Billions of Alexander Zabarsky are looking for in Liechtenstein

FSB and Rosfinmonitoring included in the scheme Zabarsky. Funds under multi-billion state contracts of Tyumenstalmost could flow abroad.
In the Tyumen region, the FSB, the Interior Ministry and Rosfinmonitoring are connected to the proceedings around structures connected with infamous businessmen Alexander Zabarsky and Sergey Polevikov. Entrepreneurs who have become participants in major financial conflicts in a number of subjects of the Russian Federation, ranging from the Far East, regions of the Urals Federal District and ending with St. Petersburg, are currently actively involved in the list of lawsuits, and asset managers make large claims to them. Thus, within the framework of the bankruptcy of Tyumenstalmost, a statement was filed about bringing Alexander Zabarsky to subsidiary liability of several billion rubles. In addition, the court requested the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Tyumen region to provide data on procedural checks against him, and Rosfinmonitoring to collect and examine information on transactions that may be related to legalization and laundering of proceeds from crime or the financing of terrorism. At the same time, foreign companies and citizens are likely to appear in the proceedings, probably related to Zabarsky, whose holding company has mastered billions of budget funds.

The interregional department of the Federal Financial Monitoring Service for the Ural Federal District will study the deals of a group of companies connected with the notorious businessman Alexander Zabarsky. The entrepreneur is considered one of the beneficiaries of such large assets as the joint venture Fonika (YNAD), Mostostroy-12 (Tyumen) and Tyumenstalmost Tyumen Komsomol.

Thus, the Department of Rosfinmonitoring, which is also called financial intelligence, has already been brought in as a third party on the application of Tyumenstalmost, the bankruptcy trustee, on bringing Alexander Zabarsky to subsidiary liability in the amount of 3.79 billion rubles.

As the arbitration manager Elena Rybasova explained to Pravda UrFD, the amount of claims is formed from a whole list of transactions, including termination of participation in other assets, guarantees, transactions with promissory notes.

For example, Tyumenstalmost’s withdrawal from the participants of TS Most LLC and the payment to the enterprise of a market price of 2.8 million rubles, and its value in 2016 - 234.3 thousand rubles were referred to similar transactions by the anti-crisis manager. . In the opinion of the bankruptcy trustee, the guarantees of the Tyumen plant for the insolvency signs of JV Fonika and Mostostroy-12 led to losses of 1.56 billion. In addition, in the amount of claims to Zabarsky lay down bills of LLC “ArktikStroyMost”, which were not transferred to the arbitrator. The amount of loss in this case was estimated at 1.27 billion. Recall, earlier Pravda UrFD already reported in detail about suspicious transactions with securities, in which both ArktikStroyMost and Mostostroy-12 were involved, known for the construction of a bridge over Nadym River, erected in the framework of the Northern Latitudinal Railway. Another nearly one billion losses were caused by the reversal of the scope of work performed by Tyumenstalmost for UKMC UK LLC (Moscow), the taking of debts for Mostostroy-12 and the non-presentation of the capital company for payment of works.

At the same time, Elena Rybasova stressed that challenging the transactions concluded by Zabarsky is continuing, and it is possible that this list will be added.

At the current moment, the court suggested that Rosfinmonitoring collect and analyze information on the Tyumen enterprise for signs of operations related to the legalization (laundering) of criminally obtained income or the financing of terrorism.

Tyumenstalmost took part in the construction of a number of facilities, the financing of which was ultimately carried out at the expense of the federal and regional budgets. The complex system of entangled financial schemes created around the financing of these objects suggests to the court that there may have been an illegal withdrawal and legalization of budget funds. It is for this reason that the Arbitration Court of the Tyumen Region attracted the Interregional Office of the Federal Service for Financial Monitoring to the participation in the bankruptcy case of Tyumenstalmost, ”the administrator said.

We add that within the framework of the same statement, the court invited the Border Department of the FSB of Russia in the Kurgan and Tyumen regions to provide information on the crossing of the Russian border by a foreign citizen - Peter Walser (Principality of Liechtenstein) from 2010 to the present.

“One of the key organizations in the holding of enterprises owned by Zabarsky was JSC Fonika (Phonica Aktiengesellschaft) (Liechtenstein). She often acted as a party and as a guarantor in numerous Russian transactions and international contracts with the participation of a group of companies of a businessman, through which significant holding financial operations were carried out. As the extract from the trade register of the justice department of the Principality of Liechtenstein shows, recently the only member of the board of this organization was Peter Walser, a citizen of Liechtenstein. I suppose it is not uninteresting for the court to establish how in reality this gentleman participated in the financial and economic activity of the holding, and what is its role in this, ”the manager explained the situation.

