How did Oleg Nasobin destroy the Green Mama concern

In 2007, Green Mama, which produces "natural cosmetics", had a turnover of more than $ 60 million and was preparing to enter the IPO. In 2016, the turnover of the company did not exceed 2-3 million dollars, and she was in a pre-bankruptcy state.
In 2017, the 12th anniversary of the beginning of the crusade of the founder of the Green Mama cosmetic brand, Oleg Nasobin, was 12 years old for the recognition of a true portrait of the great Italian humanist Benvenuto Cellini, found on a French flea market.

From the Urals to the Cote d'Azur

In France, a native of Sverdlovsk and a graduate of the Ural Polytechnic Institute, Oleg Nasobin was in 1997 in transit through the Czech Republic, where he moved back in 1992. The reason for his departure from post-Soviet Russia, he commented vaguely, which gave rise to some ill-wishers to suspect the businessman in connection with the so-called "Uralmash group" of mafia:

- In the late 80's and early 90's our country had to endure a terrible cataclysm. Collapsed plans, careers, habitual life. Irina and I were lucky in the sense that we were already old enough to take responsibility for our destiny, but at the same time young and romantic, so as not to be afraid of change. Nevertheless, we had to give up our plans for the future life. I'm an engineer, Irina is a violinist. In 1992 we found ourselves in Prague. In 1993, they started selling cosmetics, - said in 2007 a businessman.

In Prague, the Nasobins tried to build a business in the distribution of goods of the American cosmetic brand Freeman in Russia. However, the matter did not burn out. Oleg Nasobin, who was then turned 30 years old, according to the published on the website of his company "legend", collected a miracle surviving 50 thousand dollars and in 1996 launched the production of its own line of cosmetics. First in the Czech Republic, under the brand name of the new company Green Mama - Green Mama CZ s.r.o. (founded on March 19, 1997, currently in the phase of liquidation, Oleg Nasobin was the owner of 100% of the shares), and then in France:

"They decided to make creams with a plantain, and not with jojoba." Nasobin himself came up with a design for a package of sheets of plantain and elderberry. "The comic symbol of the company was a funny human figure - a drawing of a four-year-old son of Nasobins depicting a mother in a green dress. factory, packaging - a German firm, promising to pay off after the sale of the goods. "

Here it is necessary to say separately that the level of business journalism and business perception of Russian society was then and now at a primitive level. The sacramental question "where did the money come from" practically never was asked, among other things, because a variety of "oligarchs", owners of newspapers, factories and steamboats grew literally out of nowhere as mushrooms on rotten stumps. Yesterday the Komsomol member was hoarding computers or generally engaged in scrap metal, and a year or two later he had banks, a fortune of a billion dollars, a personal business jet and a fleet of yachts. Lopouhy man in the street could not even turn his head.

But in Europe there was no such euphoria of the 90s. Therefore, tales of the Germans who made the packaging in the calculation that they will be paid after the sale, you can tell only the inhabitants of northern Eurasia. In reality, the cost of admission to the market for the production of cosmetics and skin care products was then several million dollars, a minimum. This amount included not only the equipment and hiring of personnel, but also the purchase of raw materials, distribution, marketing, logistics and so on until the settlement of legal issues. This in his numerous interviews, Mr. Nasobin modestly ignored, but managed in his blogs years later to hint at cooperation with the Czech special services:

Czech special services in the 90 years of the last century actively invested "money from the Communist Party" and the Italian mafia in the Russian Federation - this, for example, the billion-dollar fortune of the owner of PPF Group and Home Credit Bank Peter Kellner (also "a guy from nowhere", now this richest businessman in the Czech Republic, who until recently had owned the Eldorado trading network in Russia). In turn, from the Russian Federation to the West, they were distilling objects of art, engaged in export-import operations and brokering services in the arms trade.

In the official history of Green Mama, it is touchingly reported that the lack of money and expensive labor in France did not become an obstacle for an energetic business couple from Sverdlovsk:

- The difficulty was that we did not have any money. To take loans seemed completely unrealistic, both because of their price (rate) and because of the lack of any security. There were everyday difficulties, with office space, like everyone else at that time. But there was love of the market "at first sight". What we expected to sell for three months, we sold in 7 days. Then again and again. The rapid growth in all aspects, some boundless love of the market, were our reward for all the trials, "Nasobin told" Family Business "in 2007. He told all this to the Russians, but he did not talk about business in Russia, but in the Czech Republic and France. On the realities of which most of his readers did not even have an idea.

Quick takeoff Green Mama

For some reason, the plant in the Czech Republic did not "shoot" and the Nasobins in 1998 launched a new venture called Le Plantain (Podzhorozhnik) 40 kilometers from the resort town of St-Tropez on the Cote d'Azur in the city of Montour (Le Plantain Zi Le Plan Oriental 83440 Montauroux) in France. In the vicinity of this city settled Oleg Nasobin's family in a cozy villa. The plant was registered with Le Plantain sas, established on November 12, 1998. The cost of construction and start-up of this enterprise amounted to 16 million francs or about 3 million dollars. Where did such money come from people who just "did not have any collateral for loans" - in itself an exciting story, but it is still beyond the scope.

