Inconvenient citizen

Why FSIN "lost" Ildar Dadin.
Ildar Dadin was imprisoned for his serious treatment of the Russian Constitution, which enshrines the right of citizens to freedom of assembly. This happens whenever the Russian government adopts absurd and illegitimate laws.

Most people step aside and go about their business, because they have something to lose, and they are law-abiding. But there is one or more who decide to test themnelves and the power of the government. They do it on behalf of the majority of citizens, who can also be imprisoned for picketing against the raise in utility tariffs, or construction projects in city squares.

Dadin appears to be an inconvenient citizen for the government. He is not afraid of the criminal case and continues to participate in the pickets. Leaving him free means to admit the government's helplessness and the absurdity of the passed legislation (the latter is definitely true). But to imprison an inconvenient citizen would make him a hero under the spotlights. It would seem that the situation is desperate for the government, but then the FSIN's tricks come to rescue. A man imprisoned for his voice in the support of the Constituion may first be made a violent criminal engaged in fight with other prisoners, and a dreamer who invents prison tortures. And then, when this tactic is not crowned with much success, Dadin can simply "be lost".

And the best time for that is the New Year, because in this situation, citizens certainly have better things to do than to look for a political prisoner

The new motto of the Federal Service for Execution of Punishment: there's a prison, but no prisoner.

While a prisoner is being transported from point A to point B at the discretion of the prison authorities, it is not accountable to anyone. And it can take a long time, since Russia is large: for Dadin it has already taken more than a month. In response, social media initiated a flashmob #whereisDadin, in the midst of celebrating crowds in Red Square there were pickets, human rights activists supported the Dadin.

But it is no FSIN's failure, of course, it is a deliberate torture strategy. That's what's the worst in Dadin's case.

Taking advantage of loopholes in the departmental instructions written in the interests of the jailers, the FSIN can do virtually anything with its "clients", while remaining uncontrolled by anyone. Half-destroyed public commmissions aren't working; ombudsman Moskalkova cannot find Dadin. If before this kind of tricks were made mainly in relation to the ordinary prisoners, now there are no exceptions for one of the most famous political prisoners of the country. Political presons were treated well in the recent years because of fears of checks, audits and layoffs. Now, something has changed, and the FSIN felt freedom.

If the citizens are no longer afraid to go to jail for a picket, then the mission of the torturous authority of the government is to prove that the prison is very bad and scary.

Now the question is, who must be scared more: we of the prison of the prison of us.

There's little hope that the FSIN will understand that torture and "loss" of prisoners is not in its competence.