Rost Bank under sweeping purge

Five banks of the holding will pass through the reorganization and revocation of licenses; vice-president of the Central Bank Mikhail Sukhov failed to properly "follow" them. 
As predicted, actively withdraw assets from their units holding "Growth of the bank" given ends. Last Friday, the Central Bank announced a reorganization of the bank, "Height" and four other credit institutions group - "Cedar" Akkobanka, SKA-Bank and the Tver Universal Bank. As emphasizes the publication "Vedomosti", assessing the state of the banking "zhivopyrok", the regulator considers that it threatens the interests of creditors, so there are grounds for "bankruptcy prevention measures." Total assets lent to reorganize banks - 131 billion rubles, while the volume of deposits -.. 70 billion rubles.. According to the CBR, simultaneous reorganization of the group of five banks was required "because of stable economic relations of banks and the overall beneficial owners" in the face of the family businessman Oleg Karcheva. According, the main beneficiary of the Group "Growth" Oleg Karchev decisive question "curve" import companies owned by him "of MERLION" (ranked in the top - 50 Russian companies according to Forbes), andUsing the scheme to provide loans firmam- "ephemeral" in the "growth of the bank" and their subsequent withdrawal abroad. Implementation of the scheme for the withdrawal of assets from the "Bank of Growth" was accompanied by a "specialist" in such events Alexey Korneshov.

Family Karcheva built "holding zhivopyrok" for three years: "Growth" has acquired SKA-Bank (384-th place in terms of assets), Tveruniversalbank (326 th), "Cedar" (147th), "Uralprivat" (655 th ) and Akkobank (525 th), as well as the attached "Kazan" and the bank was planning to attach more of the banks, but not in time. The "Growth bank" financial hole was found in 17 billion rubles. However, in the story of "growth" is not interested in the size of retired assets that were plundered literally under the noses of control for quite a long time, but what awaits the country and the holding of its owners and partners. During the formation of "holes" in the bank holding company, along with the owner and managers must meet the supervisory areas of the Bank of Russia which somehow failed to notice the violation of the law. Supervisory Department of the Central Bank led by Ruben Amiryants and oversaw the supervisory scope of the tape to the end of 2014 the Central Bank deputy chairman Mikhail Sukhov.

By the way, it has recently Sukhov suddenly cut a vote on the subject revealed the problems of the "Growth". Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank finally admitted the obvious, saying in particular, "the negative of the value of the total capital of all banks in the group." This Sukhov did not go into explaining why he did not use his authority to prevent the formation of the financial hole in the "growth" and the withdrawal of his multibillion-dollar assets. Instead Mikhail Sukhov focused on secondary and secure for themselves the details, take a public report and without obvious information - for example, about the fact that "special restrictions on the choice of the method of financial recovery banks of the" Growth "is not there."

By the way, sanitation implies the removal of the control bank holding its owners and management.

Who will deal with readjustment "Growth", it is not clear: proposals received, in particular, the "Discovery" and Probusinessbank (FG & LAQuo; Life "), but both rejected it. According to several sources, rehabilitation, for example, the bank's "Cedar" Binbank interested, but he was asked to take all five banks group. Representative Binbanka not confirmed, and a source close to the shareholder Mikail Binbanka Shishkhanov, recalled that Binbank interested in buying "Cedar" two years ago.

If the health center in the near future is not determined, then "the bank's growth," and his group will be revoked license. In fact, this has already happened with some holding banks. Thus, the license previously lost "Kazan" bank is a branch of "Growth" in Tatarstan.

Meanwhile, Acting interim administration in banks "Growth" group performed the employees of the Agency for Deposit Insurance. At the same time preparing for the DIA payments to depositors "Growth" compensation. However, as experts estimate, the amount of insurance in the case of holding "growth" will make 56 billion. Rubles. According to the resource , this is the last thing enough money in order overspend DIA.