Carabinieri defeated the "Russian mafia"

Italian police announced the completion of a large-scale operation against the "Russian mafia".
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Her last stage ended detention of ten gangsters, including the "kingpin" Gocha Maisuradze.

The last phase of the operation, code-named "Kura" held in the Italian city of Novara and Milan. Behind bars carabinieri sent a dozen people. During the searches of apartments and houses of representatives of the "Russian mafia" were seized 45 kg of gold jewelry, more than two tons of ornaments and utensils of silver, as well as money in different currencies by 3 million euros. All of these things have been in recent years stolen from private homes members of groups set up "thieves in law". The Italians have already informed the Interior Ministry on the results of operations, in particular, have sent a list of detainees. The most notable among them is the "legalist" Gocha Maisuradze on Gogita nickname. He was seized in Milan.

Gocha Maisuradze "crowned" in 1996 and recently became a member of several controversial situations. In 2008 Gogita was detained in Stavropol Territory drug, received six months prison and upon release again taken into custody. At this time, for the deportation of illegal immigrants as an RFny worker. However Maisuradze complained of pain in his heart, and doctors have not only confirmed the diagnosis of "cardiac crisis", which caused doubts among operatives, but also put it to the House for veterans.

In 2012, at the epicenter of Gogita already a political scandal. In Georgia, the video footage was made public, in which a group of "thieves in law", including Maisuradze, meet with State Minister Goga Khaindrava.

During a "criminal war" between clans "lawyer" Aslan Usoyana (Ded Hasan), on the one hand, and "thieves in law" Merab Jangveladze (Merab Sukhumi) and Tariel Oniani (Taro) - on the other - Gogita sided last . In particular, in the summer of 2013 he participated in a mass brawl in Turkey "scribes" of the clan Tarot and Merab with "criminal generals", formerly close to Usoyan (very Ded Hasan killer shot in January 2013).

According to the Carabinieri, Italy Maisuradze was part of a grouping created by Merab Jangveladze. It consisted of several brigades involved in the theft of the villas and kvarir. Led by these gangs "kingpin" Besik Kuprashvili (Beso). He, in turn, was a "junior partner" of a whole group based in Italy "thieves in law", whose leader was Merab Jangveladze. "Right hand" of Merab - "criminal General" Temur Nemsitsveridze (Tsripa) - responsible for "washing" criminal proceeds, buy mansions for "lawyers", etc.

The first phase of the operation "Kura" held in June 2013. Then Europol at the request of Italy held the detention of members of Clan Jangveladze. At the same time in the Czech Republic, Lithuania, Portugal, France, Spain, Austria and Germany 18 gangsters were arrested, including 13 "thieves in law". Merab Sukhumi taken into custody in Hungary. Behind the bars also went to "lawyers" Temuri Nemsitsveridze (Tsripa), Givi Gordeladze (Givi fat), Roin Uhlava (Mateevici) Koroshinadze Tamaz, Ramaz Jincharadze and others.

In tracing the Italian authorities announced another whole group of "thieves in law", including - Jemal Mikeladze (Jem), Koba Akhvlediani (Koba), Lasha Nizharadze (Lasha Tskhaltubo), Kahu Makalatia (Kakha), KHBDr. Parpeliya (Kakha Gali) and Rovshan Dzhanieva (Rovshan Lyankoransky). The search was discontinued after the last - his lawyers persuaded the carabinieri that he in the activities of groups Jangveladze direct relationship allegedly had.

As the Italians believe that in June 2013 went to jail, not all members of the group. In particular, the management teams of "burglar" took over "the lawyer" Amiran Ebralidze (Amiran Lanchhutsky). As a result, in March 2014 it completed the second phase of the operation "Kura" in Italy when detained Amiran and his group of associates.

After that fill the "burglar" was already Maisuradze. Now he was arrested.