City of Montauroux (France)

At the end of the 90's, it seemed that the Nasibs had found the right road and were in the right place at the right time. All the cosmetics they make under the Green Mama brand were leaving France for the growing Russian market, just survived the consequences of the 1998 default and crisis. Every year, the market for care and cosmetics in the Russian Federation grew by 25-35%, and the Nasobins attempted to first build a new enterprise in the Ryazan region (based on a former ceramic factory), but eventually open a Russian plant in the city of Egorievsk in the Moscow region in 2003. The company's staff grew to 540 employees (500 in the Russian Federation and 40-50 in France). In Russia, Green Mama produced mainly shampoos and cosmetic masks. More high-tech products - creams, milk - were made in France and from there they were brought to Russia. The company's business grew rapidly, its turnover in 2001 was about 20 million dollars, in 2007 - about 55-60 million dollars (all according to unofficial data and estimates of Euromonitor).

Nevertheless, as early as the 2000s, the company had problems that would further ruin it. So, the company's turnover by 2002-2003 reached about $ 40 million, but then, until the crisis of 2008, it grew relatively slowly. This, moreover, we repeat that the Russian cosmetic market grew then by leaps and bounds, but the business of the Nasobins did not develop. For an increase of 5-10% in a market with annual growth of 20-30% (and in some years or more) could mean only stagnation and a slow but sure loss of share on it. Among Russian business media, Vedomosti published the first in 2003:

"According to KOMKON-Pharma, the advertising budget of Green Mama in Russia last year was only $ 50 000. For comparison: $ 2.9 mln (the largest in our market budget for the domestic brand) was spent on the advertising of" Black Pearl " "Occupying the 14th place in the consumption index in the skin care products segment, the Green Mama brand is only the 35th for advertising costs."

Nasobin himself explained this by the alleged lack of funds:

"The word" marketing "in Green Mama is not used, first, because it is" too general and diffuse "discipline. Secondly, because behind it (according to Nasobin) is the technocratic, mechanistic application of some tools to the live market. "We are all a part of God, and we are clichéed on us," says Nasobin, but that does not mean that he categorically rejects advertising. "We would like to advertise," the entrepreneur confesses, "but for this we We need huge budgets. If we have $ 1 million, we will better direct it to research. "

Such an arrangement proved to be erroneous, although in 2003 marketers warned businessmen about the threat of increased competition:

"Some experts believe that inadequate advertising spending could harm companies in the future, according to ACNielsen, retail sales of face and body care products in Russia rose 48% to more than 9 billion rubles between 2001 and 2002. And players in this market more and more. "Sooner or later, when a strong competitor appears, it will be hard for them," says Alexander Fridman, head of research projects on cosmetics and perfumery of COMCON-Pharma.

The Russian market of perfumery and cosmetics in the 2000s attracted not only amateurs with a factory in France - large corporations began to come out with its impressive advertising and mareting budgets, as well as unlimited possibilities for distribution and development.

On the fracture

The edition of Forbes in 2005 paid attention to the paradoxical stagnation of the Green Mama business against the background of the same size businesses with this company:

"Although the Russian cosmetics and perfumery market is expanding, by various estimates, by 15-25% per year and in 2003 amounted to $ 5.3 billion, Green Mama with revenue of $ 41 million, according to Euromonitor, occupies no more than 0.8 For comparison: the revenue of the Russian cosmetic company Faberlic, founded in 1997, is almost three times as much. "

Former employees of Green Mama, who did not find a common language with Oleg Nasobin, explained this with the contempt of the guide to marketing and advertising:

"At the beginning of the new decade, the Russian market became cramped: foreign manufacturers came in, former Soviet enterprises became active - and the Moscow factory Svoboda, Nevskaya Cosmetics, and Ural Gems from Yekaterinburg (the Kalina concern)." But Green Mama allowed herself to ignore competitors, worked by inertia, the word "marketing" was simply forbidden, and misinformation was spent on the promotion of the goods, a month - no more than $ 20,000. The situation was critical, "says Evgeniy, former head of advertising at Green Mama Karasev. Marketers betrayed cardinal ways of solving the problem:

"Companies, in my opinion, need repositioning. Now this brand is forgotten and pressed. You can rise to the previous height only if you have a very powerful marketing program. If I had such a task, I would give up 50% of the turnover for the promotion of products, "says Evgeny Karasev (now he heads the advertising and promotion department of the Russian representative office of the Latvian perfume company Dzintars). "Green Mama's innovation has now faded. The company needs "star" products, which will be talked about, which are actively advertised and able to pull out the entire line, "adds Anna Dycheva-Smirnova."

However, in Nasobin's position there was still one sound grain - he believed that a good product would advertise himself, so why spend more money on "mass graves in magazines"? The real trouble with Green Mama was not so much lack of marketing and advertising as in a meager product line and its relative quality, weak financial base and incompetent leadership. Nasobin himself never recognized the last problem for anything.

