Greenpeace enviromentalists face up to 15 years in prison

The Investigative Committee of Russia initiated the criminal case on piracy for the attempt to stop works on the Prirazlomnaya platform. 
Russian Investigative Committee (TFR) filed criminal charges of piracy against Greenpeace activists who tried to disrupt work on the platform "Prirazlomnaja" in the Barents Sea. Thus ecologists protesting against the development of the Arctic shelf. The official representative of the TFR has promised "to bring to justice all persons, regardless of nationality." Environmentalists could face up to 15 years in prison.

As the official representative SKR Vladimir Markin, into the attack on the platform "Prirazlomnaja" Greenpeace activists prosecuted for piracy. According to him, the investigative authorities of the border department of the FSB in Murmansk region received test materials about the incident in the Barents Sea. "After a preliminary inquiry, investigation department of the Russian IC in the North-West Federal District opened a criminal case on grounds of crime under Part. 3 tbsp. 227 of the Criminal Code (piracy committed by an organized group) ", - said Mr. Markin. Thus, environmentalists face up to 15 years in prison. "I should note that in the criminaloh responsibility will involve all the perpetrators of the attack on the platform, regardless of their nationality, "- added Mr. Markin.

According to recent reports, the ship Greenpeace Arctic Sunrise anchored in the bay between the villages Kulonga Mishukovo and Belokamenka. "The ship is located in the Kola Bay near Murmansk port. It fell into the anchorage. It is evident that so far it is coupled to the Coast Guard, "- said" "head of the Arctic program" of Greenpeace Russia, "Yevgeny Belyanova. She also noted that the board has not seen any of the team members.

Sea ice-resistant fixed platform "Prirazlomnaja" belongs to JSC "Gazprom Neft Shelf" (earlier - LLC "Sevmorneftegaz"). The construction was built in 15 years. It is the world's first drilling platform for the development of deposits on the Arctic shelf. Prirazlomnoye oil field in the Pechora Sea was discovered in 1989. Recoverable oil reserves amount to more than 70 million tons. Design oil production level - about 6 million tons per year. Environmentalists, in their ochered, protesting against the development of the Arctic shelf.

Arctic Sunrise vessel under the flag of the Netherlands with the Greenpeace activists on board approached the platform on 18-19 September. Border patrol ship "Ladoga" led the firing warning several times, demanding that the environmentalists to stop for inspection, but they did not obey. According to TFR, environmentalists have tried to land on the platform. September 19 FSB brought aboard osmotrovye group Border Service. The ministry claimed that the weapon is not applied, although some media reported earlier about the shooting. As of Greenpeace, in turn, claim that some activists four days "were held under the supervision of armed men, not allowing calls to contact family or lawyers", while the action itself is called "peaceful". "In accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation decided to towing the vessel to the port of Murmansk for further proceedings", - stated in the FSB. Now Arctic Sunrise towed to the port of Murmansk. The Greenpeace has stated that this seizure, and consider action ab guardsAkon.

"It is puzzling, - commented on the statements of the Raman excitation of criminal case the head of the Russian branch of Greenpeace Sergei Tsyplenkov.- be silent, we will not. First, we want to understand the essence of the charges, we will be discussing this with our lawyers and independent lawyers. "

Greenpeace is not the first time attacking the "near-fault". In August 2012, six environmentalists, including the director of Greenpeace International Kumi Naidoo, climbed the wall constructions, hung the flag, hung a tent and held in limbo for more than 12 hours. Then the workers' Prirazlomnaya "activists tried to wash away the icy water from the hoses, grinpisovtsy later left the platform. Criminal cases did not plant.