Bank Ugra desperately suing borrowers

Claims were filed for another 50 billion rubles, the total amount of claims reached 430 billion rubles. According to the DIA, 98% of the loans went to finance the business of Alexei Khotin.
Two years ago, the Ugra bank, which collapsed two years ago, continues to recover money from its borrowers: the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA) filed seven lawsuits against him on October 28 against seven companies totaling about 24 billion rubles, it follows from the file of arbitration cases. In fact, the amount of claims against companies amounts to 50.2 billion rubles, the agency representative said. Among the seven defendants, the Meridian oil production company, engaged in the construction and real estate management of Stroybusinessgrupp, Stroytekhimpuls, Eco-Engservice and Finmarket, the wholesale trading company for sanitary equipment Promo-R and specializing in technical tests and certifications of the “DFS group”. Some defendants did not service loans, others were guarantors of loans, said a representative of the DIA: as security for liabilities, there is real estate and vehicles.

The representative of the DIA did not specify whether these companies are associated with the owner of the bank, Alexei Khotin. From the SPARK data it follows that these companies belong to different individuals. However, earlier the representative of the DIA reported that 98% of all bank loans in the amount of about 240 billion rubles. It was aimed at financing Hotin's business in the field of commercial real estate and oil production.

The collapse of Ugra has become the largest insured event in the recent history of Russia with payment to depositors of over 170 billion rubles. Central Bank Chairman Elvira Nabiullina noted that the owners of Ugra have created a pocket bank to finance their projects. Given the new lawsuits of Ugra and more than 300 already filed, the total amount of bank claims reached 430 billion rubles. (this amount includes the main debt, as well as forfeits, penalties and penalties), said the representative of the DIA. Of this amount, claims on claims for 164 billion rubles and claims for 7 billion rubles have already been satisfied. denied or discontinued.

Almost two years after the withdrawal from Ugra, Khotin’s licenses were arrested: criminal proceedings were instituted against him for the theft of 7.5 billion rubles. from Ugra and placed under house arrest. However, already in September, a second criminal case appeared against Khotin, he was charged another 283 billion rubles. bank funds. Together with Khotin, ex-president of Ugra Aleksey Nefedov and former bank executive Dmitry Shilyaev are involved in two cases. The amount of claims against them exceeded 290 billion rubles. and became a record in criminal cases against bankers. DIA has filed a civil lawsuit against the defendants in this case, wrote RBC.

Hotin’s lender Alfa Bank is also hunting for assets and money: businessman’s structures owed the bank about $ 700 million (44.7 billion rubles). In June, Alfa-Bank won a claim for 17 billion rubles from eight Hotin companies, and two more suits for 23.3 billion rubles. court to consider. The Bank issued loans to Hotin's structures under his personal guarantee.

Alfa-Bank has no requirements for companies to which Ugra filed lawsuits, since they are not its borrowers, the bank representative said, without commenting on the possible difficulties with collecting Khotin’s debts due to Ugra’s claims. In theory, claims against other entities indirectly create difficulties, because Khotin’s personal guarantee was issued for Alfa’s loans, an interlocutor close to the bank said.

Alfa Bank has mortgaged property loans, for example, Agat business center, Cheryomushki shopping center and Cherry Tower under loans from Hotin structures. Recently, the bank managed to recover through the court to the Agat business center owned by the Aggregate and Alfa-invest: the court decided to put the building and the land under it for sale at an initial price of 1.5 billion rubles. This price was agreed by the parties in the loan agreement. In addition to Alfa Bank, Khotin was credited to VTB, Sberbank and Russian Agricultural Bank (RSHB). Representatives of VTB and Sberbank declined to comment. The RSHB did not respond to the request.

The size of potential creditors' claims on Khotin, taking into account his personal guarantees, may become critical, says Nikolai Kolenchuk, partner at FMG Group: if there are signs of insolvency, creditors or the debtor may initiate bankruptcy proceedings. In a particular case, the risks are borne by those creditors who have recently successfully received assets from Khotin through the courts, the lawyer adds, all these transactions can be challenged by the arbitration manager in the event of the bankruptcy of Khotin.