The mouse did not go to Asia

In 2005, Nasobin planned to conquer the market of the countries of Southeast Asia - first of all, China, Japan, Taiwan and other states. To the "onslaught on the East", the Ural business genius treated as all its enterprises - that is, as a cavalry attack.

"We are entering into fatal battles," he said, "and we win in these fights. Not by force, but by the fact that we have nothing to lose. Imagine that we are a mouse. But we are an evil mouse.

However, in Asia, the "evil mouse" was waiting for a complete failure. It turned out that they, firstly, are overstocked, and secondly, to surprise someone there with "natural cosmetics", and even at high prices it was impossible. The failure also resulted in Green Mama's attempt to break into a very competitive American market. Back in 2001, Green Mama funds were successfully tested in one of the largest American networks, as Vedomosti reported in 2003. However, the American retail price of $ 2 per tube Nasobin did not suit: in other places his cosmetics sold for 6-7 dollars. As a result, in the West, Green Mama cosmetics were then sold mostly to a few independent pharmacies. Meanwhile, the Russian market did not stand still.

In the 2000s, competition in the Russian Federation became even more acute, and Green Mama's investments in some segments (for example, lipsticks, blushes, etc.), which were occupied by strong competitors, did not bring any result. Mind Nasobin needed in the middle of the last decade to look for a strategic partner and go to a deal to sell his business or exchange for a stake in someone else's, but larger. In 2007, Green Mama estimated at the Russian cosmetic and perfume market with a turnover of $ 8.6 billion, about 0.7% (less than $ 60 million), and there was little hope of increasing its share. In 2008, a number of Russian media reported that the management of Green Mama was finally "ripe" before attracting a strategic investor partner and even seriously thought about going to an IPO (from which the president of the company disowned in 2007). And Nasobin himself admitted that he was ready to give up the steering wheel of his company:

Oleg Nasobin is ready, under certain circumstances, even to leave the director's office and become an adviser. If, of course, an applicant for a place can prove that he is worthy of it.

But the market did not wait for turtles from Green Mama. In 2008, a thunder broke - in Russia there was a sharp and sharp collapse in sales of consumer goods after the fall in oil prices. Even after the situation in the second half of 2009 began to improve, it turned out that to expect the best is not necessary. Until 2008, Green Mama was a very specific, niche player, which could theoretically be of interest to third-party investors. After 2008, it ceased to be a liquid asset. In the Russian market, there were even more cosmetic products from large producers, who invested serious money in retail, advertising and marketing. Competing with which the Pots could not. Own investments in new product lines - shampoos, soap and other products, which Green Mama tried to produce, did not bring returns.

For 2010, the company's turnover was estimated at only $ 15-20 million, which was three times less than in 2007, and in 2011 - $ 10 million (unofficial data). All this meant that the family business of Nasibins was confidently going to the bottom. The lack of professionalism and adequate management only spurred the objective process.

The fish rots from the head

The management of the holding, consisting of about fifteen different sales and manufacturing companies, drowned inside the family clan: Irina Nasobina, Oleg's wife, being the director of Green Mama development and a musician-violinist by education, supervised the development of new products. The Russian division was run by the husband of Oleg Nasobin's sister, and the business director of business in Russia was the wife of his cousin Nasobin.

Virtually none of the Nasobins on a professional level could understand either cosmetology, chemistry, or medicine. And the rare attempts of the Nasobins to talk about the subject led to ridiculous embarrassments.

So, a very stormy reaction of the public was caused by an interview with Irina Nasobina, published on the company's website about essential oils and aromatherapy. You can try to evaluate it at least on such a passage (spelling and vocabulary saved by author):

"But probably not everyone knows that the Essential Oil is one of the most mysterious substances on the planet Earth.Nobody has yet been able to understand its essence completely and to measure its strength.It is capable of miracles.For example the human body does not represent for molecules of essential oil There is no obstacle, they pass right through if they so want. "

Or here such:

"What is the chemical composition? The whole Mendeleev's table, including the not yet discovered elements." What is this essential oil? "This is not known by anyone." The Sacrament, also called the Liquid Sun, the Soul of Plants, etc. Here is an ancient alchemical book It is the coeval of the dynasty of the Rurik dynasty, that is, the contemporary of Ivan Vasilyevich Grozny.This book describes many potions and recipes, but on two thirds it consists of recipes for the art of distillation, which is what the process of obtaining essential oils is called. "

Irina Nasobina and her magic book

Such charlatan reasonings from the head of the cosmetic concern first drove the readers of the LiveJournal into a stupor, and then - they forced to scoff at the aromatherapist:

It's enchanting. Do not know, laugh or cry.

Undiscovered elements --- these Kurds will heal people with highly radioactive isotopes? Well, well =) Better they would have added GMOs.

It would be better to be silent and continue to be beautiful. Now I'm not going to buy Green Mama's products exactly - crawling. You never know what kind of oil they use to feed grandfather-grandmother's recipes.

And where is the Philosopher's Stone? It's messy!

