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What will bring the next purge in the camp of the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev.
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Winter 2017 was remarkably similar to Kazakhstan in the summer 1937. The sluggish clarification of political relations and the reduction of the clan by changing large-scale wave of repression, based on charges of espionage. Under attack, however, proved to be influential people with Russian ties.

Uranium general

December 26, 2016 arrested Nartai Dutbaev, former head of the KNB (National Security Committee of Kazakhstan). He was accused of abuse of power and official authority, and of disclosing state secrets. Nartai Dutbaev - employment security officer. He was educated in Minsk and Moscow, and made a career operative (from 1982 to 1986.) In the Office of the KGB in the Stavropol region. In addition to the official career, Dutbaev (like all Kazakhstani security forces) has been and business. The general was the "curator" of the national uranium complex - an industry that plays a strategic role not only for Kazakhstan itself, but also for Russia. Russia depends on ore supplies necessary for the production of fuel assemblies for nuclear power plants. Of the 7.8 thousand. Tons of uranium for the needs of "Rosatom" imported 4.8 thousand. Tonnes. Along with Russian interests in Kazakhstan are represented and actively develop the interests of the US. Currently, about a quarter of all US nuclear power needs are closed due to supplies from Kazakhstan. Who and in whose interests will oversee uranium complex of Kazakhstan after the arrest Dutbaev, it is not known.

Russian go ...

Two weeks after his arrest Nartai Dutbaev the same fate befell the deputy head of the President Administration Baghlan Mailybaeva. He was also charged with "illegal gathering, dissemination, disclosure of state secrets" (article 185 of the Criminal Code of Kazakhstan). Mailybaev oversaw all internal policy of the country and it is believed that he did this with the support of a group of consultants and Russian propagandists. However Maylbybaevym detained and his staff Nikolai Galikhin. Immediately after his arrest in social networks appeared someone carefully collected materials about who laykal and repost Galikhin keep a low profile.

And without anxious national question Kazakh intelligentsia was shocked to learn that the internal politics of the country was determined by the people who openly support the idea of ​​the "Russian world", as well as the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republic, which Kazakhstan does not officially recognize (as well as the entry into the Russian Crimea). Not added optimism to local observers and photos Kazakh official Nicholas Galikhin in a sweater with the word "Russia".

As a result, Kazakh natspaty (so called here the nationalist-minded intellectuals) do not doubt that the "traitors" passed state secrets to Russia, Kazakhstan directly. Accordingly, it is expected some cooling of relations between Russia and Kazakhstan. It is interesting that all of these activities in fact coincided with the preparation of critical talks on the fate of Syria with the participation of all interested parties, which are now in Astana - the capital of Kazakhstan.

Total "liquidation"

Despite the foreign policy factors that accompany the recent arrests, the main cause of them, according to observers, is the struggle for power in the country. That is an attempt to inherit this same power in the case, of course, from her refuse Nursultan Nazarbayev, who controls the country since the Soviet era. Over the years, the Board of Nazarbayev tried to reduce any attempts to encroach on their monopoly power to ordinary criminals. This allowed him to distance himself from the advantageous of the Soviet past, which, on the contrary, any disorderly conduct could easily turn into a political act and appear almost "enlightened monarch" of the West.

As a result, thieves, murderers and swindlers proved all political opponents of Nazarbayev, and under such sauce chased them in European countries. The current wave of arrests marked the beginning of a new era, where there are quite different rules. And the stakes are very high. For Russia, these changes are dangerous because the "Russian question" is a very simple tool compromising political opponents. Which in practice can give rise to a storm against which current throwing in the struggle for power may be petty vanity.