In 2016, Vladimir Putin earned more than Dmitry Medvedev

The Minister for the North Caucasus Lev Kuznetsov turned out to be the richest person in the Russian government.
President of Russia Vladimir Putin in 2016 received an income of 8.86 million rubles. Earnings of the head of state in the past year was 33,000 rubles. Less than in 2015. These are the data on the declaration of income, expenditure and property.

As reported on the Kremlin's website, Putin's income amounted to 8,858,432 rubles. The average monthly income of Putin in 2016 was 738,000 rubles. In 2015, this indicator was estimated at 741,000 rubles.

 Movable and immovable property of the president remained unchanged. The property of the head of state has a land area of 1500 square meters. M, apartment area of 77 square meters. M and a garage with an area of 18 square meters. M. In the use of Putin is also located flat area of 153.7 square meters. M and a garage space of 18 square meters. These facilities are located on the territory of Russia. In addition, the president owns two rare cars "Volga" "GAZ M21", an off-road vehicle "Niva" and a trailer "Skif".

In 2013, the president earned more than 3.6 million rubles. In 2014, his income amounted to 7.6 million. The increase in income was doubled due to a decree on increasing the monetary compensation to the president and prime minister of Russia, whose salaries at that time were Substantially less than the salaries of their subordinates. In 2015, the president's income amounted to about 8.9 million rubles.

Chairman of the Government Dmitry Medvedev, according to the declaration, earned last year 8.59 million rubles. The property of the Prime Minister is an apartment of 367.8 square meters. M, cars "GAZ-20" in 1948 issue and "GAZ-21" in 1962 issue, his wife Svetlana - two parking spaces (16.2 and 16.3 square meters), the apartment in free use 367 , 8 square meters. M, as well as the Volkswagen Golf 1999 release. In addition, Medvedev leases a land plot of 4700 square meters. M for a period of 49 years.

 According to the declaration, Medvedev's monthly salary in 2016 was approximately 715,000 rubles. In 2012, Medvedev earned 5.8 million rubles. In 2013, his income was 4.3 million rubles. In 2014, he earned 8.5 million rubles. (After an increase in the monetary remuneration according to the presidential decree), in 2015 the prime minister's earnings amounted to 8.8 million rubles, Tass notes. In 2016, as well as years earlier, the wife of Medvedev did not receive any income. The only son of the Medvedevs Ilya is an adult. Information on his income and assets to the tax authorities are not provided.

Most of all among the members of the government in 2016, the Minister for North Caucasus Affairs Lev Kuznetsov earned. According to the declaration, his income amounted to 582 146 000 rubles. In 2015, his earnings were significantly lower - 47.9 million rubles. The minister's revenues for the year increased more than 12 times. On the day, Kuznetsov earned an average of about 1.6 million rubles.

A year earlier, the leader of the revenue ranking among government members was the minister for working with the open government, Mikhail Abyzov. His income in 2015 amounted to more than 455 million rubles. At the end of 2016, Abyzov was on the second place in the list of the "richest" ministers with an income of 520.9 million rubles. On the third place of the rating the vice-premier is the plenipotentiary of the Russian president in the Far East, Yuri Trutnev with an income of 356.9 million rubles.

 The smallest in 2016 earned the Minister of Agriculture Alexander Tkachev (5.6 million rubles.), As well as the ministers of nature and sport Sergei Donskoy and Pavel Kolobkov (5.7 million rubles.).

For the first time in 2017, the income statement was submitted by the Minister of Economic Development Maxim Oreshkin (for the year of 2016 earned 16.5 million rubles) and the Minister of Education and Science Olga Vasilyeva (6 million rubles).

President's press secretary Dmitry Peskov earned last year more than Putin - 12.813 million rubles. , His wife Tatiana Navka - 120.815 million rubles. The President's press secretary owns two apartments (111.7 and 112.5 sq. M.), A ½ share in an apartment with an area of ​​55.3 sq. M. M, as well as parking space 12.6 square meters. The press secretary uses two land plots (7967 and 1406 sq. M.) And a house (779.2 sq. M.), He also owns a Toyota Land Cruiser 200 car. Peskov's wife declared two land plots (7967 sq. M. And 1406 sq. M. M), two dwelling houses (779.2 and 353.5 sq. M.), Three apartments in Russia (180.4, 108.4 and 78.8 sq. M.) And one apartment in the US (126 sq. M) And one car place (20.8 sq. M.). In addition, Tatiana Navka owns Mercedes-Benz CL63 AMG, Mercedes-Benz ML63 AMG, Lexus RX350 and Yamaha ATV.

 Secretary of the Security Council of Russia Nikolai Patrushev earned in 2016 33 548 282 rubles., His wife's income amounted to 310 679 rubles last year.

Chairman of the Central Bank Elvira Nabiullina last year earned 26, 940 million rubles. She declared 1/3 of an apartment with an area of ​​70.6 square meters. M and an apartment of 112.2 square meters. M, and also the car Jaguar S-TYPE 2003 of release. The annual income of her husband Yaroslav Kuzminov, deputy of the Moscow City Duma and rector of the Higher School of Economics, was 29, 662 million rubles. He owns a plot of land (1470 sq. M.), A dacha (326.1 sq. M.) And one third of an apartment (70.6 sq. M.).

Assistant to the President Vladislav Surkov earned in 2016 8,758 million rubles. According to the declaration, Surkov does not own any real estate and cars, but uses an apartment (59.4 sq. M.), Two land plots (6000 and 936 sq. M.) And a residential building (598 sq. M.). His wife does not have any real estate, but owns six land plots (9000, 21049, 1854, 10 503, 6000 and 936 sq. M.), A dwelling house with outbuildings (761.6 sq. M.), A dwelling house (598 Sq. M.) And a security house with a garage (176.8 sq. M.). She owns two cars - the Ford Galaxy and the Mercedes-Benz V 250 d, with annual revenue of 7.226 million rubles.

 Among the employees of the presidential administration of Russia, Sergei Kiriyenko earned the most money in 2016. The first deputy head of the administration declared 85.487 million rubles. Annual income. He owns a land plot (7116 sq. M.), A residential building with farm buildings (698.5 sq. M.), A residential building (169.7 sq. M.), A car place (12.7 sq. M.), - Health unit (630.4 sq. M.) And farm building (68 sq. M.); In use - an apartment (254.3 sq. M.) And a forest plot (5000 sq. M.).

His wife earned 353,250 rubles last year, she owns, according to the declaration, no real estate or cars. In the use of Maria Kirienko, the same list of properties as Sergey Kirienko in ownership and use is indicated.

In 2015, Kiriyenko's income at his main place of work was 49.259 million rubles, 56.160 million rubles. Was the premium paid for 2012-2014, the column "other income" accounted for 28.190 million rubles., His wife's income in 2015 amounted to 3,695 million rubles.