In Rostekhnadzor will deal with the causes of emergency at the plant Sverdlova

In Rostekhnadzor will deal with the causes of emergency at the plant "Plant them. Ya. M. Sverdlov. "
Representatives of Rostekhnadzor will participate in the investigation of the causes of the incident at one of the largest defense enterprises of the Nizhny Novgorod region - Sverdlov, where last Thursday there was a partial collapse of the shop, which refers to hazardous production facilities. The management of the plant did not inform the Ministry of Emergency Measures and Rostekhnadzor about the incident, and in social networks rumors spread about the explosion, which occurred due to negligence of the company's employees. In the Volga-Okskiy management Rostekhnadzor confirmed the information that the workshop collapsed wall: neither people nor equipment were harmed. On the photos available to Kommersant, you can see that the wall collapsed along with the ceilings and part of the roof.

In the Volga-Oka Department of Rostekhnadzor, a partial destruction of one of the premises of the workshop No.32 at the FKP Plant named after A.Kh. Ya. M. Sverdlov "(a major producer of explosives." - "b").

"On July 5, 2018 in shop number 32 in the idle part of the building, a partial collapse of the wall occurred, as a result of which the nitric acid pipeline deformed, leading to the failure of technical devices. The destruction of technical devices, explosion, release of hazardous substances is not fixed. The investigation of the incident will be organized by an enterprise commission with the participation of a representative of Rostekhnadzor, "the supervisory agency told Kommersant, clarifying that in this shop the works are being made as necessary and there were no inside workers at the time of the collapse of the plant's employees and equipment.

Recall that at the end of last week in social networks spread information about a strong explosion in the premises of the shop, allegedly occurred due to negligence and non-compliance with technological processes by employees of the enterprise. Part of the alarming rumor was fueled by the press service of the plant, which first informed news agencies that there was no explosion, and the company is "carrying out a standard work process to demolish the obsolete building of the shop, which has not been operated for a long time." However, when the journalists of NIA Nizhny Novgorod drew attention to the lack of procurement of the company for the demolition of old and construction of new workshops, the plant abandoned the version of the planned dismantling, saying that the wall of the old unused shop had collapsed. Employees of the Ministry for Emergency Situations and supervisory services did not cause the plant's management to enter the scene: the inspectorate of Rostekhnadzor went to Dzerzhinsk only on Friday, after reports on the explosion at the FKP Plant named after I. Ya. M. Sverdlov. "

The date of foundation of the plant. Sverdlov is considered June 27, 1916, when the decree was issued on its construction. At the moment the plant is a monopolist in the production of hexogen and octogen in Russia. It also produces high-explosive aviation bombs of 500 kg caliber.

Shop number 32 refers to hazardous production facilities of the plant, the official documents of the enterprise said. According to the FKP "Zavod im. Sverdlova ", it housed production of an octogen of various grades (explosive -" b "), hexotol, including the process of evaporation of acetic acid from acetic acid solution of ammonium nitrate, regeneration of spent acetone, regeneration of secondary acetic acid. There is also production of acetic anhydride, ethyl acetate, sulfonol, naphthalene and ammonia-refrigeration plant.

The general director of the plant, Vadim Rybin, in correspondence with Kommersant about the devastation that can be seen in the photographs, said that the collapsed wall of the old building had no effect on the plant's technological processes. "In view of the deterioration of fixed assets, such situations arise periodically - the working situation. And no one has ever paid attention to it, "Mr. Rybin added, having recommended writing about the record profit of the plant. Also, Vadim Rybin said that the plant specifically distributed a photo of the collapse, so that it could be seen that it happened in a separate building. All dangerous production facilities are underground in the hull (the barrier system is "Kommersant"), the general director of the plant added.

Maxim Cherkasov, the Minister of Industry, Trade and Entrepreneurship of the Nizhny Novgorod region, commenting on the incident at the Sverdlov plant, denied the rumors about the explosion, while recalling the special regime of increased security introduced for the period of the World Cup 2018 under Presidential Decree No. 202.

Recall that all potentially hazardous enterprises in the regions that take the football cup should either temporarily close, or guarantee to the interdepartmental operational headquarters compliance with increased security measures. However, Mr. Cherkasov said that "there are really no restrictions for industrial enterprises". All Nizhny Novgorod producers, who were included in the list of potentially dangerous enterprises, including the plant named after. Sverdlov, presented relevant plans of activities and continued to work during the World Cup 2018. According to Maxim Cherkasov, only three enterprises temporarily stopped, deciding to carry out preventive works on the equipment (earlier in Rostekhnadzor they said that there are six such enterprises.)