General Sugrobov's subordinates gave evidence against him

Investigators blamed the senior police officer of the organization of a criminal community which had earned money by fabricating criminal cases.
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The detention of former senior Interior Ministry official, General Denis Sugrobova fishing in Volgograd was a complete surprise to former colleagues - the Interior Ministry before the last day, there were persistent rumors that the snow, on the contrary, can return to a leadership position because of his connections. Today, however, the investigators TFR reached a petition to the Basmanny Court on the arrest Sugrobova.

How do I find "News", the first reading on Sugrobova in a criminal case appeared in March this year. Dali them arrested Lieutenant Colonel Alexey Bondar and Major Ivan Kosourov GUEBiPK of Ministry of Internal Affairs. In addition, in the case there are records of telephone conversations of ex-operative Sergei Pirozhkov and recruited police merchants. In early April, questions about the role of the police Sugrobova organized crime (OPS) and asked his former subordinate, General Boris Kolesnikov, in respect of which a criminal case under part 1 of article. 210 of the Criminal Code ( "organization of a criminal community"). However, Kolesnikov said that no indication of Sugrobova not received and generally considers himself a victim of provocation of special services. & nbsp;

The scandal surrounding the MIA senior officers erupted February 14, 2014. FSB officers detained several police officers on suspicion of bribery provocation against the deputy head of the 6th Service 9th FSB Igor Demin management. According to investigators, operatives took illegal development and security officer tried to give him a bribe of $ 10 thousand in Moscow restaurant "Uruk" through his agent -. Businessman Ruslan Chuhliba. Now in custody as part of a criminal case are 11 Interior Ministry officers, including the deputy chief of GUEBiPK Major General Kolesnikov, as well as three police agents. TFR filed charges arrested under Art. 286 of the Criminal Code ( "abuse of power") and 304 of the Criminal Code ( "Provocation bribe") and Art. 210 of the Criminal Code ( "organization of a criminal community").

Investigators say that the detainees put on stream the fabrication of criminal cases against officials who deliberately provoke crimes. In their version, among the victims were employees of the Moscow region Management Rosreestra Olga and Alexei Zhdanov Akchurin, zamdRector Research Institute Herzen Sergey Bezyaev and senator from the Novgorod region, Alexander Korovnikov transmitted bribe the former director of the Department of the Accounts Chamber Alexander Mikhailik.

However, as found out "Izvestiya", investigators from the beginning not only interested in the role of each of the detainees in this case, but the police involvement in the OPS former head GUEBiPK Lieutenant General Dennis Sugrobova, the fate of which is decided today at Moscow's Basmanny Court. The charges stemmed from the phone records of former operative Sergei Pirozhkov and recruited police merchants - Pavel Globa and the Ruslan Chuhliby who had to carry a bribe security officer Demin.

- Pies told businessmen that the development of FSB carried out with the approval of the generals and Boris Kolesnikov Denis Sugrobova - says "Izvestia" a source close to the investigation. - He said that "at the very top people in the course of the whole operation."

Kolesnikov himself categorically denies this information. According to the documents, which are available in Raspaudyazhenii "Izvestia", General considers "personal dialogue with Globa Pirozhkov" to himself and Sugrobova "as a naive fantasy to bring to its importance to the FSB was not afraid."

- It happened after the verbiage Pyrozhkov provocative question Globa. Pies, apparently, did not understand, and I think just got away from you to sculpt a fairy tale - says Kolesnikov.

He also told investigators that "none of his subordinates did not give instructions promptly develop Demin and did not receive such instructions from Sugrobova". The fact that his subordinates develop FSB, General, according to him, has learned only after the criminal case. In addition, according to Kolesnikov, before his arrest, he knew nothing about the existence of such agents, as Sergei Pirozhkov, Pavel Globa and the Ruslan Chuhliba.

As the evidence Kolesnikova, development FSB officer Igor Demin directly led deputy head of the "B" of Colonel Alexey Bondar and Major Ivan Kosourov, as well as their subordinates, Major Mikhail Nazarov and captain Sergei Borisov. Foroperations, they have drawn three agents: Sergey Pirozhkov, Ruslan Chuhliba and Pavel Globa. The latter, as it turned out, was recruited by the FSB. He put notify your supervisor that the operational activities are carried out in relation to the security officer. After that, the police and hit the "ambush."

