Aeroflot decided to raise the salaries of pilots

The Russian company, which lost the race for flight personnel, is trying to stop their outflow in their own hands.
Against the background of an outflow of flight personnel to work in foreign airlines, Aeroflot decided to increase staff costs. Now these costs are 10% of the company's total expenses. The discussed increase in wages will be higher than inflation. However, the carrier's management recognizes that this amount will still be less than in Asian airlines, where pilots earn 1.5-2 times more than in Russia.

"Aeroflot" can increase the cost of flight personnel to overcome the problem of shortage of personnel, said deputy director of the company for commerce and finance Shamil Kurmashov. According to him, "in the Russian market there is still a shortage of pilots, and companies compete for them." Now the personnel department is analyzing the market and the necessary measures to cover the deficit. The size of the increase in wages "will be exactly more than inflation." At the moment, in the structure of Aeroflot's expenses, the cost of flying personnel is up to 10%.

The fact that Russian airlines are seriously concerned about the leakage of flight personnel to Asia, "Kommersant" reported in early June. Over the past 2.5 years, more than 300 commanders of aircraft and instructors (about 100 of them to China) left for work in this region, and 400 more are in the process of employment. The main reason for the outflow was the high gap in wages against the backdrop of a weak ruble. According to the estimates of the general director of Aeroflot Vitaly Saveliev, "in Asia and China wages are 1.5-2 times higher." At the same time, Aeroflot announced the introduction of lifts in the hiring of pilots - 650 thousand rubles. commander of the aircraft and 350 thousand rubles. to the second pilot.