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What the death of the beneficiary of the cash reform, Vladimir Scherbakov, means for wealthy Russians dreaming of London?
Origin source
Interpol announced the Russian businessman Vladimir Shcherbakov wanted in March this year, but a few months later his photo from the search base disappeared. And now came the news that Vladimir Shcherbakov disappeared in real life. According to one source of information resource Republic (ex-Elephant), he died in London. According to another - committed suicide. And no more details.

A bright case

True, the fact of the death (or suicide) of Vladimir Shcherbakov of the London authorities has not yet officially been confirmed. But they did not refute it either. These same authorities very slowly "swung" and with confessions after in the hospital with signs of poisoning polonium was a KGB officer / FSB Alexander Litvinenko. If the information of the Republic sources is confirmed, the encyclopedia of mysterious deaths in London will be supplemented with another vivid and memorable event.

Vladimir Shcherbakov became famous after State Duma deputy Andrei Lugovoi (another person whose name is strongly associated with the otherworldly world of Foggy Albion) called him the beneficiary of the Russian cash reform. Cash reform is a system of measures aimed at replacing all old cash registers in the country with new ones equipped with a special fiscal drive - an electronic chip that records money transactions and transfers data to the tax service. The entire operation takes place in real time and virtually eliminates the possibility of the owner's intervention. Thus, it can be said that the business of every entrepreneur is implanted with a chip that monitors all his deeds. Each year (or three - depending on the legal form of the company), the chip should change.

It's no wonder that such a business could not pass by influential and extremely interested insiders.

Verified people

Therefore, when the Ministry of Finance prepared a bill on the implantation of tax chips in business processes, "proven people" were already ready to arrange the supply of necessary equipment and materials. Vladimir Shcherbakov was a trusted representative of these people. In the history of 2012, the name of Vladimir Shcherbakov was associated with Atlas-cards, which undertook to develop the whole project for free. After that, the structures close to this company (its name is associated with special services, high-rise buildings which are well visible on Vernadsky Prospekt in Moscow) have been integrated into the system of suppliers of fiscal drives.

This was the second speech of Vladimir Shcherbakov in the market of fiscal devices, replacing the "Big Brother". The premiere was the company "Besant", supplier EKLZ ("electronic control tape protected") - an analog version of monitoring devices. ELKZ did not transmit, but simply accumulated information, but, according to the FSB, this was an important step in the fight against black money. And, as it turns out, the first one. In addition to cash registers, the Atlas structures were engaged in the implementation of devices that monitor vehicle data - tachographs, and the production of new biometric passports.

In other words, this organization can be safely called the viceroy of this "Big Brother". This is evidenced by the further history of Vladimir Shcherbakov himself.

Candidate for termination

In 2014, the Central Bank stripped the license of the BWA Bank, through which funds were withdrawn from overvalued import contracts. Through nominal shareholders, BBA-Bank was associated with the companies of Vladimir Shcherbakov. At the same time, a criminal case was opened on a rare for Russian practice article 193.1 of the Criminal Code (the commission of currency transactions to transfer money to non-resident accounts using fake documents in an especially large amount by an organized group). As a rule, the case, established by a rare article - a sure candidate for termination.

The accused were appointed much later - in February 2015. The leader of the group was named Vladimir Shcherbakov, who by this time (surprise) found himself in London. And the members of his team - the accused chairman of the BVA-bank Konstantin Sergutin and Alexander Domrachev (head of a network of firms integrated into the business of the BWA) were under house arrest. In full accordance with such a bright start, there was further investigation. Two years later - in March 2017 - Vladimir Shcherbakov was put on the international wanted list for the very same article 193. But no one anywhere, of course, did not betray him. And the other day - July 3 - the case in Moscow was completely stopped, for lack of corpus delicti.

Thus, according to the lawyer Dmitry Gololobov, Vladimir Shcherbakov was not just free (the card from the list was immediately removed from the Interpol database), but also "found the right to demand compensation from Russia." Gololobov is sure that the death of Vladimir Shcherbakov will become an independent story that will allow years to discuss that London has become an unsafe place for various rich Russians, and the long hands of the FSB have reached the neck of Shcherbakov.

Although, judging by the photos on the site of Interpol, this uncle himself could "overwhelm" anyone. There is another scenario - for powerful organizations and big global business projects there are no entrepreneurs and investors. There are only "barygs", "operators" and other frontmen. All of them fulfill one or several assigned tasks. And then they leave the historical scene. In the figurative or direct sense of the word.