Philippe Delpalu sleeps sweetly in a Moscow apartment

The court released the partner Baring Vostok under house arrest, the reason for the transfer from the pre-trial detention center was the appearance of his apartment in Moscow.
The Moscow City Court released under house arrest partner of the Baring Vostok investment fund, Frenchman Philippe Delpal, accused of embezzlement of 2.5 billion rubles. Bank Vostochny, reports RIA Novosti.

Delpal has been under arrest since February. Today, the court examined the complaint of his lawyers for the extension of the term of detention in jail.

The prosecutor said during the meeting that he did not object to Delpal being placed under house arrest, as the defendant had a permanent residence in Moscow, Open Media reported. This is an apartment in Denezhny Lane. “[Delpal] is accused of committing an economic crime, I think the election of a house arrest will not impede the investigation,” the representative of the prosecution added (quoted by RIA Novosti). The investigator agreed with these arguments. The representative of the plaintiff, a shareholder of Vostochny Bank Sherzod Yusupov, was also not against house arrest for Delpal.

A spokesman for Baring Vostok called the court’s decision "the only true." At the same time, he recalled other persons involved in the case, who are still in jail, although "they have every reason to change the preventive measure for house arrest." The interlocutor of Vedomosti called their detention in a “contrived criminal case” pressure from the plaintiffs - Yusupov and businessman Artem Avetisyan.

Earlier, President Vladimir Putin, answering the question why the founder of the Baring Vostok, Michael Calvi, was released under house arrest, and Delpal did not, explained that the former, unlike the latter, has a house in Moscow. In early July, a representative of Baring Vostok told Vedomosti that Delpal’s wife bought an apartment in Moscow in order to get a house arrest for a businessman. The lawyers of the businessman presented the court with a certificate of ownership of the apartment in her name, the court introduced him to the case.

Today, the court also examined the defense’s complaint about the extension of Calvi’s preventive measure. He was arrested in February, but in April a court released the businessman under house arrest. The reason was that Calvi, as investigators found out over two months, had established stable social ties in Moscow, had real estate in the city and a permanent place of work, he was involved in charity work, and he had three children in his care. Later, both Calvi and Delpalu were extended with house arrest and in a pre-trial detention center, respectively, until October 13.

According to the investigation, the defendants were involved in the fact that on the balance sheet of Vostochny instead of the rights of claims to the First Collection Bureau (PKB), 2.5 billion rubles. 59.9% of the shares of Luxembourg International Financial Technology Group (IFTG) turned out to be. The investigation believes that this block of shares cost 600,000 rubles. But the defense has different ratings. The entire IFTG costs $ 120 million, which means a controversial package could cost $ 70 million (or about 4.5 billion rubles), Delpal’s lawyers said earlier. In addition to the American and the Frenchman, the case is being attended by investment director of Baring Vostok Ivan Zyuzin, media partner Vagan Abgaryan, chairman of the board of directors of Norvik Bank, former head of Vostochny bank Alexei Kordichev and general director of PKB Maxim Vladimirov.