Maria Sharapova built a gorgeous nest in Santa Barbara

Exactly a year ago, on February 26, the famous Russian tennis player Maria Sharapova announced the end of her professional career. What is the world sports star doing now?
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Former first racket of the world Maria Sharapova a year ago made a difficult decision for every athlete - to end her professional career. And even despite the fact that her departure was already asking for it, it is quite difficult to imagine modern tennis without our Masha. However, her life continues to be in full swing even after her retirement.

2020, I imagined you completely different. Like all of us! I confess you put a little polish into the harsh and heartbreaking everyday life. Personally, you gave me the courage to move away from the life and career that I had before. And you gave me a gift and a lifelong commitment to wake up next to my best friend every morning

Sharapova did not remain idle in the coronavirus year. The tennis player continues to actively appear for magazines and advertise on social networks large brands with which she has multi-million dollar contracts. In addition, she is developing her candy and chocolate business.

The ex-first racket of the world not only earns well, but also spends a lot. So, according to Variety, last fall Sharapova bought a luxury ranch in Santa Barbara, which cost her $ 8.6 million. There are three separate houses on the territory, which are surrounded by a garden. The main mansion is decorated in Balinese style and has a large terrace overlooking the ocean. There is a guest house and a separate studio.

And the most interesting thing is that not far from this ranch, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle live, with whom Sharapova's fiancé Alexander Gilkes is close friends.

By the way, the main event of this year for Maria is connected with Gilkes. The tennis player and the English millionaire announced their engagement. Yes, Sharapova will have a wedding very soon. World couturiers are probably already fighting to dress the star athlete for the celebration.

For the engagement, Alexander gave Maria a ring with a huge diamond for 18 million rubles. His tennis player often demonstrates on her pages on social networks.

- I said yes even on the first day of our meeting. That was our little secret, wasn't it? - Maria wrote on her Instagram, announcing her engagement.

The couple actively travels together. For example, on Valentine's Day, Mary's fiancé arranged a romantic trip for them to the Turks and Caicos Islands.

Now Maria's life is like a real fairy tale, where you don't have to kill yourself in the gym every day and break yourself on the court. And no one would argue that Sharapova deserved just such a life.