Budget money went along dangerous roads

In St. Petersburg, the auditors found irregularities in the transport construction in the amount of 14 billion rubles.
Control and Audit Office (PCB) of St. Petersburg has found violations at 14 billion rubles., Committed by the leadership of the city in the financing of transport infrastructure in 2011-2013. Contrary to the requirements of especially dangerous objects, subway and roads in St. Petersburg built, repaired and commissioning without concerted Glavgosexpertiza projects and regulatory approval. PCB damage the city budget is estimated at 7.35 billion rubles.

At the disposal of "b" was a copy of the PCB act on the audit committee for the development of transport infrastructure (CTID) Smolny and its subordinate bodies for 2011-2013. In 2013, the PSC has documented violations at 9.98 billion rubles., Which is 2.7 times more than in 2012 (3.7 billion rubles.), And 27 times more than in 2011 (371 million rubles. ). Half the volume of violations - 7350000000 rub.- IRT believes damages caused to the treasury. Installed and "unwillingness to Smolny to the implementation of the federal target program" Development of Transport System of Russia (2010-2015) "," in connection with "undeveloped" dedicated St. Petersburg 5.3 billion rubles.

Money dungeonrd

The most scandalous in the background of the recent disaster in the Moscow metro look act is evidence that in the course of construction and reconstruction of especially dangerous objects metro in St. Petersburg "systematically violates the requirements of legislation and special building regulations". Of the 26.9 billion rubles allocated for three years. "Wrongful payment for work (in fact outstanding, or at a higher estimated cost) and inefficient expenses" amounted to 3.8 billion rubles., In addition to the budget were not charged the penalty of not less than 1.4 billion rubles.

Contracts concluded in the subway without a concerted state examination of projects and assess the validity of the estimated cost of the works, and the lines and stations were built and commissioning without the necessary permits and "adequate supervision". It is carried out on behalf of the Smolny GUP "Saint Petersburg Metro", which, in the opinion of the CSR, the customer functions were transferred and paid from the budget illegally.

"Improper payment for work carried out unlawfully and illegally" (for 1.5 years before the conclusion of the contract and without building permitment), in the amount of 3 billion rubles. It has been made in the area Frunze radius 2. According to documents tunnels up to 580 m were completed in 2.5 weeks, but during that time you could walk no more than 142 meters. "In 2014, continuing the practice of illegal and premature commencement of work of" Metrostroy "until the conclusion of the state contract," said the act. Without a building permit contractors were even mining operations - including the construction of electrodepot "Southern." Improper payments totaled 297 million rubles., With two thirds of this amount was spent on the creation of "Ultra-comfortable conditions" of the subway employees (health center with swimming pool and so on. D.). "Such expenditures for St. Petersburg wasteful", the employer must pay for them from their own funds, according to the PCB.

The cause of violations committed by the PCB calls that agents in the subway mastered interdependent affiliated legal entities: work at all sites were of "Metrostroy" and its structure, and customers were shareholders of the contractor - the city administration (21%) and the State Unitary Enterprise "St. PetersburgENGLISH Metro "(25% stake). The auditors found that the time of uncontested bidding works" in fact already were sometimes more than a year ", indicating that" on the formality of competitive procedures "and" unjustified enrichment of the contractor. "

PCB Act was sent to the city administration and the committee for the development of transport infrastructure. Supervising CTID vice governor Marat Hovhannisyan yesterday was on a business trip and was unavailable for comment, said his press office. Chapter CTID jurisdiction of the Directorate of Transport Construction (TPA) Viktor Sulima told "Kommersant" that "the Committee sent objections to the act of" giving up their comment "pending CSR." Familiar with the answer CTID source "Kommersant" noted that "they mostly do not deny the breach and the need to explain their past practice." The head of the State Unitary Enterprise "Saint Petersburg Metro" Vladimir Garyugin confirmed that objections to the results of the audit are presented to the PCB, but refused to comment on the essence of the disagreement. Chief Engineer "Metrostroi" Alexei Starkov said,that is on vacation, and comment on the results of verification refused, citing the fact that it was carried out last year, and "recent events" were unknown to him.

Money off-road

Numerous "gross breaches of the law" allowed and in road construction. In 2013, only 48% of funds allocated for the repair of roads (1 bln.) Were spent in St. Petersburg, two times less than in 2011 (2.2 billion rubles.) And 2012 meters (1.8 billion rubles. ). The number of objects included in the targeted programs, decreased annually if six of the seven funded facilities have been renovated in 2011, then in 2013 - only two of the eight. The roads that were repaired in 2014, from the address of the program were excluded. Contract Awards Damages reached RUB 686.7 million. Thus, for example, after the payment of 28% of the work on the failure to comply with and terminated at the end of his contract, the unpaid part was accounted for as "savings". Overdue contracts for designing Smolny paid 90% no claim and terminates after receiving a negative opinion state examination, and hthe re-ordered the same work. Repair of bridges and tunnels made in 2013 by 8.6%, in 2012 - by 48.3%, in 2011 - by 94.1%.

In road construction damage to the St. Petersburg budget amounted to 5.5 billion rubles, in 2011 -. 119 million rubles, in 2012 -. 2, 4 billion rubles, in 2013 -. 3 billion rubles. Of these, 4.8 billion rubles. It was lost due to the extension without penalty completion deadlines. Only one of the contracts with "ON" Revival "" for the construction of interchanges Pirogovskaya waterfront power on PCB calculations, nor seek a penalty of 3.3 billion rubles. About 1 billion rubles., Including at the same site, was paid without documents about its commissioning. And in order and. about. Governor Igor Divinsky company "Pylon" has received 739 million rubles. advance the reconstruction of the Palace Bridge in the amount of 63.5% of the contract value, instead of the allowed 30%. According to the PSC published for the 2013 report CTID not commissioned a single scheduled object.

PCB Act was sent to the city administration and the committee for the development of transport infrastructure, confirmed "Kommersant" supervising audit inspectionp PCB Yury Illarionov. According to him, the PCB is now processing received from CTID comments, after which the final report will be sent to the Governor, the Legislative Assembly and the public prosecutor's office. Source: "b" in the PCB said that "opposition is unlikely to affect the total amount of detected violations."

"Urban quality of subway construction in St. Petersburg is getting worse, but the revealed violations caused not only by the corruption component, but systemic problems, - said the expert committee on Urban Affairs in St. Petersburg parliament and the public council at CTID Alexander Karpov.- When Valentina Matvienko development metro significantly lagged behind the housing public and business construction. and when the administration of George Poltavchenko in 2012, tried to speed up the pace, doubling the cost of designing the underground, coordination of projects prevented outstanding issues land acquisition under construction. due to the fact that projects are developed in "catch-up" mode, their approval and coordination with the state examination was delayed, putting plans to build obektov jeopardy and threatened not only traffic problems but also idle equipment and job cuts. The union "Metrostroi" warned the deputies that "staff will remain out of work, and the city - without the subway." Therefore, the deputies did not try to suppress the efforts of the administration and builders to accelerate the pace of construction outside the legal field. But this approach, of course, creates risks for participants in the construction, as well as for passengers. To change this situation, an urgent need to develop a regulatory framework at the federal and municipal level. But, for example, "Metrostroy" as the monopoly of the market, this is not interested, because without a clear legal framework is not possible to hold open competitions. "