- Lieutenant Colonel and Major Kosourov Bondar told investigators that Denis Sugrobov was aware of the operation, their testimony is, in fact, - told "Izvestia" a senior source in the security services. - More than a month ago at his home was searched.

Kolesnikov's lawyer Georgy Antonov says that neither snow, nor Kolesnikov were not even aware of the operational activities in relation to FSB.

- Daily Kolesnikov signed dozens of official documents and operational accounting affairs. And he did not have time for detailed information on each of the operational developments, - says Anton. - Obviously, that would subordinate the general "document" Demin on receipt of the first "tranche". Then report back to the beginning of Kolesnikov Through aof the operation and to inform him that appeared in the development of an FSB officer. And further down the chain, the report would have gone up to the minister.

According to the lawyer, the criminal case was revenge CSS FSB employees who do not like the fact that the police dared to try to open a criminal case against their colleagues.

- All online services in our country are equal, and nowhere in the Russian law does not say that the staff of a service to learn about a crime, can not develop an employee of another operational unit. And now a question raised in this way: "How can the police dare to develop FSB" - outraged Antonov. - Things went so far that the employees, who were fighting against corruption, accused of creating a criminal association.

Tensions between the FSB and the Interior Ministry GUEBiPK originated in 2011, after the head of the department was appointed Major-General Dennis Sugrobova. At that time he was 34 years old and he was the youngest general in the history of the Russian police. However, some influential security officials wanted to see on the ethat post another ambitious young general - Andrei Horev. But because of the many scandals around his person, he was dismissed.

Vladimir Osechkin, manager, says that the fabrication of criminal cases in GUEBiPK under General Kolesnikov found out in May last year.

- On the scale of corruption in the Ministry of Internal Affairs GUEBiPK we became aware in May 2013, when we were approached by the relatives of a senior official, who spoke about the extortion of $ 1 million General Kolesnikov. Furthermore, our experts and coordinators have collected the information, including us got an audio recording in which three convictions character discusses with the employee GUEBiPK distribution has received from employers 100 million rubles, as well as plans for how else can pick up two expensive apartments and at the same time to organize custom fit - says Osechkin. - At our request, the State Duma sent requests, our appeals and the evidence collected by the FSB, as well as Interior Minister and the Prosecutor General. Actually, it was one of the reasons for the beginning of a seriousdevelopments in relation to Sugrobova and his subordinates.

Osechkin claims to have concrete data that with the help of corruption and a lot of money preparing an entire PR campaign to discredit the investigation and to put pressure on justice, an appropriate statement he had filed the FSB.

Just a day before the arrest of Dennis Sugrobova it became known that General Boris Kolesnikov was in jail "Lefortovo" head injury. This was announced by vice-chairman of the PMC Moscow Pavel Pyatnitsky, who visited yesterday Kolesnikova in hospital, where he was transferred from the detention center. Trauma, according to Kolesnikov, he received on Tuesday 6 May. How did this happen and what happened exactly, he supposedly does not remember.

- Kolesnikov sitting in bed, he told us that he had a traumatic brain injury. On the back of his head had been shaved hair, imposed on the wound bandage and plaster, - says Pyatnitsky. - Several times I asked what had happened to him, maybe he had a conflict with a neighbor in the chamber (in jail "Lefortovo" double chamber -. "Izvestiya"), but Kolesnikov said that this consumer injury and kahe got it, he does not remember. He says he just fell in the chamber.

According Pyatnitsky, yesterday Boris Kolesnikov was transferred from prison to the neurosurgical department of the Moscow City Clinical Hospital number 5. It is in a private room with bars on the windows, at the entrance to her duty police officers.

Sources close to the investigation, did not rule out that this is not accidental injury and needed to then ask for the investigation and trial commutation Kolesnikov preventive measure because of alleged health suddenly deteriorated. At the time of writing, the Court has not yet ruled on the arrest of General Sugrobova on which insists the TFR.