Razumov Dmitry


Moscow City Court overturned the decision on the absentee arrest of the architect Manana Hernandez-Getashvili


"Offended" married couple Chemezov-Ignatova Georgian-Portuguese architect jumped off the hook of Russian justice. The Moscow City Court found unlawful the postponement of the absentee arrest of Hernandez Getashvili, who is suspected of fraud for several million dollars in the design of the palaces of Russian nouveaux riches.

The offender of Chemezov's family was detained in Spain


Material claims to the architect Hernandez-Getashvili were also brought by the company, for which the head of Onexim, Dmitry Razumov, can stand.

Viktor Vekselberg and his partners acquired 7% of UC Rusal


Perhaps now they will seek to sell the blocking stake in Norilsk Nickel.