Danske Bank


Boris Rotenberg vs Finnish bankers


Boris Rotenberg is trying on the strength of the Finnish judicial system, demanding to strike a balance between so respected human rights in Europe and the fear of banks to violate the US sanctions regime. What could be the result of a lawsuit?

Scandinavian banks do not see Boris Rotenberg as their client


The court predictably chose the latter between the demands of a businessman close to the Russian authorities and the interests of the national banking system.

Laundry is locked. How the United States punished Ernest Bernis for Russian investors


Russian money and Baltic banks lost each other. Switzerland or, at worst, Hong Kong from the Baltic states did not work out.

Danske Bank helped Russians withdraw funds through mirror transactions


In 2013, with their help, up to 8.5 billion euros was withdrawn from Russia.

Danske Bank laundered $ 150 billion from Russia and CIS countries


The Estonian branch of the Danish bank worked for many years as a laundering office, and the central office in Copenhagen did not pay attention to it.