Producer of anti-aircraft complexes "Tor" reduced revenue by 4 times

The net profit of the Izhevsk Electromechanical Plant "Kupol" for the year decreased from 4.6 billion rubles to 171 million rubles.
Following the results of 2017, the revenue of JSC "Izhevsk Electromechanical Plant" Kupol "" decreased relative to profit for 2016 by 24.3 billion rubles, up to 8.85 billion rubles. Net profit of the company amounted to 171 million rubles, although a year earlier it was at the level of 4.6 billion rubles. The press service of the enterprise explained the results of the schedule of shipments under the long-term state defense order. Experts believe that the company should increase the output of civilian products and take additional efforts to increase sales.

JSC "Izhevsk Electromechanical Plant" Kupol "(IEMZ" Kupol ") at the end of 2017 showed revenue of 8.85 billion rubles., Which compared to a year earlier decreased by 24.3 billion rubles. Negative dynamics resulted from a decrease in the level of proceeds from sales of finished goods: from 30.71 billion rubles. up to 7.26 billion rubles. and a decrease in revenues from the sale of goods and purchased products: from 2.17 billion rubles. up to 840 million rubles.

The gross profit of the enterprise was 950 million rubles, in 2016 - 7.62 billion rubles. Net profit IEMZ "Dome" fell from 4.6 billion rubles. up to 171 million rubles. The total accounts receivable of the enterprise for the year increased by 2.84 billion rubles. up to 8.73 billion rubles, crediting - by 11.54 billion rubles. to 14.19 billion rubles.

JSC "Izhevsk Electromechanical Plant" Kupol "» is a part of the concern of East Kazakhstan region "Almaz-Antey". The enterprise specializes in the production of short-range anti-aircraft missile systems Tor-M2. The plant also manufactures on-board equipment for surface-to-air missiles, upgrades the Osa-AKM and Tor-M1 missile systems, and provides service to operating organizations. Among the civilian products: production of heat and climate technology, lifting mechanisms, plastic products for cosmetology and medicine, air conditioning and ventilation systems, oilfield and woodworking equipment, equipment for the food industry, etc.

The press service of the enterprise informed "Udmurtia" that the current situation is stipulated by the financial plan of the IEMP "Kupol" and is stipulated by the schedule of shipments under the long-term state defense order. In 2017 for the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation a small part of the shipment was planned, the main one is planned in 2018. The financial results are also affected by the cyclical nature of the export contracts concluded. "As a result, revenue from sales in 2018 is expected to amount to more than 30 billion rubles," the press service reports. In addition, during the past year the plant worked on the accumulation of products for future shipments: production remained at the level of the previous year, the volume of work in progress increased by 7 billion rubles. The head of the enterprise added that by the end of 2018, net profit is expected to reach more than 1.5 billion rubles.

In an interview with the corporate newspaper Kupol Fanil Ziyatdinov reported that in recent years, the company's profits are being spent on research and development (R & D) and development work (R & D), as well as on other investment programs. For example, in the final stage there are works on the creation of the Tor-M2DT SAM, which is designed to perform tasks in conditions of low temperatures and full off-road. In 2018, the serial production of the complex for the needs of the Russian army should begin. In addition, a sea version of the "Tor" is being created to provide the fleet with short-range air defense. "In the near future, work is planned on the transfer of combat assets of the Tor missile system to the wheeled chassis," Mr. Ziyatdinov said.

This year, the plant is expected to begin research work on the creation of a multifunctional military air defense system of a new generation. "Based on the results obtained in the research, breakthrough design and development work will be opened to develop and create information-compatible anti-aircraft systems under the management of a unified management system using the principles of modular construction, multifunctionality and unification. And we are making every effort to ensure that our complex has been identified as a basic short-range SAM for both the ground forces in particular and for the armed forces in general, "said the director general of the IEMP" Kupol ".

Since the plant does not publish detailed information on the structure of production and sales, independent industrial expert Leonid Khazanov suggested that the decrease in the company's revenue is associated with a decrease in the sales of military products, either civilian, or in general. "Such financial indicators can not be called random, there is a negative trend, which can continue in this year. To change it, we need to take measures, for example, it is worth taking additional efforts to increase sales or consider the possibility of developing new types of products as soon as possible, "the expert believes.