Gazprom again faced problems in the foreign market

Recently, the Russian gas monopoly is clearly not lucky with foreign partners. The entrance to the European market for Gazprom is gradually narrowing, and the advertised export to China with the "Force of Siberia" does not seem to be settled. And inside the country, not everything is in order.
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The construction of Nord Stream-2 (SP-2) should be stopped. This opinion was recently expressed by the head of the European Council Donald Tusk. In the Old World, he is not the only one - the home country of the European official Poland, as well as several other Eastern European powers, also opposes the gas thread from Russia. In general, the EU is fairly widely believed that the pipeline will strengthen the EU's dependence on Russian raw materials.

It is not ruled out, soon in this matter the Russian Federation can remain without allies at all. It is expected that the new German government will also reconsider its attitude to the project. And if so, then already invested in SP-2, $ 10 billion in essence will be a wasted investment. However, Gazprom does not get used to it. He is consistently defeated not only in the West, but also in Asia - from Turkey to China. In Russia, too, the negative: it turns out unpleasant truth about the gasification of Priozersk, to which only 150 kilometers from St. Petersburg, then scandalous details of the movement of money within the corporation itself.

Dreams do not come true

It seems that all the power institutions of the EU decided to consistently express their "fi" gasket "Nord Stream - 2". A few days before the European Council responsible for the strategy, the position was designated by the European Commission - the executive body. As it turned out, the institution "does not see the need for a new infrastructure of such magnitude as" Nord Stream-2 ". The reason is the following: the demand for blue fuel in Europe is unlikely to grow in the future. So, the services of the "energy superpower" of the EU are useless.

In Russia, they reacted to loud statements through the Foreign Ministry. The representative of the ministry Sergey Nechaev noted that the ill-fated project "no one is taking off the agenda". At the same time, the diplomat referred to the Federal Republic of Germany, largely thanks to which the pipeline "is being discussed and developing." But the Germans are far from unequivocal: the party of the well-known lobbyist of "SP-2" Gerhard Schroeder SPD lost the parliamentary elections, so now completely different people are in the Bundestag. Therefore, Gazprom will have to try very hard to make new friends.

"Nord Stream-2" is a difficult project because there are difficulties not only with financing, but also with the resistance of regulators in Europe, which threatens its economic efficiency in the future, "ATON analysts said about two months ago. Apparently, it is the forecasts of experts that come true, and not the dreams of the "national heritage". Although the story of Nord Stream 2 is important, it is by far not the only one connected with the gas monopoly in foreign markets.

On all fronts

In the south, in the meantime, the construction of the Turkish Stream continues. With him, it would seem, everything is fine: the thread has already passed Russian territory, and from Ankara there are encouraging cheers, commenting on the speed of work. However, experts are still skeptical about the project. So, in the opinion of analyst Anatoly Nesmiyan, the fate of the pipeline "has not been solved yet." "Turkey in the most ideal case for Gazprom can eventually agree to the two lines of Potoka, one of which will have to go to the Turkish market. For European transit, only one thread with a capacity of 15 billion cubic meters per year will be opened at best. None of the other two lines, as Gazprom originally wanted, are no longer a speech, "Nesmiyan said.

So the megaprojects of the monopoly "The Power of Siberia" and "The Power of Siberia-2" appear to be popping at the seams. Recently, three state corporations of China signed an agreement with Alaska for $ 43 billion on the production of liquefied natural gas on the territory of the state and its further shipment to the Celestial Empire. Almost simultaneously in Beijing, they said that they do not see the need for supplies of raw materials for the "Force of Siberia - 2", and in fact the capacity of this pipeline is 30 billion cubic meters per year.

On this bad news, alas, does not end there. According to market participants, China also purchases gas in Turkmenistan and does so at a more favorable price than the Russian side can offer. In total, China's current needs for raw materials are 200 billion cubic meters, and in the future they can increase to 350 billion cubic meters. That is, before Gazprom there is a very attractive market, only it will have to compete with the Americans, Ashgabat, and also Qatar and Australia. And not the fact that it will turn out.

The agreements reached with Alaska already "allow China, an already extremely tough negotiator, to put Gazprom in completely unfavorable conditions," Anatoly Nesmiyyan said. Moreover, compared with Europe in the Pacific region, "Russia's position is immeasurably weaker, and therefore they will surrender them," the analyst predicts.

Serious consequences

Gazprom projects are breaking down in Russia itself. Here is a striking example - the construction of a complex for the production of liquefied gas in the Leningrad region. According to the initial plan, the launch of the enterprise was to take place in December of the following year. Judging by the latest comments of the state corporation, Gazprom believes in these terms. But this belief can be shaken: about a month ago there was information that the contractor of the monopoly company "Peaton" is going to postpone the start of production for at least six months. It seems that these figures even reached the president of Russia Vladimir Putin.

This in itself is already a cause for concern. But at the same time a lot of scandalous information about "Peton" surfaced. In particular, that the firm can be connected with Colonel GUEBiPK of the Ministry of Interior of the Russian Federation Dmitry Zakharchenko, in whose apartments law enforcers do not get tired to find more and more billions, and Eduard Hasanov has been the head of Peton for a long time, which, according to, "The time for fraud.

On the reputation of Gazprom proper, such connections can not but be reflected. Although to stick to the history of the corporation is not accustomed. What is the scandal surrounding the 125-kilometer gas pipeline to the city of Priozersk. On paper, the object, built in 2012-2014, cost 1.8 billion rubles and was accepted by the customer. In real life, the pipe is simply ... absent. "Gazprom" reacted to the scandal stoically, promising about the following: to join the proceedings after the law enforcers will conduct a check on the revealed facts. The gas in Priozersk is expected to be "given by God in 2019".

In the meantime, the monopoly feels quite confident and does not hesitate to demonstrate this. Firstly, the company recently took a loan of $ 700 million for some "intracorporate goals". Secondly, its subsidiary Gazprom Export has placed a tender for "supply of gift products." For cufflinks "Kastet", silk scarves, porcelain small things, glasses for champagne it is decided to give almost 4 million rubles. The dreams of someone else will come true.

However, the state of affairs in the company is best evidenced not by corporate souvenirs, but quotations of securities. So, if in January 2008 Gazprom shares were sold somewhere in the amount of 320 rubles per share, today - about 133 rubles. This is the price of regular failures, not otherwise. And yet, apparently, Gazprom saw a danger. According to the report of the monopoly on November 14, the introduction of the US "sanctions measures can create risks both for the implementation of the prospective gas transportation projects" Turkish flow "and" Nord Stream -2 ", and for servicing the existing export gas pipelines such as" Nord Stream "and The Blue Stream. That's just what to do now?


According to analysts' forecasts, by the end of this year, Gazprom's net debt could approach $ 40 billion. This is not surprising. The company chose the road to the debt hole itself and walks deeper and deeper with a brisk pace. One of the reasons for doing this is multiplying the expenditure on numerous "flows": northern, Turkish, and China. Another reason for getting into debt is the drop in gas prices. And soon, probably, will be added and a serious drop in demand. Large buyers already have a choice between Gazprom itself and American and Qatar gas.

But there is also such a version, why the state corporation does not take care of itself and runs the risk of ruining its credit reputation. Dmitry Potapenko, Managing Partner of Management Development Group, comments: "Our country has reduced its external debt to almost zero. But! At this very moment artificially created state corporations enormously increased their debts. " Obviously, the famous bubble of T-bills, born in the 90's, is now instructed to inflate and burst monopolies. However, this work is paid well. To the note: according to the results of the first half of 2017, the members of the board of Gazprom received a reward for their work amounting to 1.35 billion rubles.