Master Bank management suspected of withdrawal of funds through the cleaners

The management of Master Bank wrote off about 1 billion rubles, making out unsecured loans of up to € 5 million for the bank's employees: cleaners, drivers, security guards and petty clerks, wrote Kommersant on Monday, March 17, citing sources.
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According to the publication, the bank's employees have reported to law enforcement agencies that made out the loans on a proposal from the bank's managers, but did not receive the amounts claimed - only a small premium. According to them, the top managers of Master-Bank promised that will understand your debts. As suggested by the Ministry of Interior, the bank executives received from cash loans furnished to employees and could in the future be assigned to spend the money or the so-called technical credits on intra needs.

The Interior Ministry appealed bogus borrowers after began to receive demands bankruptcy trustee by Master-Bank Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA) for the settlement of the debt. Now their checks are carried out applications. On this fact with regard to the heads of Master Bank investigation may bring an action under Articles 201 of the Criminal Code (abuse of power), 160 (embezzlement) and 159 (cheating). In addition, law enforcement agencies are going to give a legal assessment of the work of the Master-Bank with VIP-clients whose funds are not properly made out, but also actively dissipated.

The former head of the Board of mastitis-The bank Boris Baker and his son Alexander, ex-deputy chairman of the bank, is already available for law enforcement. According to operative data, a senior baker went to Israel and currently draws Israeli citizenship. Alexander Baker lives in Britain.

The Bank of Russia November 20, 2013 revoked the license of Master-Bank, is among the top one hundred Russian banks in terms of assets and owned one of the largest ATM networks. The regulator said the bank has been involved in large-scale suspicious transactions and provide false statements. Basically, questions have emerged to audit loans to affiliates with the bank's owners.

In early March, "Kommersant", citing sources reported that among the customers Master Bank were revealed VIP-clients who have placed a multimillion-dollar amount without opening bank accounts and registration prihodnikov about making money. The DIA reported that such customers - more than 30 people, the amount of funds in view of applications is about 1 billion rubles. According to the newspaper, among the defrauded depositors of the VIP-Master-Bank wasPeople's Artist of Russia Clara Novikova and Soviet diplomat, First Secretary of the Communist Party of the Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic and Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev's adviser Rafik Nishanov.