"Money does not smell" - because, apparently, some officials argued, claiming the program for the remediation of landfills, located in the Moscow region. To allocate money for a good cause, one of the dumps even planned to turn into a ski resort near Moscow. But as it turned out the auditors of the Accounts Chamber (PCB), almost 6 billion rubles from the budget of the capital left in an unknown direction, the construction costs overstatement, and work or were not carried out or were carried out with such violations, which ennobled (on paper) the landfill is still active pollute the environment. Moreover, some of the money allocated for the garbage disposal, officials planned to be spent on the purchase of apartments - of course, for myself.
Musoroothodny resort
The dump in the village Salaryevo - one of the largest in the Moscow region. It is just 3 km south-west from Moscow in the spent sand pit and an area of 59 hectares record. It was officially closed in 2007, but after Salaryevo became part of the "new Moscow", decided to reclaim a landfill. That is converted tosuitable for use urban area. As stated "Izvestiya" in late 2013, officials at the landfill site planned to build a ski slope. And all around - the environmental low-rise building for young modern families. In general, a small ski resort in the city limits. Location is quite good: in December 2014 even planned opening of a new metro station - "Salaryevo", which will be the final station Sokolniki line.
The entrance to the village blocks a steel rail: to drive, you must be a local resident or have a special pass. A huge, taller than a man, a pile of garbage near the guard booth as it immediately warns the guest: a village built on a landfill, and to the inhabitants of debris have become accustomed. Outwardly prosperous settlement: strong fences, behind them - the house-castles in the Gothic style, luxury cars, luxury baby and basketball courts. There is even a temple to recast either of the huts, whether from a large garbage container construction, on top of which local activists have set up an Orthodox dome. Instead, the central square & mdash; pond, which is surrounded by signs "swimming prohibited" and "life-threatening".
Why swimming is prohibited, there are already over 500 meters to the landfill: the peculiar smell of decomposing garbage with nothing to confuse. Although from a distance looks like a dump pretty well (a kind of hill 15-20 meters in height, overgrown with grass), it actively selects black-brown acrid smelling liquid with oily stains - speaking scientifically, the filtrate. Secretions are collected in creeks, streams into streams, and streams fall into the local river Setunku whose water eventually fall into the Moscow River.
- The main thing is not to drink the local water, and everything is normal, - says a local resident Sergei. - Well, we have a central water supply of settlements of Moscow, where the water is checked. And dump almost does not stink - that you have visited a few years ago - and then stank and burned, and now it is quite tolerant, almost not feel.
Despite the fact that formally the landfill closed in 2007, there are a number of illegal mini-dumps that are actively collected metropolitan garbage. On one of these piledto the tall blue fence every 5-10 minutes and emptied garbage trucks enter the group of companies "Mehuborka".
In 2012, one of these landfills has led to this environmental disaster: the farmer Yuri Shakhov surrendered his portion of one of the capital company under the disposal of garbage, and eventually the river was contaminated with poisons, whose number is ten times higher than the maximum permissible limits. Thus benzene - 60 times, and the concentration of formaldehyde - 25 times. The company pleaded guilty, was a criminal case under article "Water pollution", but what it was over, it was not possible to find out, neither in the environmental prosecutor's office, no information on this matter was not in the local administration. Farmer of the village have not seen.
Local residents, however, believe that the "official" dump poisons the environment less.
- Samu former landfill covered with earth on the conscience, - says village headman Salaryevo Sergey Titov. - The project must be 5 m ground and fell asleep 6-7. However, the treatment plant was never built: so dump actively pollute both undergrounds water and local creek. And in the filtrate - the whole periodic table. In this last year we have signed with the director of the landfill contract in which they pledged to clean up even the local ponds. To no avail.
Auditors KSP agree with this assessment. As indicated in the report, in landfills, "had deteriorated individual structural elements and engineering systems: closed drainage collector for discharging filtrate trays livnesbora, technological road, wells passive landfill degasification. Leachate collection systems, biogas and storm water are not functioning. As a result, the landfill is an active source of the negative impact on the environment found numerous outlets filtrate flowing into the river Setunku ". In the 10 m from these streams toxic garbage slurry people live and work, operate catering facilities and hotels operating fruit and vegetable base.