Laughter, but Russian consumers quickly figured out that the cosmetics and cosmetic care products offered by them at sufficiently high prices from Green Mama are in general mediocre goods, which they do not really want to buy a second time. Despite the fact that the Internet was carefully cleaned by the Nasibs from negative or critical comments, they could not be hidden.

For example, such ambiguous reviews in the distant 2008 were left by users on

- Yes, it is not bad, but it is not good! :) There are some good products, but in general - below average. And the price is too high. I used it at one time, but then I got bored and I'm unlikely to return to it. Mirra-lux will be better, in my opinion.

- It seems to me that the price-quality ratio is not very good. For this quality, the price is too high. Creams of the "Aleut" series with vitamin F - a pitiful resemblance to the cream F99, which is sold in pharmacies (and cheaper than Grinmama). A series of "taiga formula" quality resembles some "clean line", but it costs hoo. In general, I tried everything and went back to the essential oils and bases. Expensive, but the effectiveness is incomparable. But to me already 37. In a youth and Grinmama will descend.

- Disgusting quality and service! Creams are heavy, many with a bad, sharp smell. Allergenic, teary eyes. Moreover, they play dishonestly! One of the creams that the courier brought me was already used by someone, there was not enough of it and there was a dirty tube (in cream). Reviews on their website they write to themselves and skip only positive ones! I wrote 10 reviews, did not miss a single one, except "normal cream". Rascals!

- The quality of the creams worsened, I tried many different. For example, foam-gel for washing Camomile and Lingonberry began to dry even my fat skin, for those two minutes until I applied the cream, the skin already cracked. But, maybe, this is an individual case, but in general, creams do not bring a tangible result, they are suitable for teenagers more, it seems to me.

- Excellent products, the first time it began to use in 1998, was delighted. Shampoos, balms, scrubs just super! During this period, I used a lot of money from other manufacturers, but I decided to return to the production of Greenmam .... the means for caring for the body and hair are wonderful !!! The price is also normal! You want a lot of young lady, and that the quality was MAX and the price of MIN ...

At various Internet sites in Runet, until recently, there was a sluggish struggle between a few and often frustrated consumers and writing as a carbon copy bravura reports "positivists." However, since 2011, media publications on the business successes of Green Mama have practically ceased, and the company itself is taking a marginal position in the deep basement of the Russian cosmetic market.

The fate of Crow's Sloboda

The revenue of Le Plantain sas (a legal entity owning the Sapinan plant in France) in 2006 was 2.7 million euros, staff - 37 people, the payroll - 690 thousand euros (the average salary was just over 1,500 euros). The declared high operating costs - 2.86 million euros, as well as social payments of 250 thousand euros, made production very expensive, and net profit - scanty. All this existed only while the products were sold in Russia. The threefold drop in Green Mama's revenues in Russia in 2008-2010 led to the fact that Nasobin was unable to maintain such a costly enterprise in France. In 2011, the plant "Podzdorozhnik" (Le Plantain) stopped its production. And on February 28, 2012 the legal entity was declared bankrupt and closed because of the lack of assets (jugement prononçant la clôture de la procédure de liquidation judiciaire pour insuffisance d'actif).

Subsequently Nasobin repeatedly stated that his "business in France was destroyed by enemies," but rather, the reason for its closure was economic. In 2012, the question remained unresolved as to what to do with the production and storage facility in Montora with an area of ​​6,000 square meters. The Nasobins had ideas to rent it out, but in the future the events developed according to the principle of the Crow's Slobodka, which could not help but burn.

On a dark night from 4 to 5 September 2012, the building of the former Poddorozhnik plant was embraced by a flame. The fire was very strong - almost 70 firefighters fought with fire until the morning, 3,000 square meters of the building were completely burnt out. According to firefighters, the fire began at the spirits warehouse:

Dans la nuit du 4 au 5 septembre, près de 70 pompiers étaient mobilisés pour éteindre le feu qui s'est déclaré vers minuit dans un entrepôt de Montauroux, dans le Var. Le feu a été circonscrit vers 6 heures du matin. Sur les 6000 m2 que compte l'établissement, plus de 3.000 m2 ont été détruits. L'incendie serait parti du centre de l'entrepôt où sont stockés des parfums. Une enquête a été ouverte pour déterminer l'origine du sinistre.

Nasobin himself gave confused comments in the spirit of "it's strange that the fire started here, at this time and so quickly spread" (and what's to be surprised if spirits began to burn?):

Later it turned out that although the premises were insured, it was not so easy to get an insurance payment. For this or some other reason, but Oleg Nasobin's attitude towards France has changed dramatically from positive to negative. If in the 2000s the businessman explained why it is convenient for him to live on the Cote d'Azur (mountains, sea, curative climate), then in the second decade of the 21st century he hit Russian social networks and blogs. They turned it into a stream of bilious comments about corruption and legal lawlessness in France, openly calling it "police and terrorist state", where business is strangled by taxes (it's strange that he noticed it only after 2012).

- France - a provincial, disrespectful country in the world, and therefore "dating" in it sucks, - he wrote in the Live Journal (Livejournal) in 2013.

