BIN Group turned out to be one of the largest landowners in Russia

Its owners control Rosagro with at least 400 000 hectares.
"Bean" Group Shishkhanov Mikail Gutseriev family and also owning Binbank (15th place among Russian banks, according to "Interfax-CEA"), is also the owner of one of the largest land banks in Russia. This group - the beneficiary of the "Rosagro", told "Vedomosti" official of one of the regions where "Rosagro" large land bank, a former federal official, two consultants and a former contractor "Rosagro".

About "Rosagro" spoke at the end of 2014, when the company signed with the Government of the Penza region a protocol of intent on the construction of cattle-breeding complex, capable of producing up to 30 000 tons of milk per year. Investment in the project -. 2.95 billion rubles, told "Vedomosti" manager "Rosagro" Demolished Abalakov. "Rosagro" is not in the ranking of dairy companies, compiled by combining Soyuzmoloko. But this does not prevent the group call itself one of the leading producers of agricultural products in Russia under its management - 400 000 ha in the Saratov, Penza, Voronezh and Orel regions and the Stavropol region, said the site "Rosagro";. Managing partner of consulting company BEFL Vladislav Novoselov evaluates land "Rosagro" Bank 400 000-500 000 hectares, close to the "Rosagro" People says it "just over 400 000 hectares."
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Total available in "Rosagro" about 600 000 ha, said the former federal official: Only in the Penza region agricultural holding owned 300,000 hectares, of which 200 000 is processed (this is confirmed by the data on the group's website). What part of the 600 000 ha in the property, and which is rented, he does not know.

In any case, "Bin" as the owner of "Rosagro", is among the five largest in the Russian agricultural land owners. The leaders of last year's rankings were BEFL "Prodimex" (570 000 ha), "Ivolga-Holding" (550 000 ha, a part of his land acquired "Prodimex") and "Ak Bars" (495 000 ha).

Collect "Rosagro" assets took 3-4 years ago, she says it is close to people. The company began with the purchase of land in Penza region - its market price varied between 17 000-20 000 rub. per 1 hectare,naet official of the regional government. Increasing its land bank it now, says former federal official.

For example, in 2014 Trigon Agri ( «Daughter," the Finnish investment bank Trigon Capital) sold 36,000 hectares to an unnamed buyer; Abalakov later reported that the buyer was "Rosagro". Part of the group of areas - land unit investment fund "Finam - Capital investments" under the control of "Finam Management Company Bean groups"; they shall Agroholdings rent, say, two consultants. According to the calculations of "Vedomosti", it is a little less than 170,000 hectares, the majority (143,832 hectares) - Penza region.

According to the calculations "SovEkon" in Russia on average 1 hectare of farmland in 2015 was worth 34,900 rubles. If so, 400 000-600 000 ha can be estimated at 13,9-20,9 billion rubles.

The "Rosagro" enough money for everything - for fertilizers, and equipment, the official says the Penza government. The site "Rosagro" states that the disposal of the group has more than 1,500 units of modern agricultural machinery and it uses the most modern methods of cultivation.

driving Revenuecompany (CC) "Rosagro" from 2011 to 2014 rose from 545 000 to 94 million rubles, net profit -.. from 98 000 to 2.75 million rubles, from the data "SPARK-Interfax". Now the company develops itself without requiring injections from owners, divided close to the "Rosagro" people.

According to the register, 100% MC "Rosagro" belongs Iman Aliyeva, whose name is mentioned in the "SPARK-Interfax" solely in connection with this company. Part of the "Rosagro" framed assets for individuals, and some - in the "Three-D Bank", said the source "Vedomosti" close to the group. But the final beneficiaries - the shareholders of the "Bean" and their relatives, said close to "Rosagro" people.

CEO of the UK "Rosagro" "SPARK-Interfax" calls Olga Shipov; within a month, "Vedomosti" several times unsuccessfully tried to contact her by phone, sent yesterday to a written request to the employee "Rosagro" promised to answer on Monday.

"Rosagro" grows wheat, sunflower, triticale (hybrid of wheat and rye), false flax, rapeseed, corn, barley, peas, and soybeans, govoritsya on its website. In addition, "Rosagro" owns silos, granaries and vegetable store total capacity of 200 000 tonnes, buckwheat processing plant, ready for input elevator and feed mill. If we assume that the agricultural holding handles almost all of their land (600 000 ha), it could produce about 1 million tons of grains and oilseeds, are assessing the director of "SovEkon" Andrey Sizov.

Development "Rosagro" help group "bin", believes an employee of another bank, loans to enterprises of the agricultural sector. Earth acquired at the expense of its main owners, said a person close to the agro-holdings. In 2014, when "Rosagro" announces the beginning of a dairy project in Penza, Abalakov called Binbank a financial partner, and the other - "Three-D Bank". The latter, in particular, was involved Binbank in 2014 as a mediator for talks with Ukrainian Privatbank on the reorganization of its Russian "daughter" - Moskomprivatbank, told "Vedomosti" a person close to the shareholders of BIN.

The representative of the "Bean" group denies that she or Binban"Rosagro" are to the beneficiaries. "" Bean "group has never been represented in the agricultural sector, and the development plans of this business line we have" - ​​he says.