Mail.Ru Group Holding


Sberbank has increased its stake in Group


Sberbank has agreed to redeem a stake in MF Technologies from Gazprombank and Rostec, which will give it more than 20% of the voting stake in Group.

Usmanov's entourage: how the billionaire manages people and assets


Who is included in the inner circle of the leader of Russia's Forbes list and why only a few earned his trust?

Durov's theater: why the founder of VKontakte lost the battle for his social network


Pavel Durov' dreams of maintaining control over the company he founded never came true. What part of the blame for this lies on the founder of VKontakte?

The red button of Pavel Durov


On Tuesday, March 18 Group announced the acquisition of 11.99% shares of "VKontakte", officially becoming the owner of 51.99% controlling stake in the major Russian social network.