Ogni Moskvy as a black hole

Signs of a criminal offense were found out in the bank denied a license by order of the Central Bank on 16 May 2014. "Novaya Gazeta" is looking for victims.
In September last year the Bank of Russia Board reviewed the Company "KB" Moscow Lights ", which resulted in the management of the credit institution was ordered to remedy the situation with liquidity, increasing the reserve fund.

Soon, the bank's management has reported a massive outflow of clients' funds, explaining that "panic among ordinary investors in connection with the acute phase of the audit initiated by the Bank of Russia on the credit and financial markets." At the same time, the main owner of the bank, the daughter of ex-senator from Moscow Yuri Roslyak Roslyak Maria came out of capital "Lights of Moscow" - and its share of the businessman bought Iranian Ahmad Abedi.

In February, re-inspection was conducted by the Central Bank. The regulator should analyze the ratio of bank liabilities with a volume of reserve funds and make a decision on the imposition of any restrictions on the admission of new deposits, or the withdrawal of all claims. In late April, the press service of "Lights of Moscow" in the official response to our inquiry reported still having a place of lack of liquidity, resulting in delays to patezhey and issuing money, but promised to rectify the situation by mid-May due to the infusion of shareholders' equity in the amount of 2 billion rubles.

However, on May 16, when the bank had promised to begin to implement the program of improvement and stabilization in the stayte CB message appears: LLC "Commercial Bank" Moscow Lights "is devoid of a license in connection with financial irregularities, has expressed in the placement of funds in low-quality assets. However, as we found out the bank could take place and "the conclusion of liabilities", ie the depositors' funds, and perfect in primitive form.

We have had a few claims of individuals in the State Ministry of Interior of Russia in Moscow to open a criminal case against the bank employees "Moscow Lights" into the theft of money from the accounts of depositors.

The essence of these statements is as follows: during 2012-2013, of bank deposit contracts were concluded. May 8, 2014, when they became aware of a second inspection of the Central Bank and possible sanctions against the bank in the head office of "Lights of Moscow" staff operational management waspresented statements of account, reflecting cash flows and balances as of 5 May. According to the submitted documents, bank employees, all the money of depositors were safeguarded.

However, on May 26, when the license of the bank has been revoked, and the leadership of "Lights of Moscow" took up temporary administration of the Central Bank, investors turned to the bank to agree on the date of commencement of insurance payments, but they were presented very different statement from the operating system. They deposits written off in November 2013, on the initiative of the customer and the account closed.

At the same time, the statement says, after the "closing" of deposits depositors withdrawing produced and replenishment, and even had no idea that he had long ceased to be clients of the bank. The press service of the Interior Ministry confirmed the receipt of applications and promised Moscow that the adoption of a procedural decision on the qualification of the actions of the bank and open a criminal case on the grounds of the crime (considered two articles: 158 of the Criminal Code - theft and 159 of the Criminal Code - fraud ) will be communicated to expire onand verification period.

The exact number of people, transferred to the category of "former" bank customers, is currently installed - according to our information, the application submitted is only five people. However, the total damage is already estimated in the tens of millions of rubles.

What are the causes?

To assert unequivocally the presence of selfish motives in the actions of bank employees, including management staff (the closure of the accounts had been informed at least the chief accountant), are not taken even lost investors money.

- For me, more or less clear what happened, - says a former employee of the Central Bank, which has appeared deceived investors "Lights of Moscow". - Write-off of money (10 million rubles) from my account coincided with the end of the first inspection of the Central Bank, which require banks to replenish the reserve fund for deposits of natural persons. Probably not to do this, the bank's management decided to artificially create an outflow of funds, "physicists", formally closing our accounts, but actually saving us as customers.

To this end, he believes companion, two were createdOperating system - one was issued to the depositor A forged statement that displayed the client's real actions with their savings, on the other - information for the commission of the Central Bank, which reflects the "initiative" of the bank.