At the same time money for the reclamation of the landfill have been allocated considerable. As indicated in the address investment program of the city of Moscow for 2012-2014 years, reclamation Salaryevo with finalizing it "for inHundreds scheme "has been allocated 283.3 million rubles. Moreover, the bulk of the work was to be completed in the last year (to the end of 2013 on upgrading the landfill had to spend the bulk of the money - 253 million rubles). Despite the fact that the money has been received, the document says, the state unitary enterprise "Mosekostroy", which acted as a customer of construction, did not carry out even routine maintenance work on it.
According to the PCB, "ineffective expenses" on the reclamation of landfill totaled 166 million rubles, or 65%. At the same time, according to the Department of Natural Resources and Environment of Moscow, the environmental damage to the city eventually exceeded 3.8 billion rubles.
- It is clear that the main contribution to this catastrophic situation has made even the government of the Moscow region - when the dump was located in its territory, - says Counsel IUE Dmitry Gordeev. - However, it is unclear why Moscow, which could easily find 20 billion rubles for garbage only from one area, can not solve the environmental problem. Most likely,ere somebody has a personal interest, or at least incorrectly prioritized.
However, in the department of construction of the city of Moscow remain calm.
- Moscow Mayor instructed the complex urban economy of Moscow to provide adequate control of the operation of landfill "Salaryevo" - said "News" the official representative of the department. - And send in the construction department of technology of reference for the development of project documentation for the project "Reclamation landfill" Salaryevo "(3rd stage). These measures aim to improve the environmental situation of the region concerned.
"Needs re-reclamation"
It does not look better test results on the other two landfills which are planned to reclaim the metropolitan government - Pines and Hmetevo. Both landfills are also rather big - only 119.4 hectares. And Pines test site is now part of the "New Moscow". Near the village are located Makarov and Letovo, 150-200 m -garages, sports complex, houses, livestock farming. In the vicinity of the landfill is the river Pine total landfill area of 40 hectares. Resorts in place to build on pines planned, but in order to bring the territory was necessary: required to strengthen the ground, to bring the pipe through which the fluid is collected, and to create the vapor system. This, according to the targeted investment program of the city, 1.6 billion rubles were allocated in 2012-2014.
Formally, the work was carried out, according to the PSC report, but even spot check showed that the estimate of work was overstated by at least 344.8 million rubles, or 22%. And the work was carried out very badly: a new concrete reinforcing layer polygon contract should be 10 cm, but in fact - only 4 cm to hold the replacement of asphalt concrete pavement on the required area of 8.4 thousand sq. M. m, and the artist replaced it with only 6.8 thous. m.
Is it not better the situation and on the range Hmetevo (located in Solnechnogorsk district of Moscow region). Although spent on the construction of biogas systems 34 mn rubles, it was never put into operation. The toxic gas from the landfill breathe locals.
However, officials have something to do: after all, in the estimate of reclamation facility they included costs for the purchase of apartments. For example, in 2014 only 235 million rubles was allocated for reclamation landfills, including the purchase of apartments for their employees - 56.8 million rubles, or 24%.
As stated in the department of capital construction, this remark of Auditors officials have already taken into account.
- Limit funding for the remediation of a landfill dozagruzkoy Hmetevo adjusted to the exclusion of the said article of costs the cost of construction, - said "Izvestia" in the department.
In general, however, as the auditors point out, Hmetevo also found "deficiencies in the operation," and it needs to be re-reclamation.
- It is clear that the money was stolen, - said the deputy chairman of the Moscow City Duma Expert Council for Environmental Policy Kalman Tseitin. - Dump - it is a very complex object, and any violation in remediation technology lays the real ecological bomb onfuture.
- We must not forget that this "work" not only carried out by the Executive, but also to take the state customer, which means that the receiving officer had some personal interest, to such substandard work has been accepted. But even the contractor and the inspector have specific names, and why these names are not mentioned, and why no one from them demanded nothing - is also an important issue - agrees Gordeev of IUE.
As stated by the "News" in the Department of Construction of Moscow, "information on the transfer of materials (those responsible for the implementation of the project officials -." Izvestiya ") to law enforcement agencies in the department have been reported."
In total, according to estimates of auditors, spot checks found that the misuse of budgetary funds amounted to 344.8 million rubles, and the inefficient use of - at least 289.7 million rubles. A total of three years (2012-2014) on the restoration of the three landfills, according to the targeted investment program, has been allocated 5.6 billion rubles.
The overall result of the budget spent and effort: One polluter and dump two huge trash "bomb" near Moscow, which can jerk anytime.