France will extradite Mukhtar Ablyazov to Russia or Ukraine

The former head of BTA Bank is accused of embezzling $6 billion.
Today, the French court ruled decision on extradition to Russia or Ukraine ex-head of BTA Bank Mukhtar Ablyazov, accused of embezzling money and other assets worth a total of $ 6 billion.

In making a decision to extradite, the Court of Appeal of Aix-en-Provence in fact supported the representatives of the three prosecutors - France, Russia and Ukraine - that the ex-banker is not prosecuted for political reasons, and has committed a major fraud by means of BTA Bank, subsequently legalized stolen by investing in real estate.

Mr. Ablyazov was detained at the request of Ukraine, but the Russian General Prosecutor's Office sent the first documents for the issue of ex-banker. Since the Court was not able to choose which of the two requests is more than a priority, it will make the French Ministry of Justice, through which the extradition. However, the protection of Mr. Ablyazov is going to appeal the decision on his extradition until the European Court of Human Rights. In this case, counsel notes that the United Kingdom has provided previously Mukhtar Ablyazov political asylum, recognizing that at least isSTI Kazakhstan pursue it as one of the sponsors of the opposition.

In search of Mr. Ablyazov, recall, announced Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, and even the United Kingdom, where he was sentenced to 22 months in prison for contempt of court. However, the extradition treaties in France with Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan there. But in other countries the request for the issuance of confirmed Russia and Ukraine. Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in absentia accusing Mukhtar Ablyazov of committing crimes under Part. 5, Art. 191 and h. 4 Art. 190 of the Criminal Code ( "appropriation, embezzlement of property or the mastery of them through abuse of office", "Fraud in a large scale"). There, just as in Russia and Kazakhstan, Mukhtar Ablyazov is accused of embezzlement of BTA Bank, but the amount of damage is much less - about $ 500 million in Russia Ablyazov lord accused of embezzlement of BTA Bank has a total of $ 5 billion and. subsequent laundering (Art. 4, Art. 159 and Art. 174.1 of the Criminal Code). All these crimes, according to law enforcement officers, committed via the issuance of non-performing loans to structures controlled by the banker.

"the solution (about ekstraditsii.- "b") is a key to the bank's efforts to return assets worth $ 6 billion, that were misappropriated by Ablyazov during his tenure as Chairman of the Board of Directors ", - emphasized in a press release issued on Thursday BTA Bank. "Extradition will severely restrict the ability of Ablyazov to continue to launder funds obtained as a result of his misconduct. It also once again points out that repeated attempts Ablyazov to portray himself as a person persecuted for political reasons, are groundless - of it only required to answer for the billions of dollars that have been stolen from BTA and its creditors, "- said HoganLovells partner (legal consultant of BTA Bank in London), Chris Hardman was quoted as saying in a press release.

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It should be noted that part of the evidence of Mr. Ablyazov launder stolen funds Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia to the New Year to get important witness. They became the ex-lawyer ex-banker Yelena Tishchenko. She was arrested for laundering stolen from BT-The bank funds, but then her criminal prosecution was terminated on the basis of an amnesty for economic crimes, announced by the State Duma.

What he was accused Yelena Tishchenko

Yelena Tishchenko is accused of committing a crime under Art. 174.1 of the Criminal Code ( "The legalization of stolen funds"): according to investigators, as a professional lawyer, she helped the participants of the criminal group was arrested today in France Mukhtar Ablyazov to launder money stolen from BTA Bank. This article is not an arrest, though the Tver district court in September of this year, Ms. Tishchenko taken into custody, as she is a citizen of Ukraine, not having their own housing in Moscow.

Who planted for communication with Mukhtar Ablyazov

Suddenly the light sentence was completed on December 16 in Moscow's Tagansky Court trial of the former co-owner of the leasing company "Business" Dmitry Pak and its former general director Oleg Tsarev. For the theft of more than 2.5 billion rubles. means the Kazakh BTA Bank and its legalization Dmitry Pak sentenced to four years in a penal colony,and his accomplice - to three years.