Plane rubbish and shit: Aeroflot accused of discrediting the SSJ 100

Aeroflot after the crash of the Superjet 100 at Sheremetyevo “told the whole world that the plane is crap and crap,” said Boris Aleshin, adviser to the head of the United Aircraft Corporation. According to him, the airline “discredited” the liner, while the manufacturer did not express a complaint to Aeroflot itself.
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Advisor to the head of PJSC United Aircraft Corporation (UAC is a member of Rostec) Boris Aleshin accused Aeroflot of attempting to discredit the Superjet 100 after a crash at Sheremetyevo Airport in May. He stated this at the Eurasian Aerospace Congress in Moscow, writes Interfax. The UAC includes the liner manufacturer - Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Company.

“When a catastrophe happened, and suddenly Aeroflot told the whole world that the plane is crap and shit, in Russian, the plane is to blame for everything,” Aleshin quoted the agency as saying. He added that the KLA, on the contrary, “showed maximum tact” and did not criticize the airline itself, nor the level of training of its employees, nor the “problems that Aeroflot caused by inept management” before the crash investigation ended. “The investigation had to go through to the end. And while this has not been done, no one has the right to throw charges anywhere, and almost throughout the international press, ”said the adviser to the head of the corporation. He noted that this is “a matter of discrediting the“ aircraft ”.

Aeroflot’s spokeswoman Maxim Fetisov, at Forbes’s request for comment, advised first contacting the UAC for clarification. “Let them explain the position, it would also be interesting for us to read,” said Fetisov. He did not separately comment on how Aeroflot spoke about the plane after the crash, noting that all of the company's statements are available in open sources.

On May 5, Aeroflot's Superjet 100 shortly after departure made a hard landing at Sheremetyevo Airport and caught fire. 41 people out of 78 aboard were killed in the crash. In mid-June, the Interstate Aviation Committee published a preliminary report on the crash. After that, Aeroflot CEO Vitaly Saveliev said that “we have a lot of questions, we have a lot of questions.”

Aeroflot is the largest operator of the Superjet 100; there are 49 such aircraft in its fleet. On August 21, the Federal Antimonopoly Service reported that the average ticket price on routes that the Superjet 100 flies is 20% higher than in other destinations. The head of the service, Igor Artemyev, explained the difference in the high costs of servicing Russian aircraft.