Railway operators do not manage to export coal for export

Carriers increase the export of coal in their own cars.
The market for the provision of railway rolling stock continues to grow in the conditions of a coal boom. The export situation contributes to the fact that the fastest growing volume of transport in innovative (heavy) cars, follows from the Infoline Rail Russia Top rating for the first half of the year. At the same time, operators began to refuse to lease cars on the background of growth rates. One of the factors that pushed the rental rate up in the first half of the year is the decrease in the speed of traffic on the market.

Railway operators are increasing their traffic volumes due to the growth of the coal market, according to Infoline Rail Russia Top in the first half of the year. The top three leaders did not change: the Federal Freight Company (FGC, a member of Russian Railways) takes first place in all indicators, except for the volume of traffic, where it was overtaken by the First Freight Company (Freight One) Vladimir Lisin, which ranked second in other indicators; The third place - at Globaltrans. However, Mikhail Burmistrov, the head of Infoline Analytics, explains that the companies that manage the fleet of innovative cars (with increased axle load, which allow taking away more dense and heavy cargo and most in demand in the coal sector) showed the greatest growth in transportation volume. Carriage of coal for six months, according to RZD, grew by 5% to the same period last year (to 186.2 million tons). According to the rating, the transportation volume of SUEK increased by 34.8%, Vostok1520 - by 46.5%, GC "Logistics 1520" - more than twice.

In the First Heavyweight Company (PTK) Sergey Generalov (it includes "Vostok1520") explained that the growth of traffic in heavy-duty cars reflects the need for the market in this rolling stock. In the first half of the year the company transported 22.7 million tons of coal, of which almost 2 million tons were added due to the increased carrying capacity of the fleet, the PTC said. At the same time, the company emphasizes, it has increased transportation even with increased volumes of infrastructure repairs. In June, the deputy director of JSC Russian Railways Pavel Ivanov said that the monopoly exceeded the indicators of the previous year by 21% for "heavy" repairs.

As Kommersant was informed in Freight One, in the segment of carriages with high capacity, active growth has been observed in recent years, but it is connected mainly with the increase in shipments of coal. "Such cars are effective on long routes with a high empty run ratio, but the demand for them is gradually decreasing, since the freight base and the number of profitable destinations are limited," they say in Freight One. At the same time, in other segments they are not so effective. In these conditions, the trend is gradually losing its relevance. "

The second major trend, says Mikhail Burmistrov, is that for the first time in a long time in the conditions of a sharp increase in rental rates, many companies have reduced the rental park and tried to focus on their own rolling stock. This affected the volumes of market leaders, including FGC, PGC and Globaltrans. The share of the top three in transportation in the first half of the year really decreased sharply (by 5 percentage points), to 31%, it follows from the rating. However, the source of Kommersant on the market says that the drop in the share of the first three is due to a complex of reasons, and not only to the growth of the rental rate, as large operators usually take the park in advance and in large quantities, which, in particular, assumes discounts. This trend is more relevant for small companies that are engaged in spot traffic, he says.

The source of Kommersant marks in the industry as a separate trend in the first half of the year, which affected the state of the park on the network and, as a result, led to high rental rates, an increase in the turnover of the car. "This year on the network of Russian Railways, the indicators of downtime, the number of abandoned trains and repair windows are heavily overstated," he says. Russian Railways recognized the slowdown in traffic: thus, in August the director of the commercial activities of the monopoly, Alexey Shilo, said that in August the turnover of the car was 14.1 days, which is 1.5 days more than in April. But this explains the monopoly primarily in the increased idle time of wagons in anticipation of scarce spare parts, as well as infrastructure repairs.

The rates for providing wagons on the market in the first half of the year remained at a high level. According to Mikhail Burmistrov, they continued to grow in the gondola car segment, reaching the level of 1.60-1.8 thousand rubles. for a car a day. Gradual correction will begin in the winter of 2019, he believes.