Debts of TGC-2 dispersed in criminal matters

The management of a big energy company is suspected of causing damage to 5 billion rubles.
As the "Kommersant", the prosecution leadership Territorial Generating Company N2 (TGC-2) is filled with new episodes. Immediately, three criminal cases were initiated by the statements of the regional structures of "Gazprom mezhregiongaz" located in Veliky Novgorod, Yaroslavl and Ukhta. According to the police investigation, the leadership of the largest thermal power companies in Central and Northwestern federal districts intentionally directed the money collected from the population does not pay for gas, but for its own needs, causing total damage to the applicants in the amount of 5 billion rubles. The TGC-2 is said about readiness for dialogue with the gas companies, assuming that criminal charges unfounded.

According to "Kommersant", three criminal cases against the leadership of TGC-2 investigated by the investigative part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Yaroslavl region, as in Yaroslavl, Rybinsk on the street, 20, is the central office of the company's thermal power. Applicants were regional branches of "Gazprom Mezhregiongaz" - the main supplier of gas to TGK-2.

One of the criminal cases were initiated upon a petition of & quot;. Gazprom mezhregiongaz Ukhta "According to the plot of the case, in 2014, TGC-2 began producing gas payment, provided under the previously concluded with the company contract, untimely and not in full size In this case, according to investigators, TGK-2 were. the possibility to pay for the fuel, but the money, "derived from the sale of thermal and electric energy consumers of Arkhangelsk region", although there were in the accounts of TGK-2, but used for the needs of society, "and not to make payments to the supplier."

The damage caused by such actions the power company management, which investigators believe deliberate, on January 1, 2015 amounted to almost 3.4 billion rubles.

Victims in two other criminal act "Gazprom mezhregiongaz Yaroslavl" and "Gazprom mezhregiongaz Novgorod the Great." In both cases, between the Company and TGC-2 also contracts for gas supplies were concluded. So, in Veliky Novgorod gas was supplied for the needs of urban CHP, which belongs to the chief management of TGC-2 Novgorod Region. However, in 2014, the power company's board began to flow out of time, and not in paragrapholnom size. As a result of TGC-2 debt to "Gazprom mezhregiongaz Novgorod" was 317.6 million rubles., And duty to their colleagues from Yaroslavl exceeded 1.3 billion rubles. Moreover, 1.2 billion rubles. of this amount - overdue debt.

At the same time the investigation notes that the leaders of TGC-2 in all cases, "but says nothing about the real financial condition" of the organization, financial flows are directed not to pay for gas, and for other purposes. Explaining this conclusion, the investigation gives an example: from 1 October 2013 to 31 December 2014 over 21.5 billion rubles in the accounting report of the main department of TGC-2 Verkhnevolzhskiye region is reflected in the flow of its account of the population. The costs of management for the same period amounted to 16.7 billion rubles, but more than half of this amount -. 9.4 billion rubles. were costs not related to the payment of gas.

The total damage in the three cases is more than 5 billion rubles. Actions unidentified persons from the management of TGC-2 qualified as a result of "the application of the property damage" (Art. 2, Art. 165 of the Criminal Code). According to sources, "b", all of these things may soon be Obdineny and personified them suspects.

Recall that the main investigation against General Director of TGC-2 Andrey Korolev conducted by Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Tver region. November 26 actions Queen consequently qualified as "fraud organization in the field of entrepreneurial activity" (Art. 3 of Art. 159.4 of the Criminal Code) and "abuse of power" (Art. 201 of the Criminal Code), after which he was wanted, as it does not appear on the agenda. In this case, the amount of damage exceeds 2.6 billion rubles.

According to the lawyer, Vladimir Kozin, his client Korolev is now being treated in Germany. In this investigation of suspicion of TGC-2 is considered "unreasonable because the debts for gas did not emerge as a result of intent, but because of industry factors: consumer debt to the company for the heat considerably higher than the debts for supplied gas." At the same time from the beginning of 2015 TGC-2 reduced the debt to "Gazprom mezhregiongaz Ukhta" for the consumed Arkhangelsk cogeneration plant and Severodvinsk cogeneration plant-2 natural gas at 294 million rubles. In just 11 months of 2015, the region paid 5.713 billion rbl., Or 105.4% of the actualconsumption. The TGC-2 note that due to the current legislation in the energy calculations for natural gas as a whole is really made with a time lag, since no financial capacity to provide operational payments the company does not. The TGC-2 reported that repeatedly offered debt repayment plan, including through the sale of company assets. "We are now ready for a dialogue with the gas companies Forceful pressure on the company considers unacceptable In addition, it is ineffective: our ability to pay for gas will be reduced in proportion to the damage to the reputation and the subsequent financial losses incurred by TGC-2 as a result of military pressure.." - energy noted.

In turn, the head of the press service of "Gazprom mezhregiongaz" Maria Frolova, said: "Unfortunately, the leaders of the thermal business for many years do not pay for gas, making hostages of this policy residents in need of heat and hot water We expect that the actions of law enforcement stop. such practices. "