Gold megawatts of Yevgeny Dod

The lower the cost of RusHydro, the higher the income of its chairman of the board.
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Luxury, which has surrounded himself with the head of the company "RusHydro" Yevgeny Dod, is amazing. Chic 800-meter mansion in the village of Pestovo, known as the "island of millionaires." Nearly 400-meter apartment on the Great Yakimanka in the super-elite residential complex "Copernicus" - and it's not all that belongs to the family of chairman of the board of Russia's largest energy holding. Approximate value of the said property is estimated by experts to capture the imagination worth about 2 billion rubles!

Officially earned last year alone not less than $ 7 million, Yevgeny Dod, according to the rating of Forbes magazine, entered the twenty most highly paid Russian managers. Meanwhile, for the time is headed by Evgeny V. "RusGid-ro", the capitalization of the company declined by more than 2.5 times. So we can assume that all of this could be causing the luxury Mr Doda available due to the notorious "effective management" in the state-owned company. "I have long been interested in the man - said" OurFirst Version "well-known investigative journalist Oleg Lurie. - Few of the managers of state-owned affords so causing lifestyle, especially in circumstances where the corporation entrusted to him simply degraded. I do not know how long the government will tolerate it? Hardly Evgeny Dod of untouchables ... "

Today we publish the fragments of the investigation conducted by Oleg Lurye, and we hope that this material will not be a voice crying in the wilderness.

"Island of Millionaires"

"According to my information, when Yevgeny Dod in 2009 came to the leadership of the state corporation" RusHydro ", 11 members of the board earned 59.6 million rubles. In 2013, the board consisted of 14 people already, and their earnings rose to 612.3 million rubles. On average, each member of the Board of revenues increased from 5.4 to 43.7 million rubles, or eight times. In the same eight-fold increased during the reign of Doda and "RusHydro" debt - explains the interest in the topic of personal wealth predpravleniya "RusGid-ro" Oleg Lurie.

According to the rating of Forbes, the head of "RusHydro" in the list of the most highRussian managers ooplachivaemyh 15 takes pride of place with $ 7 million in annual revenue. "In total, during 2009-2012, according to my information, his fortune grew by 1 billion 323 779 000 902 rubles 44 kopecks, which could be directed to the prosperity and improvement of living conditions of the family home," - said an investigative journalist.

It seems that the story, voiced by the journalist, has under itself a good reason. Thus, according to the weekly "Arguments of the Week", Dod takes "just eight plots of land in the elite suburban village located on the banks of the picturesque Pestovo reservoir, known as the" Island of Millionaires "... A hundred in all areas of Evgeny Dod no less than 40 ... This "golden" land is also a cottage area of ​​over 800 square meters. " When the announced price realtors 12.6 million rubles per one hundred square meters in Pestovo is nearly US $ 14.2 million, while the value of the house is estimated by experts in the amount not less than $ 8 million. That is, under the current exchange rate value of "near" garden state employee gets to 800 million rubles.

takeshis investigation in respect of Doda, journalist Oleg Lurye found out that some of the land for the estate Doda according to excerpts from the inventory feature to Farhad Akhmedov, a former senator from the Krasnodar Territory, an old friend and business partner, head of "RusHydro". According to Lurie, back in the 90s of the last century Dod and Ahmed had registered a number of commercial structures, and since then has not ceased to maintain relations. But to this we shall return below ...

"The fact that the head of" RusHydro ", it lives in Pestovo, in the course of investigative journalism, I was informed several sources. However, given the design of land on the former senator Akhmedova, I decided to check the fact of living itself Doda family on "the island of millionaires." To do this, we arrived at the check point overlying travel to the island, and inquired about the possibility of travel to the territory of the village. But then we were not allowed. And in the course of the conversation armed men reported that Mr. Dod now really is at home, but we were not to miss are the right without his personal call to protect "- Lurie writes in his Internetdiary.

In addition, members of the DoD's family in recent years have been reported in three apartments in Moscow. The main one is located on the Great Yakimanka, 22, one of the most expensive residential complexes in the capital - "Copernicus." The area belonging to the wife of the head of "RusHydro" luxury apartments here is 383.3 square meters. According to the catalog sales and rentals of real estate cyan, is the apartment, even without finishing at least $ 12 million, and after the final guidance may increase the cost of comfort and a half times or two. Do not forget that the real estate market does not stand still, so that the purchase of luxury apartments between the Kremlin and the "President-Hotel" a few years ago and could not do considerably more expensive than today's prices.

