Developers of the Moscow region will act as a single cartel against buyers

Almost all developers are planning to raise prices for apartments.
Glad to see an increase in the number of equity contracts this year, developers decided to raise prices by 2-5%. Demand spurred the federal law No. 218, which came into force almost a month later, toughening the working conditions of the industry. He also can make the rise in price short, as current projects will have to compete with those that will come out in the second half of the year.

Developers in Moscow and the Moscow region are going to raise prices for apartments in their projects, told representatives of the surveyed companies. "We plan to increase the prices for apartments in a number of projects by about 5% in the middle of the third quarter of this year," said Director General of the MICC, Daromir Obuhanich. The managing director of LSR Yuri Ilyin says that a number of reasons, primarily high demand, contribute to the price change. "Granel" is going to raise prices by 1-7 thousand rubles. for 1 square. m, depending on the project, said the company's sales director Rustam Arslanov. In Ingrad, they have already raised by 2-3%. "The main reasons are active demand," confirms Anna Sokolova, head of the strategy and marketing strategy of the group "Ingrid". Commercial director of FGC "Leader" Olga Tumaykina says that the company raises prices by 0.5-2% per month and will do it further. The PIK refused to make direct statements, saying that they expect the smooth increase in prices to continue - they will grow by 5% per year.

Almost all market participants were encouraged by the growth in the number of registered equity agreements (DDUs). According to TsIAN, for the first four months of 2018 in Moscow they were concluded for 42% more than for the same period last year. In January-April, DDU was registered for 9% more than for the same period in 2017. Last year, a decline of 12% compared to 2016 was recorded.

The metropolitan developers explain the jump in demand by the increase in supply at the initial stage of project implementation, when prices are lower, and the availability of mortgages. According to Olga Tumaykina, starting prices in new projects in the mass segment are currently 5% lower than in the same period of last year, and mortgage rates by 1.9 percentage points. One of the reasons for the rush of developers with the withdrawal of new projects is the final entry into force of 218-FZ (see "Kommersant" on May 25). The general director of the Magistrate (realtor of Inteko's facilities) Ekaterina Batynkova believes that demand is growing due to the volatility of the ruble, against which the acquisition of real estate again becomes attractive for securing return on investment.

The growth in the number of registered DDU is not indicative for a full assessment of demand. "We need to evaluate the dynamics of issuing construction permits and the number of projects in the process of implementation," says Anna Ureiskaya, deputy director general of Mangazeya Development. According to these indicators in the capital housing market in the medium term there are no prerequisites for price increases. As a result of the first quarter of this year, Mosgosstroiadzor issued one and a half times more construction permits than in the first quarter of 2017. The volume of housing for sale at the end of the same period - 58.8 thousand square meters. m (data of the "Metrium"). "Implemented and announced projects provide the market with a supply volume of five to seven years. The objects that will be released later, in accordance with the new requirements of the legislation, will be in the conditions of tough price competition, "Ms Ureiskaya argues, adding that the proposal will grow, including through construction projects within the renovation program.

According to analyst of Sberbank CIB Yuliya Gordeeva, the effectiveness of developers' decisions can be estimated in the next half-year. "When the projects begin to go on the market, developers have received building permits," she notes, adding that more time may be needed, since there are no exact deadlines for putting objects on the market.