In Kiev, shot and killed Russian opposition journalist Arkady Babchenko

The investigation considers the versions of the journalist's public and professional activities.
Origin source
Russian journalist Arkady Babchenko was shot in Kiev. This was reported by journalist Aider Muzhdabaev on his Facebook page.

"In Arcadia Babchenko shot, in the house, in the back. They took us to the hospital. I'm looking for what, I'm going there, "Muzhdabaev wrote.

According to the correspondent of the radio "Gromadske" Irina Romalskaya, the journalist was killed. She noted that this information was confirmed by the adviser to the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, deputy Gerashchenko.

According to the head of the press service of the National Police in Kiev Oksana Blischik, the attack occurred in the Dneprovsky district of Kiev. The police called a woman who found Babchenko in the blood. He died in an ambulance from wounds.

Arkady Babchenko participated in both Chechen wars. After my dismissal in 2000, I started journalism. He worked as a military correspondent in the Moscow Komsomol, Novaya Gazeta, and collaborated with Channel One and TVC.

In February 2017, Babchenko announced that he had decided to leave Russia because of the threats he had received. He moved to Prague, then, in July 2017, lived in Israel. From August 2017 to May 2018 - in Kiev.

First details

The main version of the murder of Russian journalist Arkady Babchenko is his professional activity. This was reported by Interfax with reference to the head of the Main Directorate of the National Police in Kiev, Andrei Krishchenko.

At the same time, he noted that it is too early to talk about more specific versions. Investigators also find out whether the conflict with the journalist's participation could have been the cause of the murder.

Krishchenko said that several shots were fired at Arcadia Babchenko. He died in an ambulance.

According to the chief of the central committee, the wife of the journalist reported about the incident. In view of the psychological state, she still does not give testimony.

Ukrainian MP Anton Geraschenko said that Babchenko was shot on the threshold of his apartment. "The house is finished with bread. Arkady went to the store. The murderer was waiting for him on the stairwell at the entrance. When Arkady opened the door of the apartment, the killer was mean, in the back, he shot several shots at Arkady Babchenko, "wrote Gerashchenko on his Facebook page.

Journalist Aidar Muzhdabaev told the publication "Ukrainskaya Pravda" in the commentary that Babchenko was coming home from the store and was shot dead at the entrance to the apartment. The journalist's wife was at that moment in the bathroom.

The Investigative Committee of Russia opened a criminal investigation into the murder of Arkady Babchenko. This is reported by TASS with reference to the official representative of the agency Svetlana Petrenko.