The businessman in general named the French police as the perpetrator of the fire at the factory, acting allegedly at the instigation of the then authorities of the country headed by President Nicolas Sarkozy! Here is a typical comment of Nasobin from his blog about this (the former president of Green Mama nevertheless kept silent about the fact that the factory that was already not operating was burned down, but closed almost a year before due to bankruptcy):

"When the French police Sarkozla fouled me with impunity in 2012, burned the plant to me and destroyed the business, I warned the tax inspectorate in France that I can not pay taxes because there are no revenues." I showed my applications to the prosecutor, and the tax showed understanding, and agreed to wait until the trial.The sarcophagous oprichnina, who recruits and lays prostituted judges, sold their services to insurers, and the case dragged on for four years, and suddenly, the other day, the tax has withdrawn the money without our acceptance. New "managgers" to whom everything is pohber.Now, I will then reply with the publication of real names and photographs of Sarkozlina's agent of oprichnina, with a description of their activities. "Fuck you, scum."

The second legal entity Nasobinyh in France - Laboratoire Cosmo Di Medici sarl (created on February 21, 2005, owned by Irina Nasobina), engaged in the development of cosmetics, in 2012 showed a net loss of 144 058 euros and in subsequent years worked in negative territory. Until it was closed on January 14, 2017. As a result, after 2012 the company retained production only in the city of Yegoryevsk, Moscow region. In Russia, its products were thought to be "Franco-Russian" by inertia, but in Europe it is almost impossible to find Green Mama cosmetics (it goes there as an exotic species).

In France, the Nasobins still have only three legal entities that demonstrate the desire of the business couple to go into new industries: Phoenix 7 sarl (restaurant management, founded on April 15, 2014), GREEN MAMA INVESTISSEMENTS (real estate transactions, founded on June 26, 2015 ) and LES PIERRES (real estate transactions, founded on October 29, 2008). In the Russian blogosphere, a brief analysis of the business empire of Nasobins in France flashed in 2015. At the same time, it became obvious to many observers that the collapse of Green Mama was due to economic reasons rather than the insidious intrigues of the French special services that set fire to the bankrupt factory of a Russian businessman at night.

Saving Russia?

In Russia, the activities of the four "aromatherapists" in recent years demonstrate all the signs of an impending financial collapse (only those firms whose founders are members of the Nasobins clan are taken into account).

So, according to the annual reports of LLC "DK +" (Oleg Nasobin himself owns 75% of the shares, his father is Bronislav Aleksandrovich Nasobin, 25%), one of the main marketing structures of Green Mama in Russia (she sells cosmetics through the corporate Internet- store), its gross income in 2012 amounted to 22.7 million rubles, in 2013 - 17.58, in 2014 - 13.82, in 2015 - 13.14, in 2016 - 10.24 million rubles. That is, the company's revenue for 5 years fell by more than 2 times. Net profit under RAS in 2012-2016 declined by almost three times from 1.74 to 0.65 million rubles (according to SPARK-Interfax).

Sales of cosmetics from Green Mama via the Internet have never occupied more than 10% of the total, but this trend still provides food for thought. Apparently, the aggregate turnover of the Green Mama cosmetic business in Russia in 2016 was hardly more than 100-130 million rubles.

Other companies of the business empire of the Nasobins
in Russia are not in the best position - almost all of them are bankrupt.

Wholesale of perfume and cosmetics

"Salvia" LLC (co-owners: Oleg Nasobin - 60%, Bronislav Nasobin and Dmitry Bulanov - 20% each) received the latest reporting with income in 2007. Mr. Bulanov owns OOO "BS", which, with a revenue of 55.5 million rubles in 2016, accumulated "modest" accounts payable of 38.7 million rubles.

Sage 2 LLC (co-owners: Oleg Nasobin - 75% of shares, his father Bronislav Nasobin - 25%) is entangled in serious accounts payable. Revenue (gross revenue) of the company in 2012 amounted to 16.8 million rubles, in 2013 - 22.2, in 2014 - 22.2, in 2015 - 20.9, in 2016 - 19.3 million rubles , the net profit fluctuated all the years at the level of 1.8 million rubles, and in 2016 fell to 1.2 million rubles. In 2016, the company accounts payable amounted to 125.6 million rubles (48 million short-term and 77.6 million - long-term).

LLC "Lavender N" (co-owners: Oleg Nasobin - 95% of shares, Elena Nasobina - 5%). In 2012-2016 gross revenue has collapsed almost threefold. Revenue in 2012 is 61.77 million rubles, in 2013 - 52.16, in 2014 - 38.5, in 2015 - 32.64, in 2016 - 19.1 million rubles. Net profit ranged from 0.3 to 0.8 million rubles per year, and in 2016 the company was in negative territory. The company's accounts payable at the end of 2016 was more than 97 million rubles (by comparison, in 2010 it was slightly more than 5 million rubles).

Manufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing agents; perfumery and cosmetics:

OOO GM Produkion (owner of 100% of shares of Oleg Nasobin) gross revenue in 2014-2016 fell by half from 14.5 to 7.4 million rubles. Net profit decreased from 880 to 434 thousand rubles. At the end of 2016 the company had 13.7 million rubles of accounts payable.

Wholesale of non-food consumer goods:

OOO "Sheet 3" (co-owners: Oleg Nasobin - 95% of shares, Elena Nasobina - 5%). Here everything is the same. In 2014, the company's gross revenue amounted to 22.53 million rubles, in 2015 - 17.77 million rubles, in 2016 - 10.6 million rubles. Net profit - decreased from 930 to 140 thousand rubles. Accounts payable at the end of 2016 amounted to more than 40 million rubles.

Letting of own uninhabitable immovable property:

OOO "Design combine" Three Bears "(co-owners: Oleg Nasobin - 60% of shares, Bronislav Nasobin - 20%, Dmitry Bulanov - 20%, left the company in July 2017.) The company's revenues in 2010 - 11.27, in 2011 - 11.5, in 2012 - 17.41, in 2013 - 24, in 2014 - 31.86, in 2015 - 29.33 million rubles. Net profit varied over all these years from 30 to 250 thousand rubles per year.The company's accounts payable at the end of 2015 - 22.64 million rubles.

The rest of the companies of the business empire of the Nasobins
did not show any significant economic activity: Denis Ozornin's French Confectionery Ltd. (100% owner Oleg Nasobin), Green Nova Ltd. (100% owner Dmitry Bulanov), Albatros LLC (until June 2013 Oleg Nasobin owned 50% of the shares in it), OOO Timyan 7 (owner Oleg Nasobin, general director - Stepan Nasobin).

In the past five years, the already modest Green Mama spending on advertising and marketing has declined to zero, since 2014, the articles on the corporate website have ceased to update, in 2015 even the "cleared" corporate forum has ceased to work, and since the spring of 2016 news has ceased to be published companies (they moved entirely in Vkontakte). On a number of third-party forums in RuNet, very critical remarks about work on Green Mama began to reproduce, which was blamed for low salaries and their delays. Rare positive reviews were blocked by negative ones (especially in Russian regions):

The company sucks. The one who wrote a positive review, just lies and terribly prettifies. There is no family and team there. The fluid is creepy, the director is a terrible hysterical woman. ZP was delayed for three or more months. They are given out in crumbs. For being late, they are secretly fined. So I do not advise anyone.

They gave a test task to analyze competitors and develop a new brand of cosmetics. I spent all weekend doing it, because went to the store, watched the competitors, evaluated their prices, the site, the number of positions, etc. drew 2 concepts to a new brand, sent a presentation, even thanks for participation did not write to me. The vacancy is still hanging on the hh-such a feeling that people are collecting free work, or they want to take a person who will perform strategic work for a penny. The office is small - 2 rooms, located in the ass, but the director has a separate office. Think yourself to waste your time or not.

If they offer them to work, disown them and run the other way.

If this trend does not change, in the coming years the Green Mama brand in the Russian cosmetic market may become a museum rarity.

The engineer turns into a connoisseur of art

It is difficult to say whether Mr Nasobin himself had a premonition of turning his brand into an antiques, but in the last decade he decided to migrate from the cosmetic business to art history. But not alone, of course, but with a masterpiece of world painting.

In 2004, Oleg Nasobin made one of the largest and most outstanding discoveries in modern history of world art, which until now practically nobody knows. And professional circles about him stubbornly remain silent, which allows one to suspect a certain collusion. In 2013, Nasobin published an adventure and detective novel "Benvenuto" (his author wisely did not translate into English or French), where he told how he was recruited by the special services of France, how he entered into an affair with the lieutenant of the French police, and most importantly - what adventures he experienced with the found canvas of unprecedented value.

The businessman succeeded in 2004 at an exhibition-sale of old paintings in the French provincial town of Fayans to buy for 3200 euro an alleged portrait of the famous Italian humanist, sculptor, jeweler and painter of the 16th century, Benvenuto Cellini (1500-1571). The moment of meeting with his "portrait" Oleg Nasobin in his book described as follows:

"In Antique Fairs, antique fairs are held a couple of times each year, with approximately half a hectare space, which accommodates all kinds of buildings, houses, tents and tents, which attract small galleries and private traders." The sun roasted mercilessly in all its southern power , and so I gladly turned into one of the buildings.Having a croaky staircase I went up to the second floor ... Indifferently glanced at the counters, passing into another room, and suddenly it seemed as though I had been pierced by an electric current.right on the wall in front of me was a visa a portrait of a tremendous power, depicting a middle-aged pensive man whose deep penetrating gaze testified to the extraordinary mind of the thinker and philosopher, while the literally waved out with a wave of hard-contained inner power, hidden anguish and not quite succeeded humility of the rebel ... I stared at the eye in a portrait and could not take his eyes off. "