"December 28, 2008 legal spouse of a citizen Ekaterina Dod Dod acquire ownership semikomnatnuyu apartment of 383 square meters at the address: ul. B.Yakimanka, 22, building 3. At this address is the most expensive in the capital of the elite residential complex "Copernicus" - shows Lurie.- The cost of only 1 meter in the "Copernicus" exceeds wages GP or a school teacher for three years. And the wife of Doda already 383 meters. "

In addition, it continues the blogger, not working in big business spouse chairman of the state company "RusHydro" Catherine Dodd recorded in two more apartments in the capital (Krasnoarmeyskaya Str. And st. Bashilovskaya), as well as, possibly owned land in the exclusive village of Nemchinovka Odintsovo Moscow region. With these apartments, land, as well as houses and land in the Stavropol region total value of real estate can pull almost 2 billion rubles!

We can assume that after the development of approximately 361 billion rubles allocated for the investment program of "RusHydro" for 2014-2018, the entire elite property "RusHydro" and the head of his family can be more luxurious. In the meantime, providing family life, the head of "RusHydro" took care of a comfortable workplace. In 2011, the company changed its head office moved from sleeping in your own OS Cherёmushekobnyak in Malaya Dmitrovka. The office center class "A" in the center of an area of ​​about 14,709 square meters and cost up to $ 90 million was clearly vital to the company managing the Siberian and Volga hydroelectric.

However, office extravagance is consistent with the habits of the top management of the state holding power, even a provincial corporation staff, led by Dod require convenience to the highest rank. For example, the leadership of the Far Eastern branch of "RusHydro" - OJSC "Far Eastern Energy Company" -pozhelalo to go to air travel across the Asia Pacific region, particularly in the private clever the VIP-aircraft taking on board not more than a dozen passengers. The cost of air comfort was nearly $ 3 million. When the power companies announced the tender was made public, a hefty noise rose, and quietly canceled bids. But hardly habits taste for luxurious life management can be undone just as easily.

Hydro over the debt pit

butIf personal wealth Evgeny Dod and his colleagues from the leadership "RusHydro" more than solid, it's business in a trusted state companies it does not go so well. In the four years of his leadership "RusHydro" debt increased from 21.9 to 177.3 billion rubles, or more than eight times. And they will have to pay first and foremost the state, which owns almost two-thirds of the shares of the corporation.

"By a strange coincidence, the problem in the large state-owned companies began after the arrival of the post of Chairman of the Board Evgeny V. Dod. And, again, by a strange coincidence financial problems has only state-owned company "RusHydro", and the same citizen Dod no financial problems do not matter. Even really does not ", - says Lurie.

In our opinion, the new head almost sank "RusHydro" in the debt trap - part of the budget was apparently squandered, and one only buying unproductive assets that do not have nothing to do with the company, have spent more than 30 billion rubles for four years, half of which officially written off at a loss.

The main objective of "RusHydro" - the supply of electricity consumers, which, in our opinion, is done very badly. However, the formal installation capacity of its hydroelectric power stations by the end of 2013 increased from 21.9 to 24.4 gigawatts, but almost all of the growth gave more planted in 1974 when Comrade Brezhnev and unfinished with "Russian Aluminum" Boguchanskaya HPP, the bulk of the funding which It was allocated before appointment Doda.

Electricity from the "RusHydro" has risen in price considerably and gradualof becoming a gold: production cost of 1 kilowatt-hour rose to the top of this year from 35 to 62 cents, and selling price - from 68 kopecks to 1 ruble 17 kopecks. Moreover, if the selling price has increased in proportion to the costs, the operating margin decreased from 65 to 50%. What does this mean? First of all - a significant increase in operating costs, a major component of which is the salary of the staff, including senior management.

What is the total public funds could settle in the pockets of stakeholders, it is necessary to find out to start the Accounting Chamber, and then, perhaps, the Investigative Committee. For example, you can explore Doda investments in the Far Eastern coal power plants, which could benefit the main supplier of coal for power plants - the owner of the Siberian Coal Energy Company Melnichenko. Analyzing the magazine "Company" dubious exchange shares of the Corporation with Melnichenko "RusHydro", attracted journalists, experts noted that the principal owner of "RusHydro", that is the state, this won nothing. Dividends etc.Melnichenko steel, and there is little doubt that all the right people regret such a transaction.

$ 2.7 million for a mortgage

I must say that Eugene Doda road to great power of money began in 1996. Here's what we found out about the stage of life Doda Oleg Lurie. "Evgeny V. Dod before 1996 had to work hard in Yukos, but the money from the offspring of Khodorkovsky, he could receive up to 2000", - the journalist writes.

Then began an active collaboration with DoD already mentioned our former senator from the Krasnodar Territory Farkhad Akhmedov, on land which may be the same manor top manager "RusHydro", which we mentioned above. In particular, they set up investment company "FarkoSekyuritiz" where Dod got a job as assistant to the general director and later general director at the same time and received a stake in the company.