Recall that Phonica Aktiengesellschaft also appeared in the materials of Pravda UrFD, in particular, when large-scale schemes were reported to reduce budget allocations identified by the FNS FNC and additional charges of JV Fonika to be paid 1.3 billion rubles in taxes.

I decided to arbitrate the Tyumen region to involve Rosfinmonitoring in other trials going on within the framework of the Tyumenstalmost bankruptcy. We are talking about the requirements of LLC Amurstalkonstruktsiya to the Tyumen plant for more than 180 million rubles.
The basis for the claims was the contract, originally concluded between the previously mentioned LLC UKM BSM and Mostostroy-12, for a set of works on the railway infrastructure of the eastern testing ground of JSC Russian Railways: “Construction of an even-numbered bridge over the Zeya river for 7817 km Skovorodino - Belogorsk Trans-Baikal Railway ". The contractual obligations of more than 2.3 billion rubles were transferred between different structures and eventually resulted in the requirements of Amurstalkonstruktsiya to Tyumenstalmost. It is noteworthy that Amurstalkonstruktsiya has already appeared in the bankruptcy affairs of companies associated with Zabarsky. For example, in insolvency proceedings of the joint venture Fonika, the bankruptcy trustee of which achieved the seizure of property of a company from the Amur Region.

As follows from the case file, in 2016 Fonika JV sold the list of vehicles to Mostostroy-12 LLP (Kazakhstan), which in turn sold them to Amurstalkonstruktsiya. Trying to challenge these transactions, the managing director indicated that Sergey Polevikov was the general director of Amurstalkonstruktsiya LLC, and he also was the head of Fonika JV at the time of the alienation and transfer of equipment. The crisis manager also insisted on the affiliation of Mostostroy-12 LLP to Polevikov. We add that Sergey Polevikov was Alexander Zabarsky's business partner and participated with him in the whole list of conflicts.

The department of economic security and anti-corruption of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Tyumen region may also be involved in the proceedings around the responsibility of Zabarsky for the debts of Tyumenstalmost. The police have already been asked to provide the court with copies or original materials of the procedural checks against Alexander Zabarsky, Stanislav Kushnarenko and Sergey Polevikov.

According to the bankruptcy administrator of the Tyumen plant, applications for possible violations at the enterprise have been filed with law enforcement agencies on several occasions.
“Procedural actions were carried out on them, but for the most part criminal proceedings were denied, because the law enforcement authorities considered that these relations and circumstances are in the plane of civil rather than criminal offenses. I do not exclude that new facts that are revealed and the growing interest in the actions of the defendants, in particular, Alexander Zabarsky, in connection with his personal bankruptcy, may force this point of view to be reconsidered, ”the manager agrees.

Earlier, Pravda UrFO also reported on the appeal of the “JV Fonik” bankruptcy trustee Roman Goncharov to law enforcement agencies with a statement about the presence of evidence of crimes stipulated by articles 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Fraud”, 195 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Illegal actions in bankruptcy” and 201 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “ Abuse of authority. "

About the possible fraud associated with the assets of Zabarsky, said Sberbank, previously participated in the proceedings with a businessman. The charges of the bank were voiced in the framework of the conflict around the shopping and entertainment center Monpanse in St. Petersburg.

But the most resonant of the proceedings, at least for the time being, with the participation of Zabarsky and Polevikov is a criminal case against the former head of the Udmurt Republic, Alexander Solovyov. The official was accused of taking bribes totaling 139 million rubles. According to investigators, Solovyov received bribes in the form of money and a share in a commercial organization from representatives of organizations that were building bridges across the Kama and Bui rivers. The concessionaire in the project was RIK LLC, and Mostostroy-12 LLC - the contractor. According to the Kontur.Focus system, until 2016 the first was headed by Sergey Polevikov, and Alexander Zabarsky at meetings in the government of the republic was listed as a representative of both companies. As “Kommersant” reported, Zabarsky, referring to the words of the entrepreneur himself, initially took place in this case as a suspect, but then received the status of a witness.

“The names of entrepreneurs are widely known for conflicts throughout the country. Do not forget about the proceedings around the "Development Corporation" (KR, shareholders - YNAO, Tyumen region, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. - Approx. Ed.), Which are still very far from its completion. So I wouldn’t be surprised if we soon find out about new criminal cases, especially after the security services got involved, ”the publication’s source said.