The view could not bring and soon a couple of talented businessmen from the Urals got evidence that for 3200 euros she acquired a masterpiece of world painting (it is not necessary to be surprised at such a coincidence, for example, Irina Nasobina is the owner of an authentic alchemical book of the epoch of Ivan the Terrible, as we remember from her interview, can you imagine her value?):

I decidedly took the picture off the wall and took it out of the frame. In the process of massacre of the richly gilded plaster of gypsum, another surprise awaited us this day. On one of those corner pieces, someone's hand wrote a few words with a graphite black pencil. The inscription read: "The head of a man. Benvenuto Cellini. " Let me ... Cellini? This is what Cellini? The same Cellini ?! Was he an artist? Well, you never know what they write on ugly frames of paintings? No, no, definitely this can not be. But interesting…

Soon after the events described, we had to go on business to Paris. And, as always, according to our family tradition, we looked into the Louvre. I stood in the Louvre shop, leafing through books on the art of the XVII-XVIII centuries, and at that very moment Irina suddenly came up to me with a large volume in her hands: "Look ..." She showed me the page on which was a reproduction of the drawing depicting the same man, as in our portrait. Under the picture stood the signature: "Cellini (?) Benvenuto Cellini, drawing. The Reale Library, Turin. "
It was he, the same person as in our portrait, no doubt, only 10-15 years younger, and looked a little sideways with a confident, "eagle" gaze.

The attempt to carry out the examination of the picture by the specialists of the Louvre, however, failed. In the spring of 2005, the Italian professor Girolamo Strozzi left the Nasobins, through which the Italian ambassador to Russia (then this post was occupied by Gianfranco Bonnetti) offered Nasobin's lawyer, the scandalous Pavel Astakhov . Or at least bring her for an inspection at the Apennine Peninsula. But the Uralic nugget lived in northern Eurasia for good reason, it was not to be understood:

I had a strong conviction that the Italians were quite sure that there was a high probability that there would be a legal basis for the portrait to be confiscated or, at least for a long time, to be detained. As one option at worst - to buy the already arrested artifact for a pittance, because the seller will be more accommodating, while the picture is under arrest. Therefore, they should certainly entice the work in Italy. I understood that the Italians want to see the picture, but they do not say anything directly about it. It was embarrassing, there was some kind of dirty trick and a dishonest game. I had a thought to bring work to Florence ... But after thinking, I decided not to do it. The game should be fair, and the Italians clearly began to darken.

Cellini, thriller and emptiness

The revenge of the insidious Italians who allegedly planned to steal from Nasobins the marvelous and unique portrait of Benvenuto Cellini in the world did not take long: Oleg Bronislavovich with his find enemies everywhere "put out the light":

On Cellini's theme, there are very few leading experts: only about four to five people on the whole planet. A dozen calls are enough to block off oxygen tightly not only in the higher, but also in the second and third echelons of the hierarchy of art critics and experts. I have no doubt that our opponents did so. The blockade began. From this point on, all commercial specialists refused to even look at the picture, avoiding any meeting with it under any pretext.

To blow up the response bomb The pockets were planned for September 2005 at a press conference in Paris, after being forged through technical expertise that the portrait could have been made in the 16th century, and the person depicted on it had a resemblance to Signiello Cellini. But instead of bombing a Russian couple of connoisseurs of high art failed even a weak pshik:

The invitations and synopsis of the event were sent out on television, radio stations and in the media of France, Italy, Spain, Germany, Britain, Austria, Switzerland, Japan and other countries. Representatives of all major museums and foreign embassies in Paris were invited. Only some of the invited, apologizing, warned us that they could not attend the press conference: among them were the Bargello Museum in Florence and the Vienna Museum. Still, it seems, the Vatican sent us a polite letter with refusal. The rest did not answer, and so we expected that at least half of them would come.

We were expecting a sold-out, and we saw an almost empty hall - only twenty-five people. I myself removed the silk coverlet from the portrait, and it was repeatedly photographed by the press. And then the most responsible part of the plan began: answers to questions. The experts held on well, they clearly and clearly stated their views on the picture, the identity of Cellini and dating. They also asked why the picture was so well preserved. To which our restorer, Madame Prames, an expert accredited by the Court of Appeal of Paris, clearly objected that the picture looks in accordance with its venerable age, taking into account the technique of the letter and the basis on which it is executed.

After the end of the conference, experts actively interviewed the TV cameras, but I still had some bitter feeling - I still counted on much more interest. Almost nobody came from the embassies. There were no museums either.
We had dinner with friends, and I felt bad, like a battered dog.

The only serious European publication that was briefly mentioned about this finding was the British The Daily Telegraph. About the discovery Nasobin did not mention any authoritative expert magazine in the field of art, painting, sculpture - Apollo, ArtReview, The British Art Journal and so on. The owner of the picture originally explained this by some kind of conspiracy, but in 2016 in his blog said that the atmosphere of silence about the masterpiece of painting ... was created at his own request!

In the West, there is no "ignore" Cellini. On the contrary. All the experts who are competent to write about Cellini are now refraining from publishing (since 2007), approximately, since it is known that we are working on a monograph, and I sent out drafts that we are discussing with them. People just give me the opportunity to publish my scientific work, and I'm grateful for that.