In this case, continues interlocutor, public statements of the bank about the mass outflow of depositors' funds could be just the external design management objectives - to reduce the amount of required reserves, and then revive the bill and return on their money. However, subsequent Central Bank restrictions expressed in a ban on deposits, the idea was buried.

Another contributor, left without money (over 10 million) in a similar way, takes a different version: the bank's management implied withdrawal of the license and introduced deliberately misleading customers to then assign them money. "It is unlikely that we just settle envelope under the door with our money and a note:" I'm sorry that it happened, "- ironically the investor. A proof that the leadership was aware of the impending problems, the source continues, were changes in the ownership structure in the fallroshlogo year. Indeed, according to the register, in the interval between two inspections of the Central Bank has changed the owner of the "Lights of Moscow": shares were purchased by Mary Roslyak Yezidis Ahmad Abedi. failed Contact Roslyak and Abedi.

Both of our interlocutor assured that clients lost their money including the flaw of the commission of the Central Bank, which in the course of the February inspection was to see the double-entry bookkeeping. "They were able to selectively check multiple accounts and at least ask the bank: why he did not impose sanctions on the client, who allegedly unilaterally terminated the contract" - asks one of the contributors. According to the framework agreement between the bank and the client on the opening of the deposit in case of early termination of the contract Bank recalculates the interest rate downward.

We do not know how many investors have suffered as a result of this scheme, but their number may reach hundreds - if the assumptions of our interlocutors thought-out nature of the operations are correct.

Small business will not be

After the withdrawal of the license at the "Lights of Moscow" aboutlems have arisen not only in ordinary vkladchikov- "physicists", but also a number of organizations working with budget money and pension funds.

On account of "Commercial Bank" Moscow Lights "was about 317 million rubles Support Fund of the Kaliningrad region enterprise, which is in the end it turned out, I kept all of its guarantee fund for loans to small and medium-sized businesses in the same financial institution. In November 2013, the foundation held a competition for the placement of deposits, the winner of which was announced in December, the bank "Moscow Lights", offer the best conditions of accommodation. However, the Regional Ministry of Industry has recognized the results of bidding, citing the unstable situation in the financial sector. However, an agreement on opening a bank deposit was made. When, in April, the bank's problems were made public, the fund management has decided to transfer its guarantee fund to another bank - VTB-24. But enrollment has not happened. As a result of revocation of the license by the regional leadership decided to create a new fund with the same mustachetavnymi goals and filling its budget at the expense of the region.

A member of the regional government confirmed the liquidation of the fund, but the sources and volume of new guarantees for small and medium-sized businesses refused to talk.

Suffered and the Foundation to promote lending to small and medium-sized enterprises of the Tver region, which in October 2013 in the framework of the competition placed 5% of its guarantee fund (about 34.6 million rubles) on deposit in the "Lights of Moscow".

After half of the term deposit fund transferred a portion of their funds, and the rest require a bank transfer 10 April, when the media reported about the problems in the bank, says the head of Business Support Department Jan Salyukov Fund "Deputy Chairman of the Board of" Lights of Moscow "Raphael Bashirov assured that the money we will receive between May holidays - immediately after the founder allocate funds for the stabilization work. " May 16 Tver Foundation filed suit in the Moscow Arbitration Court to recover 17.6 million rubles from the bank.

Thus, the history of the bank "Moscow Lights" every daygenerates more questions: why the Central Bank regulations were violated, it was found during the inspection of the first commission? Why employees of the bank, it was decided to close customer accounts? What is it - legal nihilism or intentional taking other people's money? Whether closing accounts of customers connected to the output of capital Roslyak Mary? And finally, where funds are, in fact, expropriated from ordinary citizens?

We believe that the answer to these and other questions need to bank executives. And not only to journalists and investors.

PS If you also became the owner of "virtual deposit" in the bank "Moscow Lights", please contact redaktsiey.Pishite address suhbestbk@bk.ru