Putin will run for president of Russia

Russian President Vladimir Putin will participate in the 2018 elections. He announced his decision to the workers of GAZ in Nizhny Novgorod
The statement was made by Putin at a rally-concert dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the Gorky Automobile Plant in Nizhny Novgorod. For the first time he announced his decision not in Moscow. Mr. Putin is running for presidency for the fourth time. For him, this will be the fourth presidential term.

Vladimir Putin confirmed that he intends to nominate his candidacy for a new presidential term in 2018. He announced his decision in response to a request from one of the plant's employees. "Today in this room everyone supports you without exception. Vladimir Vladimirovich, make us a gift, announce your decision, because we are for you, GAZ - for you, "said the plant's employee.

The President thanked the participants for their support. "Yes, I will run for the presidency of the Russian Federation. The best place and the best reason to announce this, probably not, "- he said. The audience applauded loudly. "Thank you for this reaction, thank you for your work above all. Thank you for your attitude to your case, enterprise, city, country. I am confident that we will succeed. Russia will only go forward, and in this movement forward, no one will ever stop it, "Mr. Putin said.

Today a volunteer addressed Vladimir Putin with a question about his participation in the elections as a candidate at the "Volunteer" forum in Moscow. In response, the president called "responsible for any person" the decision to participate in the presidential elections and said that he would make a decision in the near future.

Vladimir Putin was first elected president of the Russian Federation in March 2000, when his successor was Boris Yeltsin. He announced that he would run for president in March 2004, on December 18, 2003, on a straight line. In August 2007, then-Vice President Dmitry Medvedev said that the incumbent president would not violate the Constitution and a new head of state would be elected in the country. When Mr. Medvedev was elected head of state, Vladimir Putin assumed the post of prime minister. In 2011, the decision to "castling" was announced at the end of September at the congress of "United Russia". That Vladimir Putin will go to the elections, then Dmitry Medvedev announced. "We discussed this variant of the development of events even at the time when our friendly union was formed," he said at the congress.

First deputy chairman of the United Russia faction in the State Duma, Andrei Isayev assured that the party will support Vladimir Putin in the elections. The United Russia did not specify whether the incumbent president will run from the party or go to the polls as a self-nominated candidate.

The Central Election Commission (CEC) explained that the incumbent will not have to take leave after registration. The Law "On the Election of the President of the Russian Federation" obliges candidates working in the state or municipal service, as well as in the media, to leave on leave from the moment of registration at the elections and before voting day. The president replaces the public position, and this requirement does not apply to him. "In case of registration, the candidate replacing the state is not obliged to go on leave," the CEC secretary, Maya Grishina, explained.

The next election of the Russian president will be held on March 18, 2018, the election campaign should start in December this year.