In principle, this "re-training" is understandable: a person has failed to convince anyone in the West over 12 years of the authenticity of the smear found by him. Another thing is that for several years Oleg Nasobin tried to actively attach a picture on the territory of northern Eurasia. So, in 2012 he exhibited it at the exhibition "Collectors and Collections" in the All-Russian Museum of Decorative and Applied and Folk Art in Moscow. The calculation was simple: in Europe it was impossible to break into the fine art market, but in the feeble-minded northern Eurasia it is full of rich nouveau riche. Back in 2005, undemanding and non-demanding Russian media began posting delusional information about the fact that Nasobin's portrait not only was allegedly recognized as "real", but also insured for 90 million euros (or 110 million dollars)! Who will be a fake for such a sum to insure?

Here, for example, how the tore itself up:

"An unknown self-portrait of a Florentine sculptor, jeweler and writer Benvenuto Cellini was discovered in France and was written in the homeland of the master between 1555 and 1565. The authenticity of the picture is confirmed by experts, the newspaper Telegraph .... The owner of the self-portrait Cellini, apparently, with him to part: he just insured the picture for almost 90 million euros According to the collector's friend, the finding of the self-portrait is "comparable to the discovery of an unknown sculpture by Leonardo da Vinci."

It seconded

"The Paris experts, after 11 months of research, found that the picture, recently discovered on the sale of antiques, was unknown before the self-portrait of the Florentine jeweler and sculptor of the XVI century, Benvenuto Cellini." Experts are still unable to name the cost of the picture, but the owner of the portrait already insured him for $ 110 million. "

With the deterioration of business in the Green Mama business, Mr. Nasobin plunged desperately into the career of an art historian, an expert and a museum specialist. In the third, but at least some scientific journals in Russia (without translation into English, of course), the businessman published lengthy articles about the authenticity of the portrait he had found. This fate was not avoided, for example, the journal of the Fultult of the Art History of the RSUH "Artikult" and the not entirely specialized journal "Sociology. Journal of the Russian Sociological Association." In 2013, Oleg Bronislavovich returned to the Russian special services and for three years cooperated with the Federal Service for Drug Control of the Russian Federation (Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation). Among the Russian fighters with drugs (sometimes dying from overdose) the founder of Green Mama led a vegetative lifestyle, holding the position of senior researcher at the Federal State Institution "Scientific Research Center of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia".

It can not be said that Nasobin's business strategy for finding a rich loach was so stupid and naive. Recall that in these same years - 2011-2015 - right next door to the villa of perfumers-aromatherapists aimlessly tossed money another Uralic nugget. For five years, the former owner of the company "Uralkali" Dmitry Rybolovlev, who settled in Monaco, bought 40 canvases of famous masters, spending more than $ 2 billion on this (of which 1 billion, it later turned out, his art dealer Yves Bouvier has trod!)!

And it's okay if the pictures were simply bought up at inflated prices. Rybolovlev paid insane money for frank fakes. In 2013, the ex-owner of "Uralkali" for 127.5 million dollars bought a picture of Leonardo da Vinci's "Savior of the World", which shortly before that a number of experts, including Sotheby's, scandalously recognized the true (contrary to the opinion of most art historians, which is not prevented it from selling again). A couple of paintings were generally stolen. Was it not better for Rybolovlev to order and peacefully buy from his same Nasobin for 10-15 million dollars his "authentic portrait of Benvenuto Cellini"? And money would have saved, and would help the owner of Green Mama business establish. And now Ryboloylov's free funds are almost gone, and he proceeded to the sale of his art gallery and real estate.

The scale of failures of Oleg Bronislavovich was, of course, less. To retrain to a full-fledged art critic and owner of the masterpiece of world painting he has not yet succeeded. But as an active person, accustomed to the dashing gopnik attacks and the change in roles, he clearly can succeed in the field of Russian state propaganda or cinematography. In 2013, Oleg Bronislavovich created in the Live Journal a fake account of Russian President Vladimir Putin, and in 2015 starred in the episodic role in the movie "Climbing Jupiter" sisters and brothers (at that time) Vachovsky. In 2016-2017 Oleg Nasobin performed well in Moscow with a series of lectures on the theme "European Occult Symbolism based on the images of the Great Arcana Tarot." For some time now he has been cooperating as a publicist with the Internet publication of the Russian nationalists Sputnik and Pogrom, and his current views on Europe (in which he prefers, by the way, still live) would have allowed him to succeed on some reactionary that is, the official) Russian TV channel or in the media:

Of course, combining anti-Western rhetoric in the Russian media with living in the "dead-end branch of civilization" on the Cote d'Azur (on the video - overtaking Montessora, in the vicinity of which Monsieur Nasobin is suffering) will not be easy, but nothing is impossible here. Suffice it to recall that one of the key Putin propagandists Vladimir Soloviev is the lucky owner of a nice estate on the resort lake of Como in Northern Italy. And corruption, and poor schooling and inaccuracy in Europe, he does not interfere.