London mansion of Vladimir Yakunin's son

British The Sunday Times of London reported about a mansion, which is owned by the son of Vladimir Yakunin, the former head of Russian Railways. Representatives of Andrey Yakunin confirmed to RBC, that he owns this property
Origin source
British The Sunday Times reported that the son of Vladimir Yakunin Andrew owns mansion in St John's Wood, north London. The cost of the house is estimated at £ 35 million. The publication thus refers to open the British Government property data in England and Wales, registered in foreign offshore companies.

Describing the house, The Sunday Times indicates that the house has eight bedrooms, swimming pool, movie theater and a collection of fine wines. The house is inhabited by two servants, a mansion on the documents owned financial corporation Terphos, registered in the British Virgin Islands.

The publication suggests that purchased in 2013 for £ 23 million mansion Andrey Yakunin seen as an investment in real estate.

According to the British newspaper, Andrei Yakunin, has a British passport, there is one registered address in Hampstead. It is a house worth about ten million pounds, which is owned by an offshore company Diamondrock, but the Sunday Times acknowledges that it failed to establish the true owner of the house.

TZeta thus indicates that Vladimir Yakunin - one of the closest associates of President Vladimir Putin made to the US sanctions list.

Correspondent of RBC representative Vladimir Yakunin said that the former head of Russian Railways has no relation to this property, which is an investment of his son, and was not involved in its acquisition. "As far as I know, the editors of The Sunday Times had already warned of the legal consequences of a possible spread of any other suggestions in this regard", - he stressed.

Representative Andrey Yakunin comments in RBC confirmed that the house referred to in Article Sunday Times, it is an investment in real estate Andrey Yakunin.

Andrey Yakunin was born in 1975. In 1997 he graduated from the Faculty of Economics, St. Petersburg State University, then received an MBA from the London Business School. In the first half of the 2000s Andrey Yakunin was executive director of the hotel "Baltic".

He is the co-founder of Fund Yield and Investment Venture the Management (VIYM) , the portfoliowhich (at the website of the Fund) is an investment in agribusiness in the production of paper, in gold mining and the production of chocolate and confectionery products handmade. Main assets from VIYM in the hospitality industry - the fund has stakes in the first St. Petersburg hotel brand Four Seasons, opened in a renovated historic mansion Lobanov-Rostovsky in the city center, three hotels in Europe (Vienna, Davos and Italian Umbria) and company "Regional hotel chain" (CSG).

Another business Andrey Yakunin was associated with "Russian Railways", - the company Far East Land Bridge, Reuters wrote in his investigation of 2012. This has created a transport company with a subsidiary of Russian Railways "TransContainer" joint venture, which was to specialize in the transport of goods by land route between Europe and Asia. Subsequently, "TransContainer" sold his stake in the company "Russian Railways Logistics".

Yakunin himself through a representative denied connection to the Far East Land Bridge.

In 2014, Vladimir Yakunin, in an interview with "" .rasskazal that his son had left Sank Petersburg to London "And in not the most benevolent times. " When he came in and said that this decision was made, he needed it for work, for its investment activities, I have no joy on this occasion did not feel, "- said Yakunin.