spark" in the village Timoshkino. The owner Valeri Zolkin home found the body casually: "The village turned off the light, and I went to check the circuit breaker", - told RBC Zolkin. Seeing a broken window in the annexe, Zolkin looked and saw the corpse. Adjacent to the site Zolkina - cottage Boris Rasskazova. According to investigators, Giorgadze unsuccessfully kept watch officer.

Tales - the only official with whom the murderer wanted, but could not "understand". While looking Giorgadze, Tales spoke at the funeral of his subordinates and by peremeschals cityI am under the protection provided by the investigation.

Old resident of the regional authorities headed Tales district since 1996, his biography is typical functionary of the Soviet era. 53-year-old Tales once headed the Komsomol organization in Mitinskoe pilot plant, and since the mid-1980s he worked in the Krasnogorsk Party Committee and Executive Committee of the City Council. His deputy was always Karaulov.

Interlocutor RBC, close to the leadership of the Moscow region, said: Tales and his deputy enjoyed the confidence of the ex-governor of Moscow region Boris Gromov, warm relationship with Gromov's team developed and most Giorgadze. When the post of governor in 2013, he was appointed Andrei Vorobyov, the authority on the allocation of plots transferred from district municipalities in the area. Giorgadze ten years in the administration have helped, and with the tightening of the rules of assistance came to an end, describes the situation Shestun Alexander, head of the Serpukhov district, Moscow region. Boris Tales refused to answer questions RBC.

On Monday, exactly a week after the massacre in Krasnogorke, the official representative of IC Vladimir Markin said guide Krasnogorsk checked for corruption upon the issuance of building permits Giorgadze. The issue of early release Rasskazova from office has not been discussed: the head of the district has recently re-elected, he has a good rating. Everything else - the question to the investigation, the source said RBC Guide Moscow region.