Counting pits on the neighbour's road

Mari El Republic is fighting the information war with Kirov Oblast.
Mari media for a month already tell how hard it is to live in a neighboring region and the head of the republic with 14 years of experience, Leonid Markelov accuse Kirov Governor Nikita Belykh in the "non-corporate". The reason - the refusal of Kirov watering Markelov competitors in the election. The task - to save the reputation of the head of the Mari.

October 19 the head of the republic Leonid Markelov gave Yoshkar-Ola press conference at which he reprimanded the governor of the Kirov region Nikita Belykh. The reason for discontent was the fact that its main (and only real) competitor in the September elections, the head of Mari El Sergey Mamaev using campaign materials printed in the Kirov region.

"I do not know why the Kirov region has become the headquarters of the fight against Markelov why leaflets were printed there, rather than in other regions. But at the time, when there were elections in the Kirov region, our printing press in the address of the local governor and the general kirovchan not printed anything. Neighbors have chosen a different demeanor. I do not know what is the reason, because for me it is inexplicable thing. There is in fact some kind of corporatismezhdu governors. I have a suggestion, but an assessment I can not give, "- said Markelov.

Insult the head of Mari El in the Kirov for a month rebroadcast Mari media.

"All-Russian People's Front was horrified quality of roads in the Kirov region - said the October 12" Mari's true. " - In the Kirov pit caught and on the main roads and secondary, and in the courts. Not only that, we saw the pit, in addition to this city just buried in the mud. Markup no storm sewer, too. "

The same newspaper in September released the material on the problems of the Soviet district of the Kirov region, amassed during the reign of Sergey Mamaev (was the head of the district in 2001-2006.). And as the only expert made another former head of the region Alexander Glushkov, a well-known series of scandals related to deforestation.

Then all went to Mari media channel "Area 12", compared the Kirov region of Mari El. One after the other before the audience sailed destroyed grain elevator, abandoned villages, broken roads and most unsightly Kirov yards. They were replaced by Ghaziinfected Mari village, ice palaces and bizarre center of Yoshkar-Ola, where the Kremlin were built in recent years, the Savior on the Spilled Blood (styling), house in the Flemish style and own the Swallow's Nest.

The administration of the Kirov region to aggressive criticism on the part of the neighbors are quiet. Comment of the Press-service of the regional government awarded a plot of "Region 12": it was called biased. Kirov press also reacted sparingly: in a single newspaper article based on a survey reported that kirovchan Mari criticism hurts.

But the passion of Mari El to the adjacent region have noticed in the State Duma.

"It is unacceptable that this was done by the authorities, - deputy Roman Antonov said. - The more questions to Leonid Markelov missing, including published information on the ownership of their numerous assets in the region: the brick factory, a sand pit, a construction company. It is necessary to talk about their successes and achievements, rather than vilify neighboring regions. So someone who, as the head of the subject must understand that we live in a single articlewound and should work for the common good. It is unacceptable for their own results to produce stories that offend the whole region. It is better to focus on the real work in the subject, then you do not have to nod that neighbors allegedly worse. Moreover, the election results showed that Markelov did not enjoy popular support and barely crossed the 50 percent threshold. "

Result Leonid Markelov (50.76% votes), by the way, is now challenged by Sergey Mamaev (32.31%) in the Supreme Court of Mari El. If it is possible to challenge at least 0.77% of the vote, the elections will have to be repeated.