Concern Almaz-Antey does not cope with the defense order

The defense enterprise does not cope with the release of anti-aircraft missile systems and, as the observers fear, was in a situation of irreversible degradation.
The government decided on the requirements for managers of key industrial enterprises, formulated them in Directive No. 4440p-P7 of June 18, 2018, and sent it out to interested parties. "Letter of Happiness" was received, including the Almaz-Antei Concern, Tactical Missile Arms, Rostek, Roskosmos, Rosatom, and others.

Separate line there are requirements for the leaders of defense industry enterprises, among them: profile higher education, the necessary experience of supervising work in the industry, knowledge of the specifics of production, the absence of obstacles to obtaining access to information constituting state secrets, the exclusive presence of Russian citizenship (including the absence of a double citizenship), etc.

Many times it was noted, including in the press, that the top positions in the defense industry are often occupied by persons who do not meet the necessary requirements, who do not have education and work experience, and people are appointed based on the principle of settlement, the clan whose purpose is to squeeze everything and enrich themselves price. Illustrative examples of our vast country mass. But we will tell the facts from sources that have information about the affairs in the Concern of the East Kazakhstan region Almaz-Antey.

Novikov effect

The "hero" of our day is the general director of the Almaz-Antei JNC Jan Novikov. He does not have the profile education, as they say in the environment, he does not know the specifics of production. How did it happen that he received this post? It all happened after the head of the Almaz-Antei air defense holding, Igor Klimov, was killed in June 2003. But Novikov, as they say, is an "effective manager."

Over the years of his "effective" management, most of the concern's enterprises came. It is rumored that there are also disruptions in the state defense order.

JSC "Izhevsk Electromechanical Plant" Kupol "" for the results of 2017 showed revenue of 8.85 billion rubles., Which in comparison with the last year decreased by 24.3 billion rubles.

Negative dynamics shows a decrease in the level of proceeds from sales of finished goods from 30.71 billion rubles. to 7.26 billion rubles, as well as a decrease in revenues from the sale of goods and purchased products: from 2.17 billion to 840 million rubles. Gross profit for 2017 amounted to 950 million rubles, while in 2016 it amounted to 7.62 billion rubles, falling profits from 4.6 billion to 171 million rubles.

Accounts receivable increased from 2.84 billion to 8.73 billion rubles; creditor - by 11.54 billion and amounted to 14.19 billion rubles.

This enterprise is part of the Concern of the East Kazakhstan region Almaz-Antey. Something this does not seem to be a consequence of effective management.

Among ordinary employees of the concern it is common to complain that the management saves money for the development of the enterprise: it does not repair industrial premises, purchase necessary equipment, protect and safety of workers.

According to officially published information, the technical upgrade plan of JSC "MMZ" Avangard ", in 2015, it was planned to purchase new equipment, upgrade and overhaul existing equipment to the amount of 1.451 billion rubles, including a project for the technical re-equipment of production facilities. However, the Concern failed to find information on allocating funds for modernization in 2015, 2016, or 2017. Is this not the reason for the unsuccessful manufacturing and launching of the newest missiles?

As is known, Vedrov AA was appointed to the position of the general director of JSC "MMZ Avangard", the only company in Russia and the world to manufacture anti-aircraft guided missiles at the direction of Jan Novikov, who has no profile education or experience on the production of ZUR.

Those who pretended to this post immediately dismissed the rumor that Vedrov allegedly received his treasured diploma of a financier on the 4th tenth of his life "on the job".

Not Literary Affairs "Avangard-LIT"

Some experts note that the concern is actively "parting" with "non-core assets" of the enterprise: shops, social infrastructure facilities and everything else are being sold.

Also, it is rumored that on the leased sites of the company there are not entirely legal cases. So, allegedly, in the leased area of ​​the JSC "MMZ" Avangard "JSC" private enterprise "Avangard-LIT" produces castings from magnesium without the availability of appropriate licenses, without the consent of the Department of Nature Management and the Environment of Moscow.

The production of magnesium casting products refers to an explosive and chemically dangerous, including toxic, production facility, it is impossible to obtain a license for this type of activity located in the center of a metropolis. Officials of JSC "MMZ Avangard" bought out a part of the shares of Avangard-LIT LLC for 7500 rubles. and purchase products exclusively from them for many millions of rubles. Perhaps, therefore, the management of the enterprise can close the cases on what is happening in the leased areas? Is there a chance that through these purchases the budgetary funds are "deduced"?

