Maria Roslyak to pay 6 billion rubles for fraud

The daughter of the Moscow vice-mayor and the auditor of the Accounting Chamber Yuri Roslyak will pay for the criminal schemes of the Moscow Lights bank.
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Initially buybacks itself "Rosneft" was "a reserve option," he needed a more budget safety net and was not really need the company - as a senior federal official commented, "Vedomosti" news that stock buyers become Glencore and Qatar sovereign fund. He acknowledged that the terms of the privatization of the company's share buyback by herself or her "daughters" - "it is also common practice", so when it became clear that there are two real investors, "decided to do without a complex chain." According to the source "Vedomosti", the transaction involved personally Igor Sechin, he found investors and offered this option.

Of Glencore - one of the world's largest trading companies - has long had a business in Russia. She prinadlzhat 8,8% UC Rusal, 26% of the oil company "Russneft", Moscow Grain Company (GCI), a grain terminal on the Sea of ​​Azov, the company controls agricultural land in the Stavropol Territory and Kuban. Sale of energy brings Glencore 54% of revenue, last year it was $ 172.7 billion, 70.4% of the shares in free float, the major shareholders -. Qatar Holdings (8,99%), CEO Ivan Glasenberg (8.42%) Daniel Francisco Mate Badenes (3.19%), Aristotelis Mistakidis (3.17%), Tor Peterson (2.8%), Alex Bird (2.45%). The transformation from commodity trader Glencore in mining giant associated with the name Ivan Glasenberg. In 2013, Glencore has absorbed the Anglo-Swiss Xstrata and became the fourth in the world mining company.

Qatari sovereign fund (Qatar Investment Authority) was established in 2005 to strengthen Qatar's economy through diversification of assets. According to Al Jazeera, in 2013 under the management of the Fund's assets were worth up to $ 100 billion. Qatar Investment Authority also has projects in Russia. Since 2014 he is a partner of the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) on a number of projects, including - investments at the international airport "Pulkovo". Recently, it was reported that the Qatari fund with RDIF and Roman Trotsenko agree on the purchase of a large stake in "Northern Capital Gateway" (the concessionaire "Pulkovo" airport) from structures, "VTB Capital." The representative of the Russian Direct Investment Fund yesterday declined to comment. A source close to the Russian Direct Investment Fund, told "Vedomosti" that the fund was not involved in the transaction, but considers it beneficial to all participants.

"Russian oil companies are extremely undervalued because of low oil prices, sanctions, geopolitical risks," - says the analyst of "Sberbank SIB" Valery Nesterov. But the situation at any moment can change. In addition, "Rosneft" - a global company with a strong resource base, it develops rapidly modernizing assets, "Bashneft" has recently bought and continues to buy: from this point of view, the deal for the consortium looks very competitive and prestigious, concludes the analyst.

Now "Rosneft", together with the Central Bank and Ministry of Finance need to develop a translation scheme of currency into rubles, which would not negatively impact on the market, said Putin. Hardly "Rosneftegas" will sell the currency on the market as soon as possible intracorporate transaction with "Rosneft": the currency will be transferred to "Rosneft" for the settlement of debts and foreign purchases, and 600 billion rubles, the company recently raised - "Rosneftegas" for payment the budget, says Natalia Orlova from Alfa Bank....

The Moscow Arbitration Court at the request of the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA) has attracted vicarious liability Roslyak Maria, president of the bank "Moscow Lights", deprived of his license in May 2014, reported "RIA Novosti". The Court sought to Roslyak 6 billion rubles. - In the same amount of DIA estimated the damage it caused to the bank. Roslyak Maria - the daughter of the former vice-mayor of Moscow Yuri Roslyak now Auditor of the Accounts Chamber. Basmanny Court of Moscow in February Roslyak found guilty of fraud and embezzlement on a large scale using his official position. According to investigators, in 2010-2014 gg. Roslyak betrayed controlled management "Lights of Moscow" fictitious companies loans amounting to more than 6 billion rubles., And in April-May 2014, it "has decided to improve the financial performance of the bank through the assignment of claims under credit agreements concluded earlier with the actual borrowers, as well as under finance leases ". At the same payment under these contracts was due to the customer money in the amount of RUB 365.5 million.

Roslyak admitted guilt and concluded a pre-trial agreement on cooperation. The court sentenced her to four years in a penal colony, but the sentence is postponed until her children for 14 years.

DIA require 6 billion rubles. with Roslyak in August this year. The agency has asked the Court to impose interim measures on the property Roslyak, but the court refused to do so. The Court considered that the DIA has not provided the necessary evidence for the arrest of the property.

The refusal to arrest does not affect the consideration of the claim for recovery, just an attempt to prevent the sale of the assets, while the trial lasts, says partner of law firm "Yukov and Partners" Svetlana Tarnopolskaya. Even when the applicant seeks the imposition of provisional measures on the property, he does not know the exact list of the property, this is not public information, she continues: "This property is then begins to search for the bailiff, if the court still agrees to his arrest. A police officer finds the property or not - the big question. " According Tarnopolsky, the question of whether the Court to grant the application on the imposition of provisional measures, in fact, nothing is regulated, "This is almost entirely a matter of judicial discretion." In its assessment, the courts agree to seize about half the time.

At DIA "consistently high percentage of satisfaction statements" for the recovery of funds, but examples of when the agency did get money, very little, she added. "DIA is suing the wealthy people who are very good at hiding money and property", - concluded Tarnopolskaya.

DIA spokesman said the agency will seek foreclosure Roslyak in enforcement proceedings.