Navalny: two tickets to the civvy street

With a lag of three weeks, the blogger got two military tickets with different marks of fitness for military service.
Origin source
After several media in early September, published data that the former candidate for mayor of Moscow Alexey Navalny, using some gray schemes, "derailed" from the army, "Izvestiya" decided to look into these schemes in more detail. It turned out, according to archival documents from the recruiting office Naro-Fominsk Moscow Oblast that Navalny received military cards there twice - in 1998 and 1999.

As stated in the documents of the military enlistment office of Naro-Fominsk, December 21, 1998 Alexei Navalny, born in 1976, was given a military ID number 1506142 city Military Commissariat of Defense for Naro-Fominsk. The document appeared, that Navalny on the first statement on the account declared partially fit for military service - Article 80-B-1 Government Decree № 390 "On the military-medical examination", respectively, it gets the so-called category B.

It is worth noting that at this time is registered in Moscow, Navalny was, however, a military ID and a medical examination was held in Naro-Fominsk Moscow region, where he lived at the time of his father, an officer who servedat the central office of the Ministry of Defense. At the time of its original military registration Alexey Navalny was 22 years old.

As explained by lawyer Artem Vasiliev from the center "Legal protection", according to the law "On Military Duty and Military Service" primary statement on the account occurs in 17 years. If the draftee evades, administrative liability in the form of a fine of 500 rubles. Get up at the place of temporary registration can be, if it is framed for a period exceeding one year. Change category shelf when replacing the military card is permitted only after a medical examination, which confirmed the deterioration or improvement in health.

- There are five categories of date. Category A - fully fit, category B - partially fit such call, but they can not serve in the elite troops. Category B - also a limited shelf, but the group can call on only in times of war. T - is temporarily unfit. D - do not fit at all, even in peacetime, even in wartime, - the lawyer explains Vasiliev.

After about mpweeks after receipt of the first ticket, January 11th, 1999, Alexey Navalny, law students PFUR, issue new military ID number 1506170, because the old "came into disrepair." Of course, during the celebration of the New Year 22-year-old student could easily spoil the document. But the new military card medical profile was changed from B to B. Accordingly, the shelf classification categories for military service, the ability to call on not the most complex service replaced the inability to call in times of peace.

As the recruiting office documents, when changing the category medical examination was conducted: an application for the issuance of a new ticket in return for worthless received 10 of January, and a new ticket has been issued for 11 th.

At the time of publication phones Alexei Navalny and his press secretary Anna Veduta were turned off, the blogger's lawyer Vadim Kobzev did not pick up. "Izvestia" ready to publish comments Navalny and conduct at any time convenient for them.

Vice President of the Center for Current Politics Dmitry Abzalov believes that "; Slope "of the army can strike a blow to the image of Alexei Navalny.

- A man claiming to be a particular post should have a clean biography at least in its area, - he says. - That is the one who has had some conflicts with the trade unions, even if informal, can not lay claim to the post of the Minister of Labour for purely moral reasons. The Russian president is the supreme commander-time, so that the aspect of service in the army or "slope" of it, is very significant. And in general, any politician who claims to significant places, must understand that in his biography will dig and hit a fashion as revealed the circumstances of fraud in obtaining military ticket could cost him his career.