In addition, rumors are circulating in the market that Avangard-LIT LLC transfers money in especially large amounts to NP Fakel and NP Avangard-Fakel, one of the founders of which is Sazanov SV. as a defendant of JSC "MMZ" Avangard "». Pull out for everyone, as the smartest, the plant management sends it. He holds the post of his adviser Vedrov.

Incredibly, according to official data, these Sazanova firms are located in the territory of the defense enterprise in the regime zone (the building "XXL" of JSC "MMZ" Avangard "is a special regime zone and access to its territory is possible only if there is a permit for state secrets). It is doubtful that the services rendered by Sazanov can be in the scientific activity in the production of magnesium castings and in the manufacture of products with his use, since the founder and the head of Avangard-Liit LLC Moiseyev is a doctor of technical sciences, professor, head of the MAI-MATI casting department, Bobryshev, who do not need questionable services and many million paid consultations. From which we can make the assumption that this scheme was invented in order to avoid holding contests for the purchase of magnesium products under the guise of an affiliated person.

Many remember the scandal with illegal dismissal, discrediting honor and dignity, business reputation of the former gene. Director of JSC "MMZ" Avangard "» Mukhametov AA-Kh. For the restoration of his right, Mukhamedov AA-Kh. appealed to the court and the case was terminated after the reconciliation of the parties, tk. The concern apologized to Mukhametov, changed the wording of the dismissal "by agreement of the parties" and paid compensation for their actions.

But there are other cases. Employees say that resorting to court among employees is not uncommon. It also happens that the court acts on the side of the employee, and the factory is forced to pay budgetary funds for compensation. But the conditions of simple hard workers are a separate story.

Yura, I'm sorry, we're all ...

Among other things, employees in the conversation "not under the record" complain about the lack of decent wages and poor level of protection of their health and life.

For example, in the daytime in 2016 at the Kalinin plant (Zik plant, Yekaterinburg), a part of the Concern occurred: the collapse of the ceiling of the roof of the shop, as a result of which 4 people were killed and 14 injured. Not only that the plant "ZiK" increased the volume of accounts receivable by more than 5 billion rubles, but according to the accounting statements gross profit in 2017 decreased by 9.24 billion rubles.

Another example is the manufacture of a single transport-launch container (TIC) manufactured at the ILC with no proper permitting, technical and receiving documentation, which was repeatedly recognized by the commission as inadequate, and its acceptance and operation, which the Concern's management insisted, could entail the explosion of the rocket at the start at launch, and hence human casualties.

In 2019, the production of more than 500 SAMs was planned to be transferred to JSC "Kirov machine-building enterprise" (Kirov, KMP), the installation lot of which the ILC should produce in 2018. According to information from the website of the Concern. The ILC was introduced in 2016, for construction it was spent 6 years and more than 26 billion budget funds. Special awards were given to state awards and honorary titles.

According to Chinese media: "In 2015, Russia agreed to sell six new S-400 missile defense systems to China, each missile battalion will cost $ 500 million, including training fees and spare parts and additional missiles." Each S-400 missile battalion has eight launchers, each equipped with two missiles, plus a control center, radar and 16 missiles that will be launched.All the equipment is mobile and is expected to be delivered by the end of 2016. "

In 2016, the contract was not completed, and at the end of 2017, a dubious version appeared that "part of the S-400 missile sent from Russia to China was damaged as a result of a 9-ball storm in the seas off the English Channel" , because of what the vessel returned to the port of Ust-Luga for unloading.

Apparently, they decided to "vparit" the Chinese "force majeure". However, experts argue that such a quantity of missiles equipped with a warhead is never transported in this way, since it is cheaper and safer to send them to neighboring China by rail.

According to all the same Chinese media, until now the contract is not fully implemented, and in the courtyard mid-2018!

Obviously, the head of the enterprise should directly answer for such work. Especially when talking about the disruption of the strategic military-technical cooperation agreement, the 40n6 non-flying missile, the stillborn Kirov machine-building enterprise (KMP), fraud and multibillion-dollar spending of budgetary funds, the indiscriminate policy in personnel.

And half of the above should have been enough to retire.