Baltic Shipyard may fail to build icebreaker "Arktika"

It demands 188 million rubles from the contractor, who disrupted deadlines. 
Kirov-Energomash Plant (owned by the Kirov plant) will not be able to supply a steam turbine plant for the Baltic Shipyard (part of the USC) if the court finds his guilt in the failure to deliver equipment, a representative of the Kirov plant said at a meeting on March 30. Court. According to him, this will happen "for financial reasons."

The Baltic factory in court demands to collect from "Kirov-energomash" about 240 million rbl. Penalties for disruption of equipment supplies, of which 188 million rubles. - Fines under the contract for the turbine. The parties signed a contract worth 2.7 billion rubles. In the spring of 2013, the Kirov plant was to transfer the turbine to the customer in May 2015, but has not yet completed the work. "Kirov-energomash" filed a counterclaim: the Baltic plant did not provide generators for testing the turbine plant on time.

 Installation is necessary for the Baltic plant for the head icebreaker project 22220 "Arctic". The customer of the icebreaker construction - FSUE Atomflot (Rosatom structure) - may not receive the equipment, a representative of the Kirov plant said at the court session. He petitioned to bring "Atomflot" to court as a third person. The court accepted the petition, the next meeting is scheduled for May 4.

The Baltic plant, together with the USC and Rosatom, sent an appeal to the government of the Russian Federation in March about the need to postpone the delivery of the icebreaker for a year and a half - until mid-2019. The need to transfer to USC is explained by the failure of deliveries of steam turbine units and other equipment by subcontractors. The Baltic plant was to hand over an icebreaker worth 37 billion rubles. In December 2017

If by April 1, 2016 Kirov-Energomash does not fulfill the contract, the Baltic plant has the right to terminate it and demand the return of advances and penalties according to the additional agreement, a representative of the Baltic plant noted at the court session. Penalties for late delivery of a steam-turbine plant may not exceed 6% of the contract price. If Kirov-Energomash does not deliver the equipment, others will be able to do it, because most of the work is performed not by the plant, but by its subcontractors, says project manager 22220 Sergei Chernogubovsky.

Kirov-Energomash also makes two more sets of steam-turbine plants worth more than 5 billion rubles for the Baltic plant. They are intended for other icebreakers of Project 22220.

The lack of financing for the construction of the turbine unit and the political situation in the letter to Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin was indicated by the general director of the Kirov plant Georgy Semenenko (Vedomosti read a copy of the letter). Tests of the installation were to be carried out in Kharkov in 2014, but this became impossible, so the Kirov plant had to build a test stand worth more than 1 billion rubles. This is the only universal stand for testing under load marine steam turbines up to 75 MW, said a representative of the Kirov plant earlier.

Revenues of "Kirov-Energomash" for 2015 amounted to 844 million rubles, a net loss of 34 million rubles. In 2015, the plant's supplier, Izhora-detail, filed a bankruptcy petition with Kirov-Energomash for a debt of 13.5 million rubles, but then withdrew it. The proceeds of the Kirov plant in 2016: 2.4 billion rubles, net profit: 440 million rubles.