When "FarkoSekyuritiz" became co-owner of JSC "Scientific Research and Design Institute of Nitrogen Industry and Organic Synthesis Products" Dod entered hisBoard of Directors, headed by the owner of the concern "Oil" Igor Linshits subsequently Accused of embezzling 57.1 billion rubles and fled to Israel.

Dod himself in this matter did not appear, but we believe that communication and Linshits, and with the Chairman of the Board of Directors of "oil", the former deputy prime minister Boris Nemtsov, preserved. Therefore, one is not surprised that, leaving in 1999. "FarkoSekyuritiz" Eugene V. was employed by another ex-Deputy Prime Minister Anatoly Chubais, head a year earlier RAO "Unified Energy Systems of Russia" and puts all the key positions of their people. Doda Chubais appointed first deputy head of the department responsible for export and import of electric power of JSC "INTER RAO UES", and when the manager came in promising to date, he was appointed CEO of the company.

The place was the outperformance. Thus, in the period from 1999 to 2001, the average cost per employee administrative staff increased from 22 to 60 thousand dollars. And subsequently continued to grow. In 2004, members of the Board of Directors and the Management BoardIa earned 680 million rubles, received an annual bonus of up to $ 1 million.

According to the online edition of "Vsluh.Ru": "In 2009, Evgeny Dod just one year of work for the post of Chairman of the Board of" INTER RAO UES ", earned more than 19 million rubles, and shortly before that, working on the position of General Director of the same. the company has paid for the three mortgages totaling more than $ 2.7 million. ".

I do not forget it and loved ones. In the published part of the corporation affiliated entities appear and his parents - Vyacheslav Nilovich and Alevtina Mikhailovna, and wife Catherine, and even children - Sasha and Masha. Masha And at the time of reporting (2007) ... was only seven years old.

Humanity to his own thieves

With some certainty we can assume that for the same schemes Dod organized and the work of "RusHydro". Less than a month after the presidential spacing, arranged Dodu Putin as MIA Administration Karachay-Cherkessia second opened a criminal case against the director of Karachay-Cherkessia Branch of "RusHydro" - OAAbout "Zelenchukskiye HPP-PSPP" Grigor Saratikyan. It was found that Mr Saratikyan spent on the completion of the discharge conduit of the upper tunnel barrier Zelenchukskaya HPP nearly 342.3 million rubles allocated from the state budget for the needs of "RusHydro". But it has registered the object in the property of a very different company - Karachay-Cherkessia hydro company. And when the Interior Ministry tried to open for fraud a criminal case, the decision was appealed by the prosecutor's office due to lack of a statement from the victim in the face of "RusHydro".

That Dod did not want to say a good man Saratikyan, and that's it! Only after the president's dressing realized that he was a rogue, and it gave finally start the investigation. Then the Interior Ministry in the North Caucasus Federal District opened a criminal case against the general director of another "daughter" of "RusHydro" - JSC "Zaramagskiye HPP" Vitaly Totrova accused of embezzling 800 million rubles. The money was taken from the budget in the illicit reimbursement of value added tax.

Manual & laquo; RusHydro ", as in the story of" Gidrostroem "facilitated the investigation reluctantly, and for Totrova even intervened, saying that his actions represent an" official source of financing of our investment program. "

Another good man - the director of "Bureya HPP" Igor Golubtsov -stal defendant even two criminal cases. Investigators found that Golubtsov with accomplice - General Director of JSC "Regional Power marketing and investment corporation" Vitaly Zilberblyumom - first, repairing hydroelectric power plants, included in the cost of repairing the travel expenses and divided them among themselves, and then "drank" budget repair sealing gates, which in fact have not been repaired.

Billions for Boris friend

There is no doubt that when Evgeny Dod leave "RusHydro", it will retain the integrity and acquired personal assets and property. It is no accident at last year's meeting of "RusHydro" Shareholders 57-year veteran Nikolai Kuzmich that gidrostroyaand I have not received an answer to two questions. He asked why the shares are getting cheaper, and the company spends on administrative needs, and especially on salary DoD and other senior representatives of more than a billion rubles a year? And if does not want Mr. Dod sue former management of RAO "UES of Russia", which kicked 8 billion rubles for the purchase of promissory notes Opening of a corporation, and now "RusHydro" restructures them? By the way, the discovery led the DoD to one - the former CEO of REN TV and the chairman of the executive committee of the Union of Right Forces Boris Mintz.

We also have other issues. Why near Moscow estate revealed Lurie, decorated an old friend, partner, and other real estate - to relatives? So there seems to be disinterested able to count money Evgeny Dod pointedly ignored the artistry of their subordinates and ignored the fall of the main business indicators of "RusHydro"? Or some of the money disbursed from their Arts, transfer to a special account?