"Promsvyazkapital" was declared bankrupt

The company of banker Dmitry Ananyev remained due to creditors over 20 billion rubles.
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The Moscow Arbitration Court declared that Dmitry Ananyev, JSC "Promsvyazkapital" bankrupt, the RBC correspondent reports from the courtroom. The total debt of "Promsvyazkapital" to creditors exceeded 20 billion rubles., Reported at the court session a representative of the JSC. According to her, to cover this debt, "Promsvyazkapital" is not able to because of the lack of property. The

The company will be able to cover the court expenses due to the availability of funds for a total of more than 34 million rubles in three banks - Vozrozhdenie, Promsvyazbank and Moscow Credit Bank, a representative of the bankrupt company said.

The court instituted a bankruptcy proceedings in Promsvyazkapital for a period of 6 months, Rafael Saidashev was appointed as the bankruptcy trustee, his report will be considered by the court on February 7.

The company announced its intention to file for bankruptcy in mid-April. Among the obligations of Promsvyazkapital - two bond issues with a total volume of 20 billion rubles, follows from the data of Mossbirzhi. Both have a maturity in 2026.

The main shareholder of JSC "Promsvyazkapital" (91.8%), according to the latest list of affiliated persons, is the Netherlands Promsvyaz Capital B.V. Previously, Promsvyaz Capital B.V. belonged to brothers Alexei and Dmitry Ananyev, but after the division of business remained for Dmitry. Through Promsvyaz Capital, Ananjevs owned shares in Promsvyazbank and Bank Vozrozhdenie before the Central Bank took the PSB for sanitation.