Canadian workers will teach the Russian oligarch about social truth

In Canada, a strike started at the enterprises of the Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich.
While Roman Arkadevich attends secular parties and "travels" around the world on his yacht, the workers of his factory in Canada rebelled. Employees of Evraz Calgary voted to declare a strike, according to the union of workers in the steel industry in Canada. They are not satisfied with the terms of the new labor contract and pension savings.

"This company owned by the Russian and American-run company is very profitable, but their greed knows no boundaries," said the head of the local trade union Stephen Hunt. A strike at the Canadian plant of Evraz may lead to a breakdown of a major contract for the supply of pipes in the United States. And Roman Arkadevich can not help it. In Canada, trade unions are strong and can even influence the support or rejection of bills. Also protects the Canadians state.

Experts say that Abarmovich will have to make concessions, otherwise his losses will amount to hundreds of millions of dollars. Expert, head of the law firm HEADS Consulting Nikita Kulikov believes that it is better for the parties to find a common language. According to him, the trade union movement in Canada and the USA is very developed, therefore such situations occur regularly there. At the same time, the "nationality" of the company does not matter.

But what happens to employees of factories in Russia? For example, in June 2016, six thousand employees of Evraz Abramovich started an "Italian strike" (deliberately delaying the production process). The workers were not indifferent to the fact that Evraz violated the collective agreement. The director of the plant issued Order No. 11 of January 15 on reducing the wage fund by 15%. "And this is a direct violation of the collective agreement," said one of the leaders of the trade union.

Sometimes Evraz acts in an amazing way. For example, the company sold the mines of Khakassia and the Mundybash concentrator together with the workers, if I may say so. The mines stopped making profits and, in order not to pay wages and not run into a protest, the managers decided to just sell the assets of the specially created for this office "Ore of Khakassia"! Journalists then wrote that "in fact, Abramovich simply threw workers out onto the street, gradually creating the ground for a social riot." Only now he made smarter, selling the assets of a specially created company for this, taking off responsibility! People started a hunger strike, but the asset is now owned by the dummy office. Roman Arkadevich, apparently, it does not care ...

"Hear, to work!"

While Russian workers are starving unsuccessfully and the Canadian workers are trying to get a decent salary with the help of strong trade unions, Roman Arkadevich is engaged in more important matters. For example, he bought two posh Boeing 737s and Boeing 767s and several yachts that are considered to be some of the largest and most expensive in the world. For example, Ecstasy, Project 790, Eclipse, which takes 2nd place in the list of the longest motor yachts in the world, and the 115-meter Luna is the largest expeditionary yacht.

At the end of 2014, Abramovich spent $ 70 million to buy three townhouses in New York on East 75th Street to unite them into one five-story mansion. About cars we mention in passing, Abramovich owns Bugatti Veyron, Maserati MC12 Corsa, Ferrari 360 and modified Porsche Carrera GT and at least a dozen cars worth $ 1-2 million. Well, you sell one car and give the workers a decent life ... and even sell nothing to the figurant of the Forbes list. But Abramovich simply does not want to do this ...

To receive reports on strikes, they say, Abramovich loves at his Fyning Hill estate in West Sussex, where it is calm and peaceful, you can wait until the workers have finished their hunger strike or come up with a scheme how to get rid of the "annoying asset".

But I must say that, to put it mildly, Abramovich's questionable attitude is not only to workers, but to partners. Roman Arkadevich spoiled his mood, when the English courts in 2005 launched an investigation into the oligarchs that caused the questions. So, in the Royal Court of London Abramovich and his company Millhouse Capital (it controls all the assets of the oligarch), a suit was brought against the energy company Yugraneft, controlled by Shalva Chigirinsky, for $ 2.5 billion.

The oligarch was accused of having deprived Yugraneft of a 50 percent stake in the Siberian oil field. In the same year, already French structures began an investigation into the "Berezovsky case." French police questioned the purity of Abramovich's transactions for the acquisition of the Chateau de la Croix mansion in Antibes. According to one of the versions, which leads the most authoritative newspaper of the country "Figaro", the house was bought using suspicious schemes and fictitious firms. Still alive, Boris Berezovsky filed a lawsuit against Abramovich, demanding the return of a debt of 5 billion pounds sterling. These money, according to the lawsuit of Boris Abramovich, were to be given to him for the sale of Sibneft, Rusal and ORT, which, he considered Berezovsky, "he was forced to sell at a low price."

Not sat down

By the way, in Russia, Roman Arkadievich also had problems with the law. In the distant 1992, in relation to Abramovich, the investigative department of the Moscow Main Department of the Interior instituted a criminal case on stealing diesel fuel from the Ukhta refinery in an especially large amount for the amount of almost 4 million rubles. The investigation found that "R. Abramovich entered into a criminal conspiracy with unidentified persons in Ukhta Komi, the Autonomous SSR and the Kaliningrad Region, to accomplish state property on a particularly large scale (diesel fuel from Ukhta refinery)," the APN resource reported. But it did not lead to anything ...

So why does Mr. Abramovich treat the workers this way? In Canada, to formalize to a dummy office, debt assets simply will not give him power. Trade unions will not allow to humiliate workers. But in Russia? In Russia everything is seized from Roman Arkadievich. Can an oligarch behave towards people normally without trade unions? It looks like no. Why? Because he, according to the transcript, considers the people cattle.