Aeroflot shareholders decided not to pay members of the board of directors multi-million bonuses

For the first time in the history of the company, members of Aeroflot's board of directors will not receive a reward of 187.2 million rubles in the long-term motivation program. This decision was blocked by the government.
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Aeroflot shareholders abstained from voting on the payment of remuneration for the year (ended June 30, 2017) under a motivation program for members of the previous Board of Directors. This happened for the first time in the history of the company. The total amount of disapproved payments is 187.2 million rubles, the correspondent of RBC reported from the annual meeting of shareholders.

The main shareholder of Aeroflot is Rosimushchestvo (51.2%), 3.5% owned by the state corporation Rostek, 5.6% owned by natural persons, 0.1% owned by Aeroflot. The rest of the company's shares are in free circulation.

Thus, the head of "Rosteha" Sergei Chemezov will not receive 13.42 million rubles. Without 24.67 million rubles. remain the managing director of Renaissance Capital Igor Kamenskoy and CEO of Arida Vasily Sidorov, 22.81 million rubles. will not pay the head of "AG Ventures" Alexei Germanovich, 21.39 million rubles. - former member of the board, managing partner of the investment company Altera Capital, Kirill Androsov, 19.96 million rubles. - Director of the direction "Young Professionals" of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives Dmitry Peskov, 17.11 million rubles. - President of the United Aircraft Corporation Yuri Slyusar.

Remuneration to the members of the Board of Directors consists of a fixed part, additional payments to it and bonuses under the motivation program. Now they will receive a fixed part in the amount of 77.76 million rubles, yet the shareholders approved an additional payment to the fixed part in the amount of 10.387 million rubles.

A source close to the company told RBC that in addition to the fixed part for 2017-2018, additional payments were approved for June 2016 - June 2017 due to the fact that at the previous annual meeting of shareholders a new regulation was adopted on payments to members of the council in particular, Chemezov was paid 3.6 million rubles).

Earlier, a representative of Aeroflot explained that the fee is tied to the growth of capitalization for the year. And in 2017, the capitalization of the company was at the highest level, the cost of one share in July 2017 rose to 225 rubles. a piece.

"The decision on payments under the option program for June 2016 - June 2017 (RR 187 mln - RBC) was postponed due to the fact that the Federal Property Management Agency, which controls Aeroflot, abstained. On this issue, consultations with the controlling shareholder will continue, "he said. The representative of the company confirmed that this is not the final decision.

According to another source in the financial and economic bloc of the government, it is in the government that they do not agree with the existing system of calculating remuneration and this was its directive, supported by the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Economic Development.

For 12 months of 2017 the group of companies carried 50.1 million passengers, which is 15.4% higher than the result of the previous year. Aeroflot's revenue under RAS for 2017 was 446.65 billion rubles. (+ 4.4%), net profit - 28.4 billion rubles. (+ 21.7%). Within the framework of the annual meeting, the shareholders of Aeroflot supported the recommendation of the board of directors and decided to pay dividends of 50% of the net profit under RAS - 14.2 billion rubles.

Today, Vitaly Saveliev, the general director of the company, said that Aeroflot plans to create a network of hubs in the regions of Russia. By autumn the group should present a new strategy, where, he said, there will be proposals for the creation of regional hubs.