Cisco launched an investigation into suspicions of bribery of Russian officials

American manufacturer of networking equipment Cisco Systems started an audit of Russia and the CIS countries, after obtaining data on possible cases of bribery of officials in these countries, informs The Wall Street Journal.
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Cisco began an audit at the request of the Commission on the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and US Department of Justice. The company said that with the regulators received information that during certain operations and the activities of resellers in Russia and the CIS could have violated the US law on the Foreign Corrupt Practices 1977.
The company stressed that the data takes "very seriously" and properly cooperated with the regulators. A company spokesman declined to comment further.

About the beginning of an internal investigation for the first time announced the vice-president of Cisco Roxane Marenberg the official blog of the corporation another 23 of December. But then this information is not attracted public attention. Marenberg wrote that until now the corporation is no reason to believe that Cisco activities violate any law. "While the investigation is ongoing, we do not expect that the results will have a material adverse effect on our business or operations", - said a top manager.
American law on corruption abroad (Foreign Corrupt Practices Act) in force since 1977. It including the prohibitionregistered in the US companies and their "daughters" and affiliated entities performing operations abroad, to bribe foreign officials.

Cisco - is not the first foreign company that has faced allegations of violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act in Russia. In August 2013. The Wall Street Journal, citing sources reported that the US authorities verify the information that resellers Microsoft products in Russia to pay "kickbacks" to Russian officials for contracts. In 2010, paying bribes to representatives of the Prosecutor General suspected manufacturer of computer hardware Hewlett-Packard Co. The American pharmaceutical company Pfizer caught in bribes to officials in Russia, Bulgaria, Croatia and Kazakhstan. German Siemens company accused of "kickbacks" for the conclusion of contracts for the supply of medical equipment. German Corporation Daimler in 2010, admitted paying bribes to Russian officials in public procurement Mercedes-Benz vehicles.