Alisher Usmanov spat on Alexey Navalny

The main fighter against corruption in Russia forced the oligarch to become a video blogger.
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Billionaire Alisher Usmanov, who is in the TOP-5 of the richest people of the country, recorded a special video message addressed to one of the founders of the Anti-Corruption Fund Alexei Navalny. In a twelve-minute video posted in the social network Vkontakte, Usmanov on points responds to charges previously voiced in his address by the opposition investigator. Naturally, in its own way, while placing accents.

So, for example, Alisher Usmanov does not deny that he really spent 6 years of his life in places not so remote - but not for rape (as Navalny said), but
"On a completely fabricated case of the theft of state property, which he did not steal, about bribes that he did not give to anyone." Later, as explained in the video blog Usmanov, he was rehabilitated by the Supreme Court. The billionaire and the accusation of non-payment of taxes called the untruthful ones-by transferring the arrows at the same time to Alexei Navalny himself:

"And you yourself, where do you pay taxes? Usmanov asked the investigator. - And do you pay? But I pay taxes only in Russia. ... This year I declared 2.7 billion rubles of taxes, and for ten years I paid almost half a billion dollars, "Usmanov said, also recalling that he sent about a billion more to charity projects.

Continuing to appeal to his opponent for "you", Alisher Usmanov does not frighten or warn: "You generally chose an unsuccessful object to discredit the appearance of a Russian businessman. Not the case. "

The USM Holdings shareholder posted his video message on the Internet on May 18, not by accident: the Moscow Lublin court begins preparations for the trial on Usmanov's lawsuit against Alexei Navalny about defending honor and dignity. The suit is called a slander by a number of public statements by the founder of FBK: for example, that the transfer of a plot and a house in the village of Znamenskoe (worth 5 billion rubles) to Alisher Usmanov's fund was nothing but a bribe to the Sotsgosproekt Foundation. As stated in the well-known film-investigation, subsequently the real estate got to personal order of the prime minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev. Usmanov, in turn, insists that the deal was purely commercial in nature and represented an equivalent exchange of land.

"12 hectares on Rublyovka on the bank of the Moskva River cost about $ 50 million. The land transferred to me in 4 hectares costs about $ 15-20 million, and the house - another $ 30 million. So the balance is about 50 to 50," explained Usmanov earlier.

"Your attempts to deceive me is the barking of a little dog on an elephant. Ugh, you, Alexey Navalny. " (From the video message of Alisher Usmanov).

In addition, Alisher Usmanov intends in court to obtain a refutation of the allegations that his well-being is based on connections with state structures and underreporting of people who work at his enterprises. He stated this earlier in a number of media interviews. At the same time, the billionaire is seeking from Navalny solely to refute information, which he considers libelous - without putting forward any financial claims to the oppositionist. It is separately emphasized that Alisher Usmanov intends to seek justice precisely in the Russian court: "as it should be